20 February 2013, 06:02
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seat chip foam
any one,
my old supplier is no longer there,
any one know of a place i can buy 100mm in one piece ?
20 February 2013, 13:46
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Originally Posted by nugent
any one,
my old supplier is no longer there,
any one know of a place i can buy 100mm in one piece ?
Louis at Quayside And Leisure ?
Chris Stevens
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21 February 2013, 08:03
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I looked at this and know you're up country so didn't bother to answer. Are you going to use chip foam for your boat seats. I've been converted to dry fast foam. It's very light and doesn't hold water. I found when your upholstery gets water logged and rots the stitching
21 February 2013, 09:04
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by biffer
I looked at this and know you're up country so didn't bother to answer. Are you going to use chip foam for your boat seats. I've been converted to dry fast foam. It's very light and doesn't hold water. I found when your upholstery gets water logged and rots the stitching
I was
Will search dry fast foam tho
Cheers ed
21 February 2013, 09:58
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Hey Ed, how you doin?
I'm redoing the seats on Viper, you'll be pleased to hear. If you find any foam give me a shout I'd be interested on an order and getting some too.
I'll give you a shout if I manage to source any too.
21 February 2013, 10:08
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Good boys I'm glad my findings haven't fallen on deaf ears. The matey who got me on it put a lump in a bucket of water. Didn't soak up anything.
21 February 2013, 12:16
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Always happy to learn from peeps who know stuff.
You don't happen to have a tame supplier too do you? Google seems to keep coming up with folks in the States so far although I have only had coffee breaks to spend looking so far.
21 February 2013, 12:22
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Google "dry fast foam uk"
21 February 2013, 15:36
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Good lad. Ta muchly. Save me doing it
21 February 2013, 16:59
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Thanks Wilk
The coffee break skip read missed that nestling between hair care products and tipex!!!!
Now to measure up and see how bad the damage will be.
21 February 2013, 20:16
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Originally Posted by nugent
any one,
my old supplier is no longer there,
any one know of a place i can buy 100mm in one piece ?
I used to pick up any bits of foam I needed from a place near a customer of mine on Court Works Industrial Estate, Bridgnorth Road, Madeley. Not sure of the foam company name but they had a unit full of all types of foam and the guy let me pick through the off-cuts (loads of choice) for a few quid. Not been there for a while but might be worth a look if it's not too far from you.
22 February 2013, 08:55
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I am looking for some for my RIB jocky seat, if you can count me in please.
22 February 2013, 12:50
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Looks like we might need a few takers. Sheets are pretty big and not too cheap
I'm going to measure mine up this weekend and see what size and quantity I need. It seems they don't offer cut to size or shaped on this product yet so we'll have to deal with that aspect too.
22 February 2013, 16:54
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Originally Posted by willk
Probably best not to ask for a cash deal! lol
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
22 February 2013, 20:35
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
Probably best not to ask for a cash deal! lol
He DID seem a little exercised, I thought. Tax is a PITA, damned if you pay it, damned if you don't.
27 February 2013, 14:40
Country: UK - England
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I've now measured up and only need 0.5m of the 10cm but sheet size is 2m x 1.25m. Do we have any other takers for another 1.5m length of a 10cm deep x 1.25m sheet?
(total sheet cost is £472 btw) I would guess at that price probably not?
27 February 2013, 15:48
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Here is also one alternative source, no idea of the quality of this stuff though.
"Dry Fast Reticulated Foam | eBay
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
27 February 2013, 17:58
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Hawke House Ltd ( www.hawkehouse.co.uk ) in Gosport do 3" self draining foam for £16.62 per Sq Ft. according to their price list.
They may do other thicknesses as well.
When I did an upholstery course there they said the only downside of the self draining foam is it may not be as good as protecting you from hard landings as it compresses more, so this might be worth checking if you need the foam to absorb impact. If your set up is such that you tend to stand up in rough conditions it won't be a problem of course!
27 February 2013, 18:03
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Came across some interesting memory foam the other day that they use to line military aircraft with going to see if I can bag a bit
27 February 2013, 19:06
Country: UK - England
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Now we're talking thanks guys, these prices are getting much nicer. I feel an experiment coming on.
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