Originally Posted by GuyC
I think the seating arrangement behind consoles is often designed as a bit of an afterthought and as a result the ergonomics don't work - too big a stretch to the wheel / throttle and a lack of visibility which naturally makes the helm want to stand up.
There is quite a good article from Ullman about console design.
IMO One of the great advantages of buying a new custom built RIB (by a good maker)is having it measured and built around and to your personal ergo's

...Boating needs and driving style....
Choices made like Consul height/position ..seating height placement/throttle/steering position and equipment is a real advantage and pays many dividends!...anything else has to be by definition "Pot luck"....you can often improve a layout on a used boat but a bespoke personal configuration with decisions bourne out of experience! ..is what many decide is well worth paying a premium for.