Well contrary to the 'experts' opinion (and I' being sarcastic here having had a bottle of 1995 port just now) there is no way that you can secure a RIB or a boat unless it is in a secure area i.e. a guarded marina and that is doubtful too.
If you use a pad lock (even SS) it can brake if the thief has a freezing spray. You spray the lock and with a small hummer it can cramble like sand.
The only way to secure your boat (RIB or anything else) is to have it properly insured for theft in any situatiuon marina, mooring, pontoon etc and hope that if you leave it overnight it will nor ber stollen
Now the 'experts' will give me -100000 reputation points but what the heck this is
ONLY A VIRTUAL WORLD and nothing means anything any way