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Old 15 June 2005, 12:57   #21
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by CJL
....Anyway if you boat is stolen the phone companies can work out exactly where you are but this is not available to the public. You would have to rely on the police having the time and inclination to do this.....
I don’t understand the joy of GSM tracking is that you are in control , If you go to the followus website you’ll learn all about it.
Although there is a question about accuracy when used with car tracking, with a rib it is ideal because you do not need the same level of accuracy, if you are within a few hundred meters you will see it, or if it is my boat you will smell it Des
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Old 15 June 2005, 20:16   #22
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Yeah indeed, i have had one of THESE units running on my boat now for 3 months with no problems. it pulls 200 ish mA which is alot, you can run it in sleep mode where it pulls 20mA.
Battery drain is not a issue with me cos the boat sits in a garage with a 350mA trickle charger running 24 hours. Ive threded the trickle charger cable through the engine and trailer as if they cut the wire or pull the plug the unit sees it as a alarm and texts me.

I have made a simple battery backup using a 12v gel cell battery which charges from the boat's battery, shoud the boat battery be dissconnected it switches over to the backup batt which will run the tracker for about 48 hours.
It arms either by a hidden touch key or by sending it a text message.
It also prevents the engine starting or you can cut the ignition by sending it a text message
It has a hidden microphone so you can dial into it and listen to the nasty burglers evil chat or just the missus gossip with her mates!!
also when arming it will set a 250 metre radius virtual geo fence around the boat. If it moves from this zone you know about it via a text.
The GPS is soo sensitive it gets a signal through my gargage roof!
A very recomended investment, but requires a bit of techy know how to get running as there is no nice software interface, you will also need a pc with a serial port to program or it will cost you a fortune in text messages programming through a mobile!
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Old 15 June 2005, 20:26   #23
Simon666's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Burwash, East Sussex
Make: Ribcraft 6.4 Pro
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Engine: Suzuki DF150
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Posts: 245
I also looked at the GSM trackers.
The problem with those is they work using mobile 'cells'
In citys and built up areas there are more cells per square mile so tracking would be more accurate maybe to the nearest couple of hundrud feet
In areas where boats would tend to be ie. the sea! or stolen sitting in a remote lockup the mobile cells would be very large and GSM tracking accurcy would be pretty poor maybe to the nearest few miles radius.
But they do work pretty well.
If your going to do this, dont bother with paying £40 on ebay, just get a old banger of a mobile, stick a pay as you go sim in with a fiver on it, plug in a car charger, connect to boat power and put it in a waterproof bag then hide it in your boat. simple!
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