That's terrible news - I spoke to him a few months ago on the phone and he seemed great. I was going to call down and see him. Now I will never get the opportunity - something I will ALWAYS regret.
Although I never met him personally a few of my mates have and said he was a great guy. He really was a great innovator in the world of RIBs - his Ocean Dynamics boats are the best around for the really rough stuff.
I think Shaun has to be credited with being probably the first to run "ocean rafting" style thrill rides. He really did give the pax a thrill - seen a few of his boats full to the tubes with white water - never a problem though as they had no transoms.
Have a look at some of these serious boats - just as a tribute to the bloke if nothing else!!!
Wonder what happens to the company now - will anyone else carry on with it?