Hi Neil not sure yet. there are some reviews on their website.
I base the purchase on quite a few pros.
1. Overall cost- a ten seat RIB will cost me circa £3000 per suspension seat = £30,000!
2. Each Suspension seat should be adjusted each time for each weight of every passenger- so if they swap seats during the day even more adjustments
3. Every suspension seat I checked out had moving parts, scissor like actions or pistons and it wont be long on a commercial passenger rib before I am sued for an injury, fingers, feet, knees. It will be just a quick slip in waves and someone could be hurt
4. Space is limited/reduced as you add suspension seating
5, Tested we saw a good drop on knocks through the boat, we tried with and without in same conditions by lifting floor and dropping it back down.
6. This method is interchangeable with similar size RIB so I can swap between boats if needed or sold etc.
7. We have found the best method for people is standing over seat pods and using your own knees to take bumps, so on a sus seat standing is waste of seat purchase. Skipper also gets exactly the same feel for the bumps so can judge speed and approach at all times and also remains with the floor to help
Just a personal view having undergone shock mitigation reduction training and then looking at a way forward to ensure I place the right kit on the boat.
I am sure seat manufactures can answer most issues and I like their kit but commercially it is not viable.
We have reviewed this through a RIB safety panel I am involved in and this appears to be the most usable and sensible solution
I will record how it goes soon once I can get feedback from regular customers too