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Old 01 June 2006, 21:48   #1
Country: Norway
Town: Tofte
Make: Tornado 750
Length: 8m +
Engine: 250 Suzuki
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 164
Shortening hull ?

It has been a lot of threads about hull lately. Here is another question.

What happend if you shorten a existing hull. I can get a 8,7 Ring as a 8m.
Tornado is going to make a 7,8m from the 9,5.

Isnt the length a part of the hole design "package" ?

I know how the 9,5 behave, will a 7,8 with a bracket behave the same way ?

I have tested a 9,5 with mercruiser 330 diesel, It is hard to get a lift, and it tend go very "flat". Isnt this the famous Phanthom 28 hull ? Is this boat running on its nose because of the heavy diesel, and would it be all different with a pair of outboards ?


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