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View Poll Results: Should there be a legally enforced alcohol limit for leisure boaters?
Yes. Legislation is the way forward. 33 32.04%
Don't mind. I don't drink and boat so it won't affect me. 11 10.68%
No. Things are fine as they are. 59 57.28%
Voters: 103. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 13 August 2007, 11:29   #21
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
As i said in an earlier post having a license does not make you any less of a fool or danger to anybody else, just look at our roads does having a license stop idiots from drink driving, speeding or any other foolish antic that gets people killed or injured, duur no!!! then get a life, get a grip or get f----d with yur pro control philosophy.

So by your logic if we removed all legislation relating to drinking and driving, speeding or any other foolish incidents there would be no increase in the amount of deaths or accidents that such behaviour causes and from your arguement above can I also assume we should remove the driving licence?
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Old 13 August 2007, 11:45   #22
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You assume too much, removing drink drive laws or a license on the roads was not mentioned by me, but bringing in the same amount of law and legislation to our favorite sport i am 100% against, did you not read my post correctly?
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Old 13 August 2007, 11:51   #23
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
. Don't you know that having fun is at the bottom of their list and creating more reasons for tax and controlling everything is very much their priority, people that try and come up with excuse's and reasons for more and more laws are just pro state control muppets that don't like seeing other people have a good time.
Stand for Government Tim, you got my vote.
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Old 13 August 2007, 11:59   #24
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Tim - I think we are spending too much time at the extremes of the issue here.

As in my post earlier, I was not after licencing of pleasure boat users, but was asking for what could/should be done in a number of scenarios, should something go wrong.

I am quite sure you would be upset if some drunken tosser smashed up your boat, and I would like to know: what would you would expect the consequences be for the responsible party, should that (or the other scenarios happen).
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Old 13 August 2007, 12:02   #25
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Originally Posted by HoveRuss View Post
Stand for Government Tim, you got my vote.
And here begins my political career or more like political prisoner
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Old 13 August 2007, 12:04   #26
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
You assume too much, removing drink drive laws on the roads was not mentioned by me, but bringing in the same amount of law and legislation to our favorite sport i am 100% against, did you not read my post correctly?
I read your post several times and am assuming nothing, by an extension of the logic you're applying then removal of all legislation and licencing is a good thing.
You say you are not justifying getting sloshed and taking the helm and I believe you, by the same token I am not trying to advocate a nanny state. However, I do believe that there should be legislation when it comes to drinking and boating. I have posted on these forums before about people I know who have been so drunk they couldnt stand who then proceed to drive a speed boat capable of 50 knots, but they wouldnt drink and drive!!
If legislation is introduced which prevents the death or injury to just one person I think it would be worth it.
I have access to several pubs along the river,but I am more than able to go out have a great time in the boat and not call at the pub at all, or if I do I am able to control myself and only have one pint or a soft drink. I know others that would save themselves a fortune in marina fees and fuel if they just walked to their local, because ALL they use their boat for is to go to the pub, its stupid and its irresponsible and it puts yourself and others at risk.
If you wouldn't drink and drive why do you feel the need to drink and boat? Simple, because you CAN!
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Old 13 August 2007, 12:05   #27
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
, get a grip or get f----d with yur pro control philosophy.
Bit strong don't you think!

We could set up lynching mobs on our street corners to police the roads ourselves. Say anyone with ginger hair, balding and overweight ( I count for 2 out of 3 of those as it happens ) gets it.

The problem is you can't please all the people all of the time. Whatever law comes out there's someone who's got a view on it. My personal view is that anyone caught by speeding camera has no one else to blame but themselves and there should be a zero tolerance to drinking and driving.

On the boating front I have saved lives over the years when dobbins go to sea without knowing squat all about boats. If there was some basic controls on boats/owners I would vote for it. How it would be implemented I don't know but I'm sure some one's going to have a view.

If you feel passionate about it, as opposed to sounding off for the sake of it, do something about it.

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Old 13 August 2007, 12:08   #28
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Originally Posted by thorper View Post
Tim - I think we are spending too much time at the extremes of the issue here.

As in my post earlier, I was not after licencing of pleasure boat users, but was asking for what could/should be done in a number of scenarios, should something go wrong.

I am quite sure you would be upset if some drunken tosser smashed up your boat, and I would like to know: what would you would expect the consequences be for the responsible party, should that (or the other scenarios happen).
totally i agree, and i don't want to turn this thread into a handbag throwing contest, but people that stand up for more legislation etc etc yank my chain. we should be standing up for more freedom not backing the Nanni state and making excuses for more ridiculous legislation.
Don't be afraid to Think outside of the box.
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Old 13 August 2007, 12:17   #29
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Originally Posted by thorper View Post
I think we are spending too much time at the extremes of the issue here.
I would have thought that the injuries sustained by the three people in Cowes which this thread is actually referring to could be considered extreme.
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Old 13 August 2007, 12:19   #30
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Originally Posted by Rupert Bonham-Smith View Post
Diabetes will be one of the biggest problems for the emerging youth of today. So what would we rather have kids pursueing 'the dangerous book for boys' style activities or a bunch of Fat Lard Asses getting kicks from the colouring in a chicken tandori and injecting insulin for their rest of their lives whilst on the playstation!
With all due respect the words uneducated twat spring to mind.

I think you will find one of the biggest problems with the "youth of today" is drink followed by drugs and not early on set diabetes

Having lived with diabetes since the age of 14 your comments are bordering offensive.
Having diabetes should not make you a couch spud or mean that you are any less of a human than any other person, as your post would indicate.
I can do most things in life that you or any others may choose.
Most diabetics I know are the same.

The only two things it has ever stopped me doing is joining the police force and learning to fly.
Both of which I could now do if I so choose.

Injecting insulin 4 times a day does not mean I can't live life to the full.
Those that know me know I do!

I would request you put you brain into gear before you put your fingers into motion that way you are unlikely to offend people in the way you have and do.

Am now climbing down off of my soap box.
Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 13 August 2007, 12:19   #31
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Fair comment mugshot, i would never get sloshed and take the helm myself and right we want are waterways to be as safe as possible but when law and legislation is concerned a little needs a lump if yu get what i am saying and thats what concerns me.
Don't be afraid to Think outside of the box.
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Old 13 August 2007, 12:51   #32
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
totally i agree, and i don't want to turn this thread into a handbag throwing contest, but people that stand up for more legislation etc etc yank my chain. we should be standing up for more freedom not backing the Nanni state and making excuses for more ridiculous legislation.
Great - so given the scenarios I outlined, I am interested to know what your non nanny state approach would be?
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Old 13 August 2007, 12:59   #33
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
totally and making excuses for more ridiculous legislation.
So, legislation that could restrict idiots from driving fast craft while pissed is: "ridiculous". very good!

I hate the nanni state more than most, but you're just talking rubbish when it comes to this particular subject. I hope you, or any of your family never fall victim of this sort of thing....It 'may' just change your mind.
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Old 13 August 2007, 13:13   #34
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I find it hard to comprehend why anyone who is into boating would want any form of legislation upon us.

The incident that this thread starteed on occured during Cowes Week, the guilty party were clearly incompetent. Planning to take a boat out from Cowes to Mainland at night with no nav lights, lifejackets etc demonstrates that.

In this case they have not harmed anyone else only themselves.

So in summary "If it aint broke dont fix it".
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Old 13 August 2007, 13:23   #35
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce View Post
The incident that this thread starteed on occured during Cowes Week, the guilty party were clearly incompetent. Planning to take a boat out from Cowes to Mainland at night with no nav lights, lifejackets etc demonstrates that.

In this case they have not harmed anyone else only themselves.

So in summary "If it aint broke dont fix it".

If I took a gun, and fired randomly into a crowd, but failed to hit anyone, would that mean it's ok, and stopping people firing guns into crowds was an unnesasary piece of ridiculous legislation coz it 'quite clearly isn't dangerous, as I tried & got away with it'....no.

Best thing is, you carry on just as you please.

I'm 'staggered' that an rya trainer thinks it's ok to drink drive a boat.
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Old 13 August 2007, 14:51   #36
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce View Post

In this case they have not harmed anyone else only themselves.

So in summary "If it aint broke dont fix it".
Yes that is all well and good but all of them are brothers, sons, daughters, better halves etc of someone else.

It is not just them that are hurt in this.

I am not one for laws for the sake of it but there seems to be a very strong case for some changes here.

Also a huge amount of this goes unreported so the real facts are never seen.

You don't need to drink to have a good time on the water and if you do my guess is you aint doing it right
Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 13 August 2007, 15:08   #37
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks View Post
With all due respect the words uneducated twat spring to mind.

I think you will find one of the biggest problems with the "youth of today" is drink followed by drugs and not early on set diabetes

Having lived with diabetes since the age of 14 your comments are bordering offensive.
Having diabetes should not make you a couch spud or mean that you are any less of a human than any other person, as your post would indicate.
I can do most things in life that you or any others may choose.
Most diabetics I know are the same.

The only two things it has ever stopped me doing is joining the police force and learning to fly.
Both of which I could now do if I so choose.

Injecting insulin 4 times a day does not mean I can't live life to the full.
Those that know me know I do!

I would request you put you brain into gear before you put your fingers into motion that way you are unlikely to offend people in the way you have and do.

Am now climbing down off of my soap box.
Hi I am not being offensive just pointing out that childhood obesity is said to reach epidemic levels soon. I am also referring to type two diabetes which is now seen more often in children. Not to be confused with juvenile diabetes and meaning no offense to people with this disorder.

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Old 13 August 2007, 15:08   #38
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Originally Posted by Jonny Fuller View Post
If I took a gun, and fired randomly into a crowd, but failed to hit anyone, would that mean it's ok, and stopping people firing guns into crowds was an unnesasary piece of ridiculous legislation coz it 'quite clearly isn't dangerous, as I tried & got away with it'....no.

Best thing is, you carry on just as you please.

I'm 'staggered' that an rya trainer thinks it's ok to drink drive a boat.
I think if you read my posts you will find I have never advocated drink driving however, you have also rather dramatically miss quoted me, I never said "quite clearly is not dangerous"

Your example of firing a gun into a crowd is a strange argument against my post but as you suggest carry on as you please.
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Old 13 August 2007, 15:14   #39
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks View Post
but all of them are brothers, sons, daughters, better halves etc of someone else.

It is not just them that are hurt in this.

You are of course correct, but do we not all have a right to make our own decisions and if we make the wrong decision to pay the consequences.

As an instructor I teach my students all sorts of things, here are a few

Wear a kill chord
Wear a life jacket
Carry safety equipment
Do a SRC course
Dont drink and drive
get a forecast b4 going afloat

All of things are importatnt and can save lives, they all form good practice which you and many other powerboaters follow, however why pick on the alcohol debate, why not pass hundreds of acts telling us exactly how to enjoy ourselves.
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Old 13 August 2007, 15:23   #40
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce View Post
As an instructor I teach my students all sorts of things, here are a few

Wear a kill chord
Wear a life jacket
Carry safety equipment
Do a SRC course
Dont drink and drive
get a forecast b4 going afloat

All of things are importatnt and can save lives, they all form good practice which you and many other powerboaters follow, however why pick on the alcohol debate, why not pass hundreds of acts telling us exactly how to enjoy ourselves.
Because pretty much every other detail you list, if ignored, will in most cases only affect the twat that chooses to ignore your advice. Except maybe the danger the rescue services put them selves to rescue them when it goes wrong. With maybe the only exception being the kill cord.

Bottoms up.
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