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Old 15 August 2004, 19:23   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Woking
Make: Yam 550
Length: 5.5m
Engine: Yamaha 115 four stroke
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 13
Ski pole

Hi there, I have a question that someone must be able to help me with.

I have been ski-ing, wake-boarding, etc. behind my RIB using a yoke for ages and I am now desperate to fit a ski-pole.

All I seem to find on the web are the large frames that they fit to master craft and other "all glass" boats.

Whilst I think these look good (sometimes), I can neither justify the cost, nor the loss of my precious deck space.

All I want is a traditional ski-pole.

Can anyone help?

p.s. Anyone here a member of Langstone Harbour Ski-Club ... joined this year and would like to make contact ?

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Old 15 August 2004, 21:14   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Ipswich
Boat name: Obsession
Length: 6m +
Engine: SUZUKI 70
MMSI: 235024496
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 390
I had a ski pole on my rib,had a couple of brackets made and a pole at a local engineers,it only took a couple of minutes to put on and take off.I have rear lockers on my rib so I had room, it was out of the way of the outboard.the only drawback i found was when somebody was wakeboarding and you cornered hard,e.g if you cornered hard to port with skier going outside of you on your starboard side it would try and to make the rib lean to starboard when it really wanted to lean to the port side.the height of the pole was a foot above my outboard. I hope you understand what i am trying to explain.If you require some photo's let me know and i will send you some.I have just refitted my rib and left the pole rib has a really deep v hull so this may have been the myself a ski-boat for skiing now,and use the rib for cruising and more serious boating.
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