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Old 21 July 2016, 21:56   #1
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A mate of mine is a skipper for a rib and 60' power yacht. Got me thinking, what would I have to do to make this an option.

Not really looking to make a career out of it, till semi retirement in decades time, but can't get my head around the advanced, instructors, commercially endorsed levels etc. I only have pb2 to my name
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Old 21 July 2016, 22:29   #2
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Originally Posted by gtflash View Post
A mate of mine is a skipper for a rib and 60' power yacht. Got me thinking, what would I have to do to make this an option.

Not really looking to make a career out of it, till semi retirement in decades time, but can't get my head around the advanced, instructors, commercially endorsed levels etc. I only have pb2 to my name
Depends what you want to skipper and who for!

Commercial Skippers need to do the RYA "Professional Responsibilities" course/exam (that name is not quite right but you'll find it). The rules should become clearer on that.

Then your PB2 can be commercially endorsed (need medical, vhf, first aid etc, but no new test of your boat handling). It needs renewing (5yrs?) so don't do it too soon if you don't plan to use it.

A commercial PB2 is pretty restricted on which boats he can helm though. It might be enough in the Solent? You'll find your options limited though if that is all you have.

Advanced Powerboat is the only other "small" powerboat course that you get commercially endorsed. The training and exam have changed somewhat over the last few years and probably best explained by the course provider, but the training part and exam are now separate, and the commercial endorsement follows after (with medical etc too). So three parts to complete to get that.

Another route (particularly if you are thinking "big" boats) is Yachtmaster Power which can be commercially endorsed too.

To become a Powerboat Instructor you don't need to be commercially endorsed. You can become an "RYA PB2" instructor without doing the advanced powerboat course yourself (although it might be wise to). I'd be surprised if many people are making money just as PB2 Instructors unless they set up a "school" just for that. You are competing against instructors with other experience like sailing, windsurfing, vhf, first aid.

The next stage beyond that is Advanced Powerboat Instructor but then you are running before you can walk.
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Old 22 July 2016, 06:28   #3
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To skipper anything over 10m you need to be looking at Yachtmaster with a commercial endorsement. Advanced powerboat can be commercially endorsed but is more limited as to how far you can go and the size of boat you can skipper. If you are thinking ribs or motor boats up to about 40ft up to 20miles offshore then it would generally work fine up to but if you want to further or bigger then most people would want you to have a Yachtmaster certificate.

Making money out of being an instructor really depends where you are based. I've trained number of PB instructors in the last few years who are making a decent living out of working as a powerboat instructor. You just have to be aware that it's very seasonal. Summers are very busy and winter can be completely the opposite.

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Old 22 July 2016, 07:57   #4
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Originally Posted by hamster View Post
To skipper anything over 10m
? Where do get the 10m restriction from. The only size restriction I know of MGN280 is 24m ?
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Old 22 July 2016, 10:57   #5
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Yes on paper advanced allows you to go upto 24m but most commercial operators are now looking for yacht masters for boats over about 10m simply because for the size and value of the boat they are trusting you with they prefer you to be qualified and trained on bigger boats. Some companies are now looking for people with master 200 to drive their bigger commercial boats as they don't think Yachtmaster is good enough for the value of the boat they are trusting people with. I can kind of see their logic if you look at some of the boats being used in the wind farm sector etc or the large luxury yachts that yes you could technically drive with advanced powerboat having done your training on a 6m rib.

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Old 22 July 2016, 12:51   #6
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have also know master200 guys who cant drive a small planning boat for anytying - totoally dangerous really,
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Old 23 July 2016, 07:29   #7
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Sorry guys. It's still not sinking in. The new baby sleepless nights must be making me blonder. I keep looking at the numerous courses on offer in trade section and I am totally confused. I am tempted by some just for knowledge and personal gain, however they all seem to be similar money with different titles

So to be a pb instructor, you can complete pb instructor course? No need to do advanced, however the courses on offer in trade ribnet would allow you to only teach to pb2? And would it allow skippering?

So what if you did advanced them pb instructors course? Commercially endorsed to do skippering also I presume

I presume advanced instructor is yet another different thing? Less than yacht master but allows you to teach upto what level?

Advanced alone..... If commercially endorsed allows skippering?

Yacht master commercially endorsed for skippering slightly bigger or further afield but no relation to teaching pb courses correct?

I think I need a drawing lol
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