went out earlier today and noticed my tubes looking down at the front (5.4 searider) looks like someone has had a go with a knife on my front section.
it has been slashed on the port side about 12" long ....is there any way of repairing such a big slash or do i need to get a retube.
unfortunately it isnt insured
totally gutted or should i say deflated ..... as i was about to sell it
Generally, I think, you'll need to do a patch inside and out, possibly with some stitching between to hold the edges together (12"? might not be necessary.) It should be quite repairable, so don't get too depressed.
Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in with complete details.
Roguewave managed to a similar repair for me when I reversed my trailer in to the front of my Searider. Patched inside and out as said by jyasaki.
At least with a Searider it can be covered with rubbing strake or the like and it looks the part.
Sorry to hear of your problem though. Guess your looking to kick some ass !
Hi IandL
Very sorry to hear that some moron has caused such damage - it must be gut wrenching to experience such gratuitous vandalism.
I sincerely hope their next poo is a pineapple!
Any CCTV nearby?
I hope you get it sorted.
Thanks Genie ......just begining to calm down a bit .......would like to rag doll them ....i suspect young kids cause they have keyed the side of my car as well .....thankfully this is covered by insurance.....i presume it happened today but couldnt be sure because they did the passenger side and i dont go round that side very often ..
there was a gang of them along the street a few nights ago setting off fireworks and i gave them a piece of my mind ....guess i'm getting a piece of theirs now ....thats if its them though
I think an investment in cctv is going to be soon as i had one of my trailer axles pinched a short while back as well
I once removed a patch to repair from my old searider because it looked a bit tatty, underneath was a 6" cut . I cleaned it up and patched it tout suite it, went back together quite well. Have a go at patching it and see what happens
if its fairly straight cut a 2 - 3inch wide strip of fabric about 2inches longer than the cut and mark a centre line along it glue inside of cut to make a butt joint then patch on out side after glue has cured with tube partially inflated
Ian, sorry to hear about your tubes getting vandalised and hope you get your hands on the little gits! If you cant or dont want to attempt to fix it yourself I can pm you my brothers number(over 20 years in the trade) who should be able to sort you out as hes just in glasgow.
I had a similar problem on the inside of my rear port sponson a couple of years ago. The cut (nice and straight) was about 4 inches long. As others have advised I patched the inside first (this is mainly to help hold the sides of the cut together so doesn't have to be totally air tight) then patch properly on the outside.
My tubes were slashed also this summer couple of slashes on both sides of the bow, they're in for estimate/repair right now, hopefully not too much.
Wish I knew who did it... I got a big fishing knife myself...