26 December 2014, 22:50
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Slipway near Lochgilphead
Hi folks
Any recommendations for the nearest / best slip to Lochgilphead please?
I've two weeks at a cottage booked at Ederline late April, half way between Ardfern and Lochgilphead, and while I plan to go back to Ardfern and use the pontoons a fair bit, and try out Tayvallich (given the good comments here) I've never explored Loch Fyne so was looking for slip to trailer to for a day. Plus a better option if there's strong westerly's I guess?
Boat Launch shows the nearest to be the Scottish Canals slip at Ardrishaig but that sounds a bit busy / hassle and wondered what other options there were?
27 December 2014, 09:39
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I'm sure there's a slip at Ardrishaig. Never used it because Loch Sween provides shelter in most winds. Tarbert also has facilities (not that much further towing).
27 December 2014, 09:43
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Originally Posted by Poly
I'm sure there's a slip at Ardrishaig. Never used it because Loch Sween provides shelter in most winds. Tarbert also has facilities (not that much further towing).
Poly that's one Copinsay is talking about at canal. Tarbert has a good slip. There really is nothing else on the west side near Lochgilphead. Agree with you re Sween could also use Carsaig in an Easterly.
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'Carpe Diem'
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27 December 2014, 09:46
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we fequently used the ferry slip at tarbert just waited till ferry had left then quickly launched  didnt ask or pay any fees
There is a yacht /boat yard in Ardrisaig with a slip and i think there used to be a small public slip north of canal lock
never miss an opportunity
27 December 2014, 09:58
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Originally Posted by jambo
Poly that's one Copinsay is talking about at canal
You want me to read his whole post...   ...its the holidays!
27 December 2014, 10:02
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Poly
You want me to read his whole post...   ...its the holidays!
Is there not a Fair Day for you to go to ...........
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'Carpe Diem'
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27 December 2014, 11:49
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Originally Posted by Poly
I'm sure there's a slip at Ardrishaig. Never used it because Loch Sween provides shelter in most winds. Tarbert also has facilities (not that much further towing).
Definitely a slip at Ardrishaig....and a most helpful Harbour Master 
.........And a Half Decent Pub too!
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!
The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
27 December 2014, 13:31
Country: UK - Scotland
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Thanks for that Poly - I can see why most folk would keep going west to Loch Sween etc, and I would myself if I was coming from the south.
But with living in Orkney, a long sheltered sea loch makes quite a change and so keen to give that a go.
Just seemed a dearth of slipways on the west side of Loch Fyne
Is the one at Ardrishaig as busy as boat launch makes out do you know? Also while I don't mind paying a bit, with what Scottish Canals charge for a permit to use the canal, I'm guessing that use of the slip with be pricey? Or is it not their slip?
Do le me know and thanks again folks - as ever :o)
27 December 2014, 14:14
Country: UK - Scotland
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Perhaps it is of no use to you Copinsay..as it is a beach launch point and I have no idea the weight of your outfit or whether you have a 4x4 vehicle. However a mate used to launch a muckle great Warrior 175 hardshell boat at Minnard with his 4x4. However you need high tide for the heavier boats as it gets too stony further down the shore
That is where I put in if I am wanting to explore Loch Fyne and there is good parking for three or four cars. I sometimes leave my car there overnight with no issues .. and it is not a busy spot as its easy missed.
Its easy to find .. the entrance to the car park is where the road narrows in Minnard and has traffic lights for single way traffic.
The beauty of Loch Fyne is the five or so hour difference in tides between there and the open sea at Crinan.. If the tide doesn’t suit me at one place..I go to the other.
Its also why I prefer small boats
I hate busy slipways and will chose a beach launch if possible . The trailer is not far from high tide mark in this photo and the shore is quite firm.
I got this photo from the net...and I have never seen it this busy..however it gives an idea of the car park size..and that looks like a RIB half way down the shore..its low tide in the photo too
27 December 2014, 14:58
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard
That is where I put in if I am wanting to explore Loch Fyne and there is good parking for three or four cars. I sometimes leave my car there overnight with no issues .. and it is not a busy spot as its easy missed.
Hi there Gurnard
Many thanks for that - really helpful.
I have a Mitsubishi Shogun and a 5m rib so fine I think for using that access point. SKYLARK - Pleasure Craft: current position and details | MMSI 235091893, Callsign 2FJW7 | Registered in United Kingdom - AIS Marine Traffic
Like you I hate busy slipways, mostly due to being spoilt up here with usually having a slipway to yourself, even in the summer.
That looks a really handy option - the best thing is knowing from you that it’s OK to use, as in the absence of something formally signed I'm always keen not to upset any locals or find my car blocked in :o)
Best wishes
27 December 2014, 15:18
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Hi Copinsay,
There is a slip in the car park at Ardrishaig, Iv'e used this a few times with my inflatable in the past. as i'm up there regularly.
I phoned my mate today who runs the Lorne pub in Ardrishaig, right across the road, and he nipped out and took these pics for me,
its quite a narrow slip, but he's sure you'd be able to tow a rib down it, you'll have to go over the grass, its in the public carpark in Ardishaig.
Hope this helps.
The sailing club is just next door.
Loch Fyne is a great loch to explore.
27 December 2014, 15:23
Country: UK - Scotland
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Yup..I thought it would suit better than Ardrishaig..or Tarbet..you have to avoid the ferry at Tarbet
Launching here is just Fyne
The sign you see in the photo with the RIB on the shore just asks folks not to block access to the garages on the road side of the car park..and to leave your trailer on the shore so others can park there too.
Just watch at springs as the tide comes to the entrance where the seaweed is in my photo. It wont come into the car park though.
I love Loch Fyne..seals on the islands off Minard.. castles everywhere and I even saw a small basking shark in the loch a couple of years ago..although April is too early if they are around. You will see otters too..only thing disappointing is the fishing..the trawlers emptied it years ago
Dinner at Otter Ferry hotel is a must..they have a pontoon for landing. Lochgilphead is a muddy hole..I used to work there many years ago
Im sure you will enjoy the area
27 December 2014, 18:45
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by kerlstone
I phoned my mate today who runs the Lorne pub in Ardrishaig, right across the road, and he nipped out and took these pics for me,
For real?! How wonderful that someone will just go and do that  Amazing - thank you so much Gerry.
Do ask if you are planning a trip to Orkney
Have a great 2015!
27 December 2014, 18:52
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard
Yup..I thought it would suit better than Ardrishaig..or Tarbet..you have to avoid the ferry at Tarbet
Launching here is just Fyne
Thanks Gurnard too - I'll think of you when I'm there... Really great to have this option as while April was wonderful this year, I'm not expecting the west coast to be so calm this Spring.
Take are and all the best for 2015.
27 December 2014, 19:46
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Originally Posted by Copinsay
Is the one at Ardrishaig as busy as boat launch makes out do you know? Also while I don't mind paying a bit, with what Scottish Canals charge for a permit to use the canal, I'm guessing that use of the slip with be pricey? Or is it not their slip?
I don't think its theirs? I don't recall it ever being busy (I've always found Ardrishaig a bit desolate, and people using the slip would have been something of interest to entertain me!). I think as Doug suggests there is a boat yard which has some sort of launch facility.
28 December 2014, 19:23
Country: UK - Scotland
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I think there's three slips in Ardrishaig. From the south there's one at the canal buildings next to the sailing club, then just next to that there's the club one not as big and finally moving north you have the public one where you have to access over the grass. If you need to launch there phone the sailing club as it would be secure.
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'Carpe Diem'
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26 February 2015, 12:38
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It's further up the coast but there's a good slipway at the argyle caravan park 2 miles south of Inveraray it's a good slip and can be used at high and low tides safe parking toilets shops and bar which does excellent food I have used this many times with no problems they charge £10 in and out or free to caravan users no tents allowed
26 February 2015, 12:52
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Originally Posted by csjoiner
they charge £10 in and out or free to caravan users no tents allowed
So basically £10 to anyone with a RIB then. I can't see too many cars being able to pull a RIB AND a caravan to the site!
But it does sound like a good option though. And welcome to the forum.
There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!
(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
26 February 2015, 13:07
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Yes it's not possible to pull both YET!!! There is static caravans there which are cheap to rent off peak there is another slipway across the water on the east coast at St Catherine's pier down the right hand side but I would recommend a 4x4 for this unless it can be done by hand as the bottom half of the slip is tricky this one is free and in my opinion is the nicest part of the loch and some descent fishing
26 February 2015, 13:17
Country: UK - England
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I think I know the site, I was up that way a few years ago - lovely part of the world! I'd love to tow my RIB up there, but would have to have the tent in it so may have to look at other options if I go in the summer. Off-peak static rental doesn't sound a bad option though.
There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!
(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
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