Originally Posted by jwalker
Thanks Alex. How is the metalwork of the snubber joined to the upright for the winch?
I believe it's by two bolts with nylock nuts - you can adjust the angle of the snubber by hand to meet the angle of the bow, although it is pretty hard to do however, and if it's slightly out, the boat will always level it out when it gets winched on.
With the way the eye on the bow is inbetween the two sets of rubber, even if the bolts were loose, it wouldn't let the boat over the top as long as the winch rope is taught.
I wouldn't mind a brace forward of the main winch pillar for added strength in an accident, although I suspect it's pretty strong as is.
Please ignore the handbrake being used mistake in the pic

- the only time the brakes are used now are when they are following the van on the main road. The 20min taken to release the brakes before the following launch was very frustrating......