22 November 2008, 17:09
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 21
softest riding
what is the softest riding/ landing rib in the 5.5/6m size. whatever make?
22 November 2008, 18:17
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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How long is a piece of string!! In simple terms the deeper the V the softer the ride. However, many other features will also impact on this basic premise e.g. hull profile, boat weight, trim and balance,etc, etc. As a consequence, each of us will probably select our own "favourite" hull. I am a great supporter of Humber's Ocean Pros BUT they must be correctly balanced (fore and aft) as I have often seen them rigged stern heavy.
22 November 2008, 18:25
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Originally Posted by Cypman
I am a great supporter of Humber's Ocean Pros BUT they must be correctly balanced (fore and aft) as I have often seen them rigged stern heavy.
I have to say, this, I have found, is as important as the depth of the V. The current boat I have (Valiant) has one of the shallowest V's I've used, but is a very soft ride compared to other deeper hulls Ive used, and I can only assume most of this is down to the way the boat is balanced, since, it has more gear, due to lockers etc, forward than I would normally have. I was quite shocked when I started using it how soft it was. Also my console is further aft, than I would normally have it placed, and this makes a big difference too as you dont feel as much shock
22 November 2008, 21:28
Country: UK - England
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here we go...Searider (of course this one is best),Ribcraft 545 and up. Osprey and humber Destroyer,
22 November 2008, 22:34
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by seafreak
what is the softest riding/ landing rib in the 5.5/6m size. whatever make?
Why do you ask?
23 November 2008, 08:31
Country: UK - England
Town: ash
Boat name: aquaplane
Make: humber assault 5.5
Length: 5m +
Engine: opti 115
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 21
i am told by other members that my hull, assault 5.5 is particulary bad with regard to harsh landing and banging around in any sort of roughish seas, i have not tried any different types of hull, but intend to,so thought i would try to get a range of opinions on this to get to some kind of shortlist for my next purchase.thanks for your input.
23 November 2008, 08:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Warwickshire
Boat name: True Blue
Make: Humber ocean pro 6.3
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Posts: 456
Originally Posted by matt h
here we go...Searider (of course this one is best),Ribcraft 545 and up. Osprey and humber Destroyer, 
Generally, I'd go for 6 meter if you can cope with storage and launching as size does make a difference, Then choose a deep v hull and I'd agree with Matt h on this, The Ribcraft 585 or Humber Ocean pro 5.7 or 6 meter should also not be ruled out.
23 November 2008, 09:20
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150 Opti, F50EFi
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Posts: 6,299
Originally Posted by Ian Sharlot
Generally, I'd go for 6 meter if you can cope with storage and launching as size does make a difference, Then choose a deep v hull ...
Spot on
Warped V hulls tend to offer a decent compromise between kwality of ride and ease of planing. The Osprey Vipermax, eg has a warped V hull and offers a very soft ride, particularly in 6.5m+, but the 5.8 Vipermax is also very comfortable, harsher than the 6.5, but one of the best all round hulls I've used in sub 6m range. Need a lot of horses though, compared with Humber Destroyer/Ocean Pro.
23 November 2008, 19:20
Country: UK - England
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A mate of mine has one of the shallow V Humbers about 15 years old 5.3 meters 90HP
I am not sure if it is an assault or an Attaque, either way put it up against my old Osprey Viper 5.25 in any kind of rough sea and it really struggled.
Felt like going from a large car (Viper) to a go cart(Humber) yet both boats were the same length.
In calmer waters the Humber had a greater turn of speed but only in very calm conditions which is not something we see a lot of in this country
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
23 November 2008, 19:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
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Posts: 4,021
Just seen this on B&O just what you are after if its all in good nick
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
23 November 2008, 21:44
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150 Opti, F50EFi
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 6,299
That one used to belong to RibsterRache on here. Good value.
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