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Old 07 May 2011, 21:41   #1
Hightower's Avatar
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Solent Boat jumble tomorrow.

Not that you need a reminder, BUT!

Boat Jumble Association

Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
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Old 08 May 2011, 20:46   #2
Nasher's Avatar
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Went today, but couldn't get there until about 2pm when some of the stalls had gone and the rest were starting to pack up.
Didn't pay to get in though.

Managed to pick up some roof bars for my car for £10 which was an unexpected bargain, and my eldest had a bit of luck.

My youngest and myself left the eldest wandering around whilst we went off to the loo, and when we came back a stallholder had offered him £10 to help pack up his stall. He was done in 15mins and was well chuffed with the money. Youngest was a bit miffed though.

Seams I may need to get in touch with the miracle sponge guy though, as Hightower says he's using images of my boat and the thread I started last year to promote his product.

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Old 08 May 2011, 21:09   #3
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I went today too! But got there for about 10:30. Not been for quite a few years and was generally very impressed! Not been taken over buy all the big marine shops that are at many boat jumbles (like Beaulieu) still very reasonable to get in and some excellent bargains to be found. Got a pretty good set of foulies for the Mrs ( who never goes out when it's raining anyway! :0) and a few other bits n bobs! Good couple of hours ! And the rain stayed away too!
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Old 23 May 2011, 07:02   #4
Country: UK - England
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solent boat jumble

best boat jumble in the south!! Always worth a look.Had a car boot stand and had a great time getting sunburnt lol!!Sold a few things and got some new things for the rib so was great.
Was next to a guy from bournemouth selling yamaha and other outboard engine parts
just rolling through.....
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Old 23 May 2011, 07:34   #5
biffer's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Nasher View Post
Went today, but couldn't get there until about 2pm when some of the stalls had gone and the rest were starting to pack up.
Didn't pay to get in though.

Managed to pick up some roof bars for my car for £10 which was an unexpected bargain, and my eldest had a bit of luck.

My youngest and myself left the eldest wandering around whilst we went off to the loo, and when we came back a stallholder had offered him £10 to help pack up his stall. He was done in 15mins and was well chuffed with the money. Youngest was a bit miffed though.

Seams I may need to get in touch with the miracle sponge guy though, as Hightower says he's using images of my boat and the thread I started last year to promote his product.

no harm there then Simon, i see some free sponges on there way!
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