Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Probably, but you can’t argue that they don’t have the resources. I’m willing to bet when the sh1t really hits the fan, it won’t be some well intended hobbyists in a second hand 2004 Arctic that gets the call, it’ll be the boys with the Severns/Shannons & Tamars.
Not all organisations are the same, to tar all the independents with one brush would be wrong, Coastguard would NOT task a incident ( potentially a lifesaving situation ) to any outfit that didn't meet the appropriate criteria - The Solent / south coast is one of the busiest stretch's of water in the UK and most weekends your hear on 16 both the RNLI and the Independents being requested to situations. I personally know some of the Freshwater ( Independent ) crew and their professionalism, dedication and commitment is without doubt. They also run three modern and well maintained/equipped resue craft

and as a registered charity they have to constantly fund-raise to keep the service going, hats of to them