Took my Rib out for the first time on saturday (Bradwell marina) and have a couple of questions that someone should be able to help me with on here.
First it's a 4.5 metre Quicksilver about 4 years old, with a 50 hp Johnson 2 stroke unkown age but I guess 10 to 12 years.
We had a hell of a job getting it to start changed the pugs etc. then I moved a small red lever on a solinode and bang it fired up next try, afterwards I was told I should push the key in when starting from cold as it has a preheater like a deisel
are these 2 things connected and if so what are they?.
second while this was going on we were slowly sinking
well not quite but the boat was filling up through the valve at the back that I guess should be a one way, at best it's a two way but it didn't seem to let anything out once on the move. Should this have a plug on the inside when the boat is stationary?
And last, once back out and on the trailor there was a constant flow from a drain hole underneath the above non working valve. now am I correct in thinking that that should have a plug in to seal at all times and only be removed now and again to let any out that has leaked into the hull?