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Old 20 September 2010, 10:18   #1
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Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
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Southampton Boat Show 2010

We had a great day at the Southampton show yesterday, but were surprised at how quiet it was compared to when we’ve been on the last day in previous years.

We also noticed how much smaller it was this year, and were particularly disappointed that Bombard were not there. The Smaller Nashers want to upgrade their 2.8M Zodiac SIB to an Aerodeck 380 at some point, and wanted to compare it to some other makes that have attempted a ‘V’ shaped airdeck.

As usual the whole family enjoyed it. My Youngest had a go in Andarks diving tank for the first time, and the eldest revisited Southampton University’s Oceanography research vessel, the RV Callista. After spending some time on it at last year’s show he announced he wanted to be an oceanographer, and spent some more time yesterday talking to the guys on board and asking surprisingly detailed questions. Both were happy to bounce up and down on the Ullman and Scottseats Jockeys available to try on the Cobra stand, and Mrs Nasher was of course happy to browse the Clothes.

My youngest at almost 12 years old has become surprisingly good at blagging a ‘nosey’ on some of the larger appointment only boats which has become a bit of a game with him. By picking on one of the female sales staff, being very polite, and asking a question like as “how does that tender RIB get down off the flybridge onto the water” he gets invited on to have a look at the crane etc. Good lad.

None of the bigger RIBs really excited me this year, I did like the 7.5M Piranha RIB in Black and Grey with the Bimini, but I’m not sure about the moulded steps in the ends of the tubes, the huge bow roller moulding stuck on top of the tubes, or the moulded fibreglass Arch/A frame. It looked a bit like they’ve tried too hard and the designer should have stopped before adding the extras. I’m also surprised it’s only suitable for a 150HP engine. The Goldfish RIB on the water also looked good but I thought it strange to not have any seating at all, just backrests for crew.
I suppose it’s inevitable that the RIB manufacturers are aiming show boats at the luxury end of the market, I call them ‘White with Blue piping RIBS’, they do show some good innovations though, and some very stylish if impractical consoles.
Scorpion had a big Rib on their stand in White and very light Blue, which looked a bit like it was styled after a box of panty liners.

The Beneteau Swift Trawler 34 caught my eye and looked as though it would go anywhere in any weather, but that’s only ever going to be a dream boat.

We had a chuckle at the Raymarine stand. They had a group of multifunction displays available to play with, mounted on 3 foot high stainless steel poles screwed to the floor in a circle. When we were on the stand it wasn’t very busy, and every time somebody walked past the group they wobbled about like sunflowers in an earthquake. I think you needed to be there to appreciate the humour of it.

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Old 20 September 2010, 11:04   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: New Forest
Boat name: Charlie Brown
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: 275 Verado
MMSI: 235069179
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,082
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Agree with you on the Scorpion stand. Whilst the boats looked good, the way they were sat ment you couldnt get on them and get a feel for them!

I have to say their new model looks "good value" for a scorpion but seemed to be lacking in a few areas and having looked at it, we discounted it on the grounds it didnt suite our type of boating. I thought the colours looked bad also!

Good to speak with them tho and they seem to be taking things forward from the Scorpion of old!

Was massivly impressed with Revenger. Phil Morris spent ages showing us the 32 outboard which is an amazing bit of kit. answered all our stupid questions and took the time to explain everything in detail! love the bolster seats and semi enclosed console set up with cover! very very tempting!

Just a shame Hunton were not there as wanted to compare the revenger to their 10 meter and the XRS 37. I did however get a very polite e mail from them after saying they were at Cannes and offering to show us around customer boats at any time!

We were there on Friday and it was quiet although the this doesnt seem to stop some sales men looking down their nose at you! we looked at the Moody 45 DS (rag and stick i know!) as we have a longer term plan, The sales man was sooooo rude it really took me by surprise!

ho humm..... least we got a bargain on some musto's, Watch out for the matching couple on the cougar this winter!!
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