18 November 2009, 14:58
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Southampton to Falmouth
I have been a'thinkin' for next Year....
As a bit of a treat to myself, am thinking of loading up a mates rib, filling up the tanks and then heading on down to Falmouth from Southampton by sea.
This is to coincide with my friends and family camping down near the Old King Harry Ferry (just up from the oyster farm).
Any advice is welcome.
A boat is not truly yours until you start fixing the things that you have personally broken.
18 November 2009, 16:34
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 157
That's a heck of long way in a small, open boat. What's the cruising speed of your mate's boat?
Tim Spring
18 November 2009, 17:37
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Originally Posted by Observer
That's a heck of long way in a small, open boat.
Is your mate's rib a "small open boat"?
18 November 2009, 17:45
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Solent-Salted
Next Year....
As a bit of a treat to myself, am thinking of loading up a mates rib, filling up the tanks and then heading on down to Falmouth from Southampton by sea.
This is to coincide with my friends and family camping down near the Old King Harry Ferry (just up from the oyster farm).
Any advice is welcome.
Sounds good.
It's a rope mussel farm.
Where are they camping?  I don't know of any sites up there.
19 November 2009, 06:57
Country: UK - England
Town: Hythe
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Posts: 294
Will be borrowing a 8.5 metre red bay with a 300 on ze back
Probably be three of us going down, do some night navigation too.
Me bro in law has a farmer who lets us use a field with a tap (all mod cons).
Just have to hump my kit into his SIB so I can anchor out deep.
Will be taking out a small mortgage to for fuel but it'll be worth it
A boat is not truly yours until you start fixing the things that you have personally broken.
19 November 2009, 10:40
RIBnet admin team
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... with a thin little smile, Solent Salted flips over his cards. Four Aces & a Redbay 8.4! A sharp intake of breath cuts the silence. All eyes flick towards the door, counting the steps to the open air and comfort for their flaming red faces...
Mind yerself in that wee open boat
19 November 2009, 20:51
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Solent-Salted
Will be taking out a small mortgage to for fuel but it'll be worth it
Cheap fuel at Mylor Yacht Harbour.
20 November 2009, 07:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Hythe
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Posts: 294
Will also be needing to work out where we are going to stop along the way to sleep and refuel.
As it's going to be three lads, we'll be wanting to make a bit of an excursion of it.
E.G. first night Weymouth,
Also, there is no set timescale and will need to take into account possible delays because of conditions etc etc.
Also, list of equipment for journey.
Tidal info,
at least 2 radios (on-top of boat one),
heavy weather gear,
Change of pants.
..... RIB.
Still in the early stages, looking at feasibility.
Once I've gone over all the info gained with me other two shipwrecks, will make a decision....
A boat is not truly yours until you start fixing the things that you have personally broken.
20 November 2009, 09:50
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Solent-Salted
Any advice is welcome.
Keep the brown stuff on the right
OK it's a glib answer, but it's really all you need to do. It's not a difficult trip given a decent boat and some half decent weather. A bit of passage planning would be sensible, but don't get too bogged down - it's only 150 miles or so, with no major hazards.
Once you're past the Needles you've only got St Alban's Head, Portland Bill and Start Point to interrupt a straight course all the way to Falmouth. Lyme Bay can be challenging in a stiff wouthwesterly, but if you're sensible with the weather it shouldn't be a problem. A copy of West Country Cruising by Mark Fishwick has lots of good information and is a good investment.
It's easily doable in a day, but you'll be passing a lot of good places so why not take in a few of them. You've already identified Weymouth as a stopover, but you might like to add Dartmouth or Salcombe, them maybe Fowey before heading on to Falmouth. There are plenty more options if you decide you really want to explore - if you want to go somewhere slightly less obvious how about West Bay or Lyme Regis?
Have fun
20 November 2009, 10:20
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Cheap fuel at Mylor Yacht Harbour. 
Yes, very cheap
20 November 2009, 13:14
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
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Posts: 6,299
Originally Posted by Leapy
Yes, very cheap 
It may be expensive, but bedajim reckoned it was good value, on account of the pleasant young lady grapling with his hose.
20 November 2009, 15:35
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
It may be expensive, but bedajim reckoned it was good value, on account of the pleasant young lady grapling with his hose. 
It was her cleaning the screen that did it for me
20 November 2009, 16:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Hythe
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Posts: 294
Ah nuts to it,
I'm going to divert to one of those tankers sitting off the coast and do a Somali-esque hijack.
My demands shall be "Fill-er up an make it snappy!".
A boat is not truly yours until you start fixing the things that you have personally broken.
20 November 2009, 16:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
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Originally Posted by bedajim
It was her cleaning the screen that did it for me 
Her 'services' cost me £139.
20 November 2009, 20:05
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 673
When you pass Portland Bill stay close inshore, about 50-100m in my view.
St Albans head can serve up short and very steep waves so approach with care.
Lyme Bay can be fun!
Take beer/wine money!
20 November 2009, 20:10
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by MarkWildey
Take beer/wine money!
Yep, we're a thirsty bunch.
20 November 2009, 20:48
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by MarkWildey
Take beer/wine money!
Originally Posted by Mollers
Yep, we're a thirsty bunch. 
har har perls befor swyne
20 November 2009, 22:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by willk
har har perls befor swyne
Strawberries and Donkies in these parts.
The recent volume is dulling the fun which is a shame.
Is the electromonade the cause?
21 November 2009, 13:13
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 14,935
Originally Posted by Mollers
Is the electromonade the cause? 
I don't think so, as last year's vintage recently ran out and this year is still fermenting.
Admittedly, it's been a strange week. I've been like a man possessed. I feel much better today though, other than imagining that I can smell fyshe.
Fish, I meant fish.
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