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Old 01 June 2002, 06:53   #1
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Spirit of Cardiff update

Journal entry for 1 June 2002


Today's journal is being written by me, Alan, because I have given Clive and Steve the day off to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, but only the day. They have to be back on duty tomorrow!

The truth is we are all nearing exhaustion, physically, mentally and emotionally. The last 4,000 miles in the North Pacific have taken their toll on the crew and the boat. Having to run the boat with a crew of three instead of four, and because of the severity of the seas, it is difficult to catch up with sleep. Both Steve and I have thousands of sea miles to our credit, but we have never been in such inhospitable conditions in our lives.

The mountainous seas go on and on, and it is a constant battle keeping the boat going in the right direction. It would be easy to follow the sea pattern for an easier ride, but 50 percent of the time that would take us back to where we have just come from. With each hour and every mile travelled, at least we are on our way home, which has its own problems. When Alan Carter jumped ship in Singapore, everyone rallied round and came up with the shortfall of the money he took with him. Yamaha, ABP, Hogg Robinson Bti, and a mystery supporter whose only reward for his generous donation was for him to be an imaginary crew man from Russia to Telegraph Cove. I have to say he is doing a sterling job, and fitting in well with the rest of the crew, not like the last one! Not to mention the wonderful support from many members of the public.

Because of the extra time and unexpected "extra charges" we have had to pay we will now run out of money in Fort Lauderdale. I have the difficult decision to make as to where I will have to stop the attempt if the final $10,000 is not found within the next 10 days.

The only thing that can stop this project from a successful result is lack of funds. I get very bitter when I am reminded of all the companies and other bodies that promised to support us and then cast us adrift, never to be seen again!

If you know anyone or any company that wants a VERY HIGH PROFILE advertising or promotion over the next few weeks please, please contact either Sophie or Nadia.

All the crew are determined that this world attempt will succeed. Even if we do not beat the Cable & Wireless record, we are guaranteed the world record for the smallest fastest boat around the world, the UIM under 50 ft record for circumnavigating the world, and 31 other world records for separate port to port times.

The aim of the project was to take as many people as possible around the world with us, and in that we have definitely succeeded. We are being followed by hundreds of thousands of supporters from all over the world.

A few questions:

Was Captain Scott's expedition (the last major maritime adventure to set off from Cardiff) a failure?

Was Tracy Edwards' attempt at around the world a failure?

Is Ellen MacArthur a failure for coming second in the Vendee Globe?

The answer is NO, because they tried their hardest to succeed, and that is what we are doing. Whatever happens, the Spirit of Cardiff and its crew will go down in the history books for completing an amazing feat of seamanship. Three men, supported by a multinational team of volunteers in Cardiff will be triumphant. We just need that extra bit of help. But we need it urgently.

Alan Priddy

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Old 01 June 2002, 20:03   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Worcester
Boat name: Cheap 'N' Cheerful
Make: Avon C
Length: 3.5 metres
Engine: Mariner 8HP O/B 2 stroke.
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 134
Chin up Boys. Tough it out. We're alll gunning for you here at home. It won't be long now until we can welcome you home!!
Bill (The Jack Russell) Davison.
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