25 March 2002, 07:46
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
Real Ale please!
25 March 2002, 11:23
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,801
Does anyone have the streetmap reference for CBYC or the postcode so I can do a search, please?
Keith Hart
25 March 2002, 13:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Portishead, Bristol
Boat name: "
Make: Ribcraft, Cowes Mari
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mercury 90hp 4-strok
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 600
There is a streetmap ref for the bay in this thread somewhere!!!
As you know Keith  its a rather long thread so I reposted the map and any other "Critical" stuff to a new thread
"SoC Weekend Times and Places"
Lets try and keep the "discussion" on this thread - the other for the "Critical" Info
25 March 2002, 23:05
Country: UK - Wales
Town: In my bed in Cardiff
Make: Still dreaming
Length: Definately dreaming
Engine: Dream size
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 328
There is now a sticker on Alan P's car!! Whahey!
Looks cool.
Not long now...5 more sleeping nights, although I do not think there will be much sleep somehow.
Rib groupie & Waterbabe
"Just add water / liquid to have fun"
Counting the days of the ~SOC~ trip.
26 March 2002, 19:36
Country: UK - Wales
Town: In my bed in Cardiff
Make: Still dreaming
Length: Definately dreaming
Engine: Dream size
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 328
Here goes, slowly, slowly - if anyone wants to cut and paste and copy to the other thread - be my guest, no idea how to!
5 more days to go..within the next 24 hrs I will put everything on the forum.
Apologies for the delay, yeah, yeah, I can hear you say.
See you soon.
Rib groupie & Waterbabe
"Just add water / liquid to have fun"
Counting the days of the ~SOC~ trip.
26 March 2002, 20:22
Country: UK - England
Town: Worcestershire
Boat name: Topaz
Make: Avon Adventure
Length: 6.2m
Engine: Honda 130
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 33
Does anyone have the shipping/weather forecast for the weekend?
Do I need to pack my sooper-dooper new dry suite?
The female of the species is more deadly than the male ........
26 March 2002, 20:39
Country: UK - Wales
Town: In my bed in Cardiff
Make: Still dreaming
Length: Definately dreaming
Engine: Dream size
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 328
By Train / bus / public transport:
You will arrive at Central Station(hopefully, if you have not been sleeping)
Taxi - to your hotel, CBYC or The Tube - will set you back about £3-4.00 depending on the traffic.
Tell the driver you want to go to Cardiff Bay Visitors Centre- he should know where that is.
Bus - to your hotel, CBYC or The Tube - take the #8 to Cardiff Bay / Mermaid Quay.
Get off at The Packet pub. Cost 60 pence single. Take correct money. Times of buses Mon - Fri about every 15-20 mins.
10:02/10:17/10:32/10:47 untill 18:17 - then its not that regular.
Sat about every 20 mins 08:14/08:34/08:54 untill 18:45
Sunday every hour 07:43/08:43/09:43/10:43/ then 10:45/11:15 (anything after that you may miss the send off!)
On foot - to your hotel, CBYC, The Tube - will take you about 20-30 mins depending on your stride.
If you get lost or end up in a strange lane, call me 07811553925
By car / road: Call me when you get here, and I can help, advise / meet you!(by jnct 33)
M4 Junction 33. Take the A4232 for 9 miles.
To CBYC - take exit marked Penarth / Barry. Stay on the left sliproad, and head towards ASDA. At roundabout, turn right, and next roundabout, turn right, and go under dual carriageway just exited. Go through the security gate - the guy will be aware there are a number of boats arriving, and if I have had your details, he will know your car reg and your boat! And perhaps even look out for the RIBNET sticker. Follow road to end - CBYC.
Park, launch, have a drink. Come and see us and party.
(I will take all monies for the CBYC and square up with them direct - saves you some hassle) The CBYC will know you are arriving as well. Please stay on the main / access roads - there is a bit of construction going on and there may be some heavy traffic at times. Do not park on the road, please. If the CBYC car park become full, I have an alternative safe car park we can use for trailers and parking. If you are happy to keep boat in water, once launched, I will stick note on here tomorrow, once I have seen CBYC in the am and arranged exact site location for us - he was going to move some boats so we could all be together.
Postcode of CBYC is CF11 0JL
To Tube- stay on the dual carriageway, go through the tunnel, at roundabout take last exit left. At traffic lights turn right. (big office block The Point on your right) Straight on over the next light. At next traffic light (Assembly building on your left,) turn left and follow road . You will pass Roath Basin, see The Waterguard Pub on your left. At T- Junction, turn left and you will see Tube. Postcode of Tube is CF10 4PA
To Hotel- you will have to sort that one out as people are staying in different location.
For Hanover and Holiday Inn Express / Schooner Way.
Go through Tunnel as above, at roundabout turn left and keep on left slipway. You will see County Hall on your right and UCI Atlantic Wharf Entertainment Complex on your left. At roundabout turn 2nd left. Then next right into Schooner way. After about half a mile you will see the Holiday Inn Express Schooner way on your right, after about a mile and a half, you will see Hanover Hotel on your left.
Postcode for Hanover Hotel CF10 4RT
Postcode for Holiday Inn Express, Schooner Way - CF10 4EE
By Water:
You lot know your way around the waters anyway. Check Chart for Bristol Channel.
About 5 miles out of Cardiff, let Barrage Control know, Channel 18. They need about a 15 minute prep time. They will also need to know your draft. Approach - head round the outer Wrach bouy, and go towards the Wrach channel. Keep porthand bouy clear, and watch for South Cardinal Bouy, pass 2nd port bouy and keep in the middle of port and starboard bouys - can get a bit shallow esp in half water. Red lights mean no entry/ two green and white in the middle, come in under intructions, all three green, clear to come in. Locking in is on the quarter to and quarter past the hour, locking out on the half and full hour. Lock one is out of action - the lock gates are permanently open, but do not enter this one, you will get into trouble. Lock 2 and 3 are fine.All locks are clearly numbered. when you come in off the Bristol Channel, Lock one is on the far right, 2 in the middle - duh, and lock 3 on the far left - me thinks.The Pride of Bristol will need to come in lock 3 because of its draft. Barrage control will advise anyway. All locks are 40 metres long and 10.5 metres wide barrel. (although, they only have an 8 metre entrance) If your VHF does not work, tel number for Barrage Control is 029 20700234.
They will also have a list of arriving boats and will hopefully be expecting you with welcoming arms.
Once out the Barrage, the CBYC is ahead of you but slightly to the right. On the far left you have Penarth Marina channel 80.
Then you have the estuary for the River Ely, head that way. CBYC on the right then. Clubhouse fairly easily spotted. Quite a few boats on moorings there, so beware. Mooring bouys are not connected, so they say!!!
Channel 37 or tel number 02920666627 / Barrie 007773462769
Club Manager.
Moor up, if you arrive Friday night, check out the Clubhouse bar,
All facilities available for us to use for the duration of the week-end. Will get security gate pass checked out tomorrow for 24 hr access.
Available at Penarth Marina. Channel 80 or tel 02920705021
Sat and Sunday only 09:00 - 17:00
Diesel 32 pence per litre / petrol 88 pence per litre.
Cash sales.
Please please please, keep 3,000 litres of diesel for the SOC for sunday!!!
Food and drink supplies, available at ASDA or at the pub!!!
Right then, you have arrived!
Oh, for the really posh:
By plane: Arrive at Cardiff Airport, get a taxi to the city - cost about £20.00 . Call me!!
By helicopter - arrive at heliport in the docks and get a taxi.
By bicycle / motorbike: was that an option for anyone?
Watch out for next information page.
(need to get home now first though)
Rib groupie & Waterbabe
"Just add water / liquid to have fun"
Counting the days of the ~SOC~ trip.
26 March 2002, 21:00
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
And now for the weather report.........
Check out onlineweather.com at http://www.onlineweather.com/v4/uk/city/Cardiff.html
Forecast looks OK til Sat at least but long term forecasts talk about rain Sunday. Bring your drysuit, it is Wales after all!
Thks for info bulletin #1, all numbers now stored in my mobile!
Good to talk tonight, see you in the bar Friday all being well!
26 March 2002, 21:52
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,801
Hi folks
Do we have a lat/long ref for CBYC or the Cardiff Barage so we can pre programme our GPS please?
Keith (still learning how to use it) Hart
27 March 2002, 07:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Just to let you know that it looks like I won't be able to make it to Cardiff this weekend, due to unavoidable work commitments (sadly RIBnet doesn't pay the bills!)
So Jools, you'll have a spare place on Pride of Bristol, and Keith, you'll have to wait for another chance to see if I really exist
Have a good couple of days and give Alan P and crew the send off they deserve!
27 March 2002, 09:13
Country: UK - Wales
Town: In my bed in Cardiff
Make: Still dreaming
Length: Definately dreaming
Engine: Dream size
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 328
Barrage is on
51 degrees N 26850 and 03 degress W 09950
Wil check CBYC later this morning.
Hope this helps.
As I put on info - if there are any queries, let me know and I will find out and post info.
Rib groupie & Waterbabe
"Just add water / liquid to have fun"
Counting the days of the ~SOC~ trip.
27 March 2002, 09:14
Country: UK - Wales
Town: In my bed in Cardiff
Make: Still dreaming
Length: Definately dreaming
Engine: Dream size
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 328
I don't believe it - send us a photo - so we can put it behind the bar and have a drink for you!!
Rib groupie & Waterbabe
"Just add water / liquid to have fun"
Counting the days of the ~SOC~ trip.
27 March 2002, 19:38
Country: UK - Wales
Town: In my bed in Cardiff
Make: Still dreaming
Length: Definately dreaming
Engine: Dream size
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 328
CBYC does not have its long and lat handy, but once you find the barrage, you will find the yacht club.
It is not problem calling Barrie or myself if you need any help.
The bar will be open Friday night, all day Sat and Sun and food is available.
There is a key you can get from behind the bar - like a key card, for a £10.00 deposit - this gives you 24 hrs access - I will get one as a spare anyway!
Pontoon areas we can use are:
Pride of Bristol - Jools - that pontoon where the big survey boat was one - he is being moved.
It is the first pontoon you get to by the slipway.
Please keep the first square - about 10 mteres free for the dinghy sailors who have a race on Sunday - they will be surprised!
The other spot is, leave the first pontoon on your right and follow it along the river till you get to the break, you will turn right and see the 2nd slipway.
Pass along and literally come back on yourself till you get to the first pontoon and tie up on the other side - makes sense? I will try and put some SOC stickers on the pontoons - or just check.
Additionally, the pontoon running on from the 2nd slipway, we can use as well.
It makes more sense when you see it. - honest guv.
The deal is £15.00 all in for those arriving Friday and Saturday - iuncludes all uses of slipways, pontoons and facilities,parking. Those arriving sunday only - call it a £5.00 / fiver.
Please give me all monies- I will sort out with CBYC afterwards. Remind me if you have not paid - and pls be honest - I have not got a money tree in my garden!
The do not require any paperwork at all. You may want to check out the Cardiff Harbour Authority website and the latest info for Bay users, access, and notice to mariners - www/cardiff.gov.uk/cha
What else?
Ah, I know, very important!!
Rib groupie & Waterbabe
"Just add water / liquid to have fun"
Counting the days of the ~SOC~ trip.
27 March 2002, 19:48
Country: UK - Wales
Town: In my bed in Cardiff
Make: Still dreaming
Length: Definately dreaming
Engine: Dream size
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 328
Topaz - Graeme and Sian - by road. Late morning.
Channel Spirit- Steve - local guy from down by Newport - friday afternoon by road.
Cyanide - Brian Elliott and Alan W - by sea. ETA after 20:00.
B4 - Mike and Diana Garside - by sea in convoy with Cyanide.
Surprise boat with surprise people - by road.
Any others?
Image Design - Mike Adams - by road / sea?
Ahoy Matey - Jono, Amy and Beau.
Pride of Bristol - Jools and gang - defiantely by sea. Coming in with the high water in the morning.
Keith Hart and his SIB - by road. What is the name of your boat?
Mike Carson - by road / sea - name of boat? I know its 5.8m
John "Scubakid" sometime today - not sure. 6.5 m.
Anyone else?
Aladin - Keith Dobson - by road
Thella- Donald Donaldson - local guy from Caerphilly - by road
a number of ZAPCATS.
Anyone else?
Have no idea what the following are doing:
Allen C and Eddie - Isle of Man
The Bangor Crowd - Alan McK, Peter Giovanoli and Ralph Carson.
Geoff Campbell?
Toby Budd and his granny's cake.
Graham Morris and his gang from Somerset.
Stuart Mcnamara?
Mike Randle?
Have I missed anyone, hope not.
Have I got all car rego numbers?
If I can help anyone with anything, let me know.
There will be quite a number of local boats out as well on the Sunday.(I will make sure we have prority in the locks)
What else?
Rib groupie & Waterbabe
"Just add water / liquid to have fun"
Counting the days of the ~SOC~ trip.
27 March 2002, 20:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Leatherhead
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 907
Sorry, Lads & lasses...
but, like JK, I also have to work this w/e so I thought I would post a quick mesage to wish Allan P and his team all success and a safe voyage and to everyone else, have a great time in Cardiff  . I will look forward to the piccys next week  and hopefully be able to put faces to names (perhaps a group shot with Nadia in pole (!) position [that should get a  : or two]).
By the way a friend of mine is on duty on the Bristol Channel Pilot boat, Robina Fisk, on Sunday and has promised to try and take some pictures of SOC passing Sully Island. If he has any luck, I will post them in due course.
Best wishes to SOC and all RIBS (& SIBS of course, Keith)
Peter (nick, nick) T
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
27 March 2002, 21:18
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,801
My SIB doesn't really have a name. However it is a Quicksilver and has 'Quicksilver' written on the side so I think I'll call it 'Quicksilver'.
"Pride of Bristol - Jools and gang - defiantely by sea." Yeh I'd love to see PoB on a trailer!!!
Not long now.
Keith Hart
27 March 2002, 21:28
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
More info on runners and riders........
last I heard:
Toby is travelling with Mike Garside
Allen C is hopefully coming Saturday other commitments permitting
Mike Carson's boat is called "Prime Rib"
Keith Dobson was called Kevin Dobson last time I met him!
Scubakids boat is called "Dromedary"(ex-Camel boat geddit?!)
And I'm intrigued as to who the mystery boat is!
27 March 2002, 22:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Iver, Bucks, UK
Boat name: Prime Rib II
Make: Humber Ocean Pro
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercruiser 1.7 diese
MMSI: 235086032
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 443
The good news is that the 'bit' my local marina was out of stock of, that they needed to complete the service on my engines is now in.  The bad news is that they won't be able to fit it until after Easter....  which means, alas that Prime Rib will not be at the SOC send off.  Since it's a bit cold for a swim,  neither will I...... Have a great send off Alan.  I'll try and make the return! (Unless you want to delay it till next week?)
Mike Carson
28 March 2002, 06:46
Country: UK - Wales
Town: In my bed in Cardiff
Make: Still dreaming
Length: Definately dreaming
Engine: Dream size
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 328
All points noted.
Must have had Keith on my mind when I wrote in Kevin's name!
Ribald - that news re the pilot boat is great! Thanks.
Mike C - sorry you can't make it - send a photo for behind the bar.
I got two more info pages to post - !. where are we partying and 2. Where are we all sleeeping?
Bear with me.
Rib groupie & Waterbabe
"Just add water / liquid to have fun"
Counting the days of the ~SOC~ trip.
28 March 2002, 09:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Iver, Bucks, UK
Boat name: Prime Rib II
Make: Humber Ocean Pro
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercruiser 1.7 diese
MMSI: 235086032
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 443
Of me or the boat? Stongly suggest boat - it's more attractive!
PS. When IS Alan estimated to return?
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