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Old 13 August 2004, 20:31   #1
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Sports Boat Mag & the "Priddy to the point" article

Just got this months "Sports Boat & Rib Mag", I like to read the boating news and check out the classifieds etc...

Think I might have found the reason for the SOC sinking!!!!

Allthough I'm not AP's greatest fan, I do admire his achievments and dogged spirit, and do not for one minute begrudge tax payers money being spent on a rescue, but having read the article I am starting to think that he has become rather "blase" about the whole crossing the Atlantic thingy..

Quote by Alan Priddy from Sept 2004 issue.

" Our trusty old boat "Spirit" is now in the care and custody of the Newfoundland Food Bank Association.......I've just managed to squeeze in a west to east Trans-Atlantic crossing that to my knowledge has never been done before by powerboat. That makes four in total and quite enough in a small boat"

Now I know that a magazine such as Sportsboat has deadlines for articles, adverts etc, but writing about a successful voyage before attempting/completing it does seem a little foolish!!

All IMHO of course..
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
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Old 13 August 2004, 22:39   #2
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Did you see the article in the March issue?
Some qoutes from AP
"compared to power boating sailing a modern yacht is easy" and on Ellen MacArthur "apart from sailing around the world and coming second in a trans Atlantic yacht race she has not had much success" and "when you attempt a circumnavigation in a yacht you do not even need to be a good navigator"

You may be a nice guy and you certainly have achieved a lot ,but by Christ you do sometimes talk a lot of Bollix.
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Old 13 August 2004, 23:53   #3
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My question from P19 of 'Take for stupid men e.t.c.' thread referred to that article but in another publication, see quote below. I did not however feel that it was right to bring that part of the interview to light due to the trauma Priddy had been through, but it seemed the publicity had already been put in place. You will also notice that when he gave his first interview after the rescue, the press published his previous proud achievements in the boat, but failed to thank the rescuers, the same kind of thing more than likely happened here. Perhaps not his fault, but a lesson to be learnt about seeking publicity as it could come back to bite you. The press seem to have caused loads of confusion about this trip and no chance of getting questions answered it seems.

Originally Posted by peteb
Aging youth, Confusion reigns in all the publicity that has been in MBM and in the most recent All at Sea paper. You state that "This trip was privately funded by ourselves, and as far as I know there was no sponsorship", so why is Priddy giving an interview on P25 of All at Sea stating :-

"Last years crossing was sponsored by my local pub, the jolly sailor. This year I 'm being sponsored by a Newfoundland brewery, so we must be getting better at our record breaking. Moving up from a pub to the maker of the beer certainly feels like a step up the corporate ladder. Who knows, our next sponsor might be the Bank of England".

MBM states this month on P.4 that "boat sponsor Paul Webb" will also be on the transatlantic trip, so what nonsense are we being fed from the media. Before anyone say's it is non of our business, I would state that it is because it was put in the public forum through media interviews, and from all accounts, everything is untrue according to you. I don't want to spend money on a magazine to read 'tall stories', perhaps the media could print an apology then

It must be in the public interest to know as it is being fed out to the public through press releases and interviews. Perhaps someone would like to tell us, the public, what the truth is, or is it a matter of don't believe a word you read in the media. In which case doing interviews and getting attention is a pure waste of time, if everything reported is nonsense, IMHO of course. I would hate to have to disbelieve a word I ever read in these publications. I never brought up the question of sponsorship, it was fed to me by an article in a magazine I paid for. Seems strange the crew doesn't know what is going on and denies all knowledge.

So is it the Newfoundland brewery's money that has gone to the bottom of the sea this time? Best the Bank of England get the keys to the vault ready, they may need them sooner rather than later

Anyway, I am glad you are all back safe and sound. Anyone want to sponsor my boating, it's costing me £800 a month at the moment in petrol bombing around. I could do some kind of challenge like ten figure of eights without sinking, I have a good track record of NO sinkings at the moment, but it can still be dangerous if I turn too quick. I would agree to have an advertsing sticker on the boat Only required for the rest of this season as I am hoping that NASA and the CIA will sponsor me next year
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Old 14 August 2004, 07:25   #4
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have you ever dealt with journalists. Ever tried putting something to print that hasnt been edited. Its not as easy as you think, you do not have much control.

Personally these sort of discussions from someone who couldnt moor his boat properly 9 months ago (and probably still cant) and needed a 14 year old girl to teach him how to trim his boat properly in waves at speed are a bit of an insult.

Nuff said.

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Old 14 August 2004, 07:46   #5
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Why do you add personal insults on most of the threads that you write?
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Old 14 August 2004, 08:23   #6
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
Now I know that a magazine such as Sportsboat has deadlines for articles, adverts etc, but writing about a successful voyage before attempting/completing it does seem a little foolish!!
I think you'll find that Bear Grylls book was available to order on Amazon while he was still somewhere mid Atlantic as well!
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Old 14 August 2004, 08:41   #7
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You mean most of the threads that I reply to Pete on

If someone came up to you saying that you should teach this that and the other diifferent and said why didnt you tell that student this that and the other and then you found that person did not have the skill or experience to actually make that criticism, wouldnt you find it a bit annoying.

Now imagine that same scenario with 1000s of onlookers whilst he did it. It is too easy for people to make accusations and comments when they have not actually had the experience of the thing that they are criticising. Secondly sometimes that person who is being criticised gets fed up with it and doesnt bother replying any more therefore, the unsilent majority seems to be in the right.

This then leads to the experienced people not bothering any more and you then have a forum full of knockers rather than doers. If you see most of my posts are actually in these persons defence but only if I know the underlying facts. ie smeone was complaining recently that there engine was delayed to PSR according to one source but I actually saw that engine when I was in there and reported the facts back because the person who was being criticised here was unable to reply at the time. There is a method to my madness, when the correct information is not passed back on comments made then the assumption and future gossip made and not corrected seems to be in some peoples mind "fact". If the facts arent right then that person has been served with injustice.

On to my point about journos...........I used to get fed up with journalists miss printing stuff missing web site links, addresses and generally getting things wrong in their reporting. It used to bother me alot and there wasnt alot that could be done as when it had gone to print it was too late. Rarely these days do you get to see it before it goes out to print. A good freind and member of this forum then told me that what is worse than reporters not reporting all the information is them not reporting on it at all.

You see loads of stuff in the papers these days and sometimes what is printed is true and sometimes past comments out of date items and other things means that stories can get mixed up and misconstrued. At the end of it all as long as the full story can be told in its truth and entirity then thats all that matters. Its nice to get to see the full picture.
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Old 14 August 2004, 08:54   #8
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Originally Posted by Alan
I think you'll find that Bear Grylls book was available to order on Amazon while he was still somewhere mid Atlantic as well!
If that's true I don't actually see a problem with that. I quite often buy stuff from amazon having pre ordered before the actual release date.

What I do find stranger is Depsols last post, is he saying that the quote was not actually made by Alan , but was made up by a journalist, and if that is the case, then is he saying that the monthly column in sporstboat is not actually written by Alan, but by some nameless journo who is as arrogant and big headed as the great man himself!

All IMHO of course
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
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Old 14 August 2004, 10:03   #9
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DeepSole, are you a journalist Please back up anything you say with proof, as it is all lies yet again I did let a 14yr old girl daughter of a forum member drive my brand new boat in April last year, only because I had full trust in her dad and I had seen the way she handled his much bigger boat. I thought that was kind of me and showed trust. As for parking, well its not any better Only joking it has improved tremendously, I have even taken the tyres off the sides now What is trim ?

So DeepSole can we stick to the questions, and NOT show the poison side of your personality yet again, it does nothing for your credibility, Nuff said

I was actually trying to help on this thread and you tried to knock me

P.S. So as not to be accused of avoiding questions, re the media, I have press officers, but deal direct with them frequently, whether it be journalists or TV, documentaries or news, so you can't knock me in that department at all
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Old 14 August 2004, 10:34   #10
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Found any interesting research Charles?
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Old 14 August 2004, 16:05   #11
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Originally Posted by chrisallse
Did you see the article in the March issue?
Some qoutes from AP
"compared to power boating sailing a modern yacht is easy" and on Ellen MacArthur "apart from sailing around the world and coming second in a trans Atlantic yacht race she has not had much success" and "when you attempt a circumnavigation in a yacht you do not even need to be a good navigator"

You may be a nice guy and you certainly have achieved a lot ,but by Christ you do sometimes talk a lot of Bollix.
Having got more sea under my belt sailing than I have powerboating, I think that I am idealy positioned to say which one is easier.Sailing a modern yacht is a lot easier than driving a powerboat Alan P
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Old 14 August 2004, 16:14   #12
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy
Sailing a modern yacht is a lot easier than driving a powerboat Alan P
Easier still sailing on ship
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Old 14 August 2004, 16:58   #13
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy
Having got more sea under my belt sailing than I have powerboating, I think that I am idealy positioned to say which one is easier.Sailing a modern yacht is a lot easier than driving a powerboat Alan P
I think i will have to disagree on that one ,as have done alot of sailing and powerboating, motor cruising and sweaty decky work and covered a fair few miles although nothing as great as yourself , sailing a yacht with crew easy
as everyone is allocated work watch systems, driving a powerboat with crew easy same MO as above , sailing a yacht single handed changing sails in a force 6/7/8/10 in the southern ocean a little bit tricky climbing a mast in the southern ocean in a gale a tad difficult trimming the sails for optimum speed
exhausting, navigation modern electronics make life easier and having a weather router in touch with you takes away some of the pressure but still your call if you want to break records, now hats off to you sir if you have done this on a sailing boat 60ft singlehanded, but Ellen deserves her accolades for what she has achieved and you deserve yours but you are talking about two very different things here,
regards tim
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Old 14 August 2004, 18:47   #14
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Originally Posted by tim griffin
but Ellen deserves her accolades for what she has achieved and you deserve yours but you are talking about two very different things here,
regards tim
Hear hear
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Old 14 August 2004, 18:59   #15
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Originally Posted by Manos
Here here!

I presume you mean "hear hear". you've been 'lying under the sun' too long Manos
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Old 14 August 2004, 22:06   #16
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Originally Posted by peteb
Please back up anything you say with proof, as it is all lies yet again
P.S. So as not to be accused of avoiding questions, re the media, I have press officers, but deal direct with them frequently, whether it be journalists or TV, documentaries or news, so you can't knock me in that department at all
Recent article in PBO has some missing info for 1. Me liar hmm that rich pray tel me who lied recently about being booted off this forum not me.

There is a bit of a difference between court reporters and marine journos Pete !

Dirk...I was referring to Marine journos rather than statements made. I am sure that even Alans column must be edited otherwise where did all the swearing go?
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Old 15 August 2004, 08:47   #17
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Originally Posted by chrisallse
Did you see the article in the March issue?
Some qoutes from AP
"compared to power boating sailing a modern yacht is easy" and on Ellen MacArthur "apart from sailing around the world and coming second in a trans Atlantic yacht race she has not had much success" and "when you attempt a circumnavigation in a yacht you do not even need to be a good navigator"

is this statment true or was it twisted by jouro's?
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Old 15 August 2004, 11:21   #18
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Tim. I have known Ellen for many years and I have the greatest respect for what she has done and achieved. I think the confusion on this topic is the differance between "Crewed" & "Single handed". It goes without saying that running a single handed 60ft boat is hard work but as I am sure you are aware most of the new breed of open 60's most of the work is carried out from inside the cabin. Apart from having to go up the mast or attach the sails there is not much need to go outside.As for changing sails in storm force winds, all the boats have very good weather routing computors and know what is going to happen hours before hand. If the skipper leaves it till the last minute for a sail change than more fool them. As for the navigation part, most of the routing is weather dependant not harbour dependant. To navigate around the world from country to country taakes a certain amount of skill. To sail an ocean and look for your destination harbour is relitivly easy. You only have to worry about the last 20 miles. Alan P
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Old 15 August 2004, 13:48   #19
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Just to recap...

The story so far:
1. Dirk Diggler and ChrisAllse quote some of Alan Priddy's comments from Sportsboat Magazine.

2. DepSol tells us that they aren't Alan's words, but are the result of editing.

3. Jono Garton asks
Originally Posted by Jono Garton

is this statment true or was it twisted by jouro's?
4. Alan doesn't directly confirm or deny what he said.

Alan, are the words printed in Sportsboat Magazine, credited to you and quoted in this thread, yours? A simple yes or no will suffice.
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Old 15 August 2004, 15:25   #20
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RICHARD B,YES! so now you can continue to throw your sticks and stones. Keep em coming, I can take it! Alan P
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