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Old 20 May 2015, 05:49   #1
Country: Canada
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SR 5.4 project guidance

I am a new owner of an original 1978 SR5.4! Over the next while I would like to refurbish this old gal and give her a new life. So much info on this site... I guess I have a few questions for the guys with experience.

1. I need to remove the tube to tube console. I would like to replace with a centre console, either single seat or narrow double wide for my wife and I. I am pretty handy at welding aluminum, yet I never see any aluminum consoles on these RIBs. Any reason? This console build really takes me to my next question on the soundness of the deck.

2. The orange grip coat on the deck is separated off the substrate. Should I be concerned? Any way to take a peek inside to inspect for rot? Also, there are two rails built into the deck near the tubes running longitudinally- remove or use for anchoring the console?

3. Currently the boat is powered by twin Evinrude 35 hp (1978 as well!) which both run ok. They are 20" shaft, however if I can ever get my hands on the 90 2S yamaha I will jump on it. When I make the conversion to a single engine is the preferred method to cut down the transom or build an extended mount. Again, I would weld up an aluminum bracket and bolt it through the existing transom. It seems like there would not be much freeboard on the transom if I were to remove 5". Any thoughts?

4. Finally, I would like to refinish the tubes. They hold air well, but the painted over "coast guard" letters look trashy. Paint advice welcomed. Tuff-coat a good product.

Any insight is appreciated- also links to other threads help me out. I still have yet to master the search function! Thanks,
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Old 20 May 2015, 06:44   #2
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Ive tinkered with one of these, you can read about it here....

If you've a any question just drop me a PM.
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Old 20 May 2015, 13:48   #3
Country: Canada
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Wow A1an, excellent restoration! A few more newbie questions: what product did you use to reattach the tubes to the transom? And getting the bow cover off- just a heat gun and patience? Thanks,
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Old 20 May 2015, 14:41   #4
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Originally Posted by Frozen Canadian View Post
Wow A1an, excellent restoration! A few more newbie questions: what product did you use to reattach the tubes to the transom? And getting the bow cover off- just a heat gun and patience? Thanks,
A heatgun will weaken the bond so that you can peel it apart.

However, given the age of the boat, I expect the layers of the hypalon will delaminate, possibly leaving the neoprene backer behind. It will look like hell, but you can always come back and sand off any remaining bits.

For gluing hypalon to GRP, polyester, fiberglass, etc, you should utilize a high strength two-part hypalon adhesive. No primer is required, only some scuffing & prep-solvent to dewax & degrease.
Gluing geek since 2007
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Old 20 May 2015, 15:42   #5
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SR 5.4 project guidance

Originally Posted by Frozen Canadian View Post
Wow A1an, excellent restoration! A few more newbie questions: what product did you use to reattach the tubes to the transom? And getting the bow cover off- just a heat gun and patience? Thanks,
The front cover was heated gently with a hair dryer, heat gun may have been too fierce on old tubes.

The glue was Bostik 2402. Both surfaces were roughened up with sand paper (I forget the grade) then wiped down with Acetone, a thin layer of 2402 was then applied to either surface, this was left to go totally dry (maybe 15-20mins) then a second layer was added, this was left until tacky then the two surfaces were pressed together and rolled to ensure a good contact.
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