I'm getting SR4 covers remade. I have a slightly used but very decently designed one which covers the tubes completely, allows for a console and covers the engine and whole rear of boat apart from prop. It is fully tailored and as such is a perfect fit. It is elasticated at the base with two 2 inch webbing hull straps spanning the underside for full security.....it is properly heavy duty.
Essentially, apart from the hull, the whole boat is sealed.
I intend to have these covers remanufactured. Once in place they are actually sturdy enough to take the weight of an adult, not that you'd do that.
I'll be speccing them in orange, black and grey.
Pictures will follow. There are also security versions with cabling around the perimeter and across the sponsons.
Any ideas are greatly received as production is starting so semi-tailored versions can be catered for.
Still at prototype stage so costs aren't known, but I would not want to buy a boat cover for more than the price of the trailer!!!!!!!!
If it stops UV and weather degradation and provides out of sight out of mind (OOSOOM) security then good.