Originally Posted by MustRib
some interesting ideas here guys thanks...
I see that RibShop is selling a 70mm trunk kit.
As I am inexperienced with using fibreglass matting I was thinking I could use Marine epoxy to seal the hole in the transom, and also use it to seal the plastic drain tube in.
If that wont work, I'd appreciate some words of wisdom as otherwise I will have to take the boat to someone who can fibregalss! thanks
Andy go for it. Rogue Wave and I fitted one to my Tohatsu without any major dramas. We used a tank cutter to cut though the 2" hull having drilled a small pilot hole first. Hole was slightly over size to allow for epoxy resin. 6" piece of drain pipe glued in with marine epoxy and allowed to set. Elephants trunk made from an offcut of hyperlon tube material with a 1" over lap then glued on with sealant and held in place with a couple of stainless clips.
However it that's too much then is Durham close enough? your looking for a small boat building company called Reiver, near Stanley.