Hello! Its been awhile since I have last posted, I am the guy in the US with the SR6 project boat. I have installed a new tube set myself, and I will post a blow by blow account of the procedure with photos soon. (It went very well! The stress of it all was a little much on the girlfriend though

My question for now is this, are there any tips or tricks on installing a rub rail? I went with the heavy duty rubstrake. (6 1/2 inches wide) I plan on one continuous run around the boat, rather than 2 sections, split at the bow.
My first thought is this: run masking tape along the center line of the tube. Then measure above and below this line to find the top and bottom of the rub rail. Then tape there, removing the center line, then proceed to prepping and gluing. (The rub rail is too bulky to use as a template itself)
A more exacting method I thought of would be to use a strip of material slightly larger than the rubstrake and tape that around the boat in position, then tape top and botom and remove material. I am sure I am making this more complicated then it needs to be, but as it was pointed out in a previous post, the rub rail is really critical for a professional look.
Is there a better way to do this?