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Old 06 June 2007, 12:42   #81
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Just dye the whole seat pink and sell the boat to Kathleen!

(Or get an upholsterer to make up a set of cheep covers and leave the original upholstery as is?)
I don't have an attitude, I have a personality you can't handle.
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Old 06 June 2007, 14:05   #82
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PS What is the warrantee on commercially used Etecs I assume you checked [/QUOTE]

I asked BRP

Evinrude E-TECs registered for commercial use have 12 months warranty or 750 hours (whichever is soonest).
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Old 07 June 2007, 00:29   #83
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Jbt Marine

I have been reading this thread with great interest.....i went to JBT to buy/order an additional rib this spring, i was met by a man that quite frankly was probabley the most Uninterested salesman ive ever you cant even remember me can you. I was asked what my budget was (fair question) i replied not sure but ill know if i see the right boat, the salesman then just lost all interest & seemed like he did not have the time to waste on mere time wasters such myself, not really answering any questions....Bad move for you son as i was looking to buy a big family rib to replace my £145000.00 40ft Sunseeker!!!!(dont get the time to use it) did'nt tell you that at the time as i thought you may not have done me such a good deal with that in mind. I thought you may have just been having an off day, After reading this thread you do yourself no favours 'F***ing & going off on one'. You should have delt with 'neilb's' problems in private not on an open forum, thats not good for business no matter how good your 'page ranking' gets as the people that will find your website will probabley find this website & thread as well!!!! I am going to purchase a new 7>10 meter VIPERMAX/RIBCRAFT or S/H SCORPION CABIN at the end of the summer, im aiming to spend around £45>60k, you should never judge a potential customer by how he look's or how he talk's, all customers are the single most important part of your business.

The Titanic was built by professionals - The Ark was built by one man!
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Old 07 June 2007, 01:22   #84
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Go to tradeing standards & end this now, you are just stressing out & so is RIVA it's no good for ether of you, they will let you know where you stand. If the product is proved 'not fit for the purpose' then warrentee does not matter neither does age or previous ownership or from whom you brought it, if the foam product is no longer used in the current boats production then they will want to know why? & trust me no one can avoid giving them an answer as the longer someone stall's them the more compensation will be due. I know as i deal with them, i do survey reports on products/installations & workmanship for them. Sometimes its better to sort out the customer complaint just because it would be dearer & too time consuming to prove the customer wrong & it better to keep the customer. HOWEVER if YOU are in the wrong & have no case they will tell you so & you will have to bite the bullet & say sorry for all the fuss & may i buy some seats please, i do think you can do a lot better on the price from a good 3rd party trimmer though. Also i think that the comment 'deposit now payment by' is just being bloody minded on RIVA's part.
Just my opinion for what it's worth.

The Titanic was built by professionals - The Ark was built by one man!
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Old 07 June 2007, 09:02   #85
Country: UK - England
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good luck with your new cabin rib , i think the scorp at ribex was good value you should look at that . very nice boat
think youl find we did, and only responded in open once we had to .
thanks for the buissness advice .
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