I have got my rib out from its winter slumber yesterday and started to do some work on her for spring. I have noticed that I seem to have picked up stains on my tubes from my cover, it looks like some kind of mould by the way its patchy.
I have used my usual tube cleaner product, sprayed on and left for 5 minutes and started rubbing hard and although it took all the crap off the tubes and made all my rags the same colour as my tubes

bright orange! It wouldn't shift these stains.
Has anyone else had this problem and if so what should I use to remove it, pictures attached.
I have tried using a brillo pad and the same chemical to clean it up and although it seems to be removing lots of orange from my tubes (which I assume it the top layer) its not moving!
I have got some acetone I am thinking of using on a rag, will that be ok my tubes?