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Old 31 October 2007, 09:54   #1
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: doggypaddle
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steering question.

Morning all,

Yamaha 80, teleflex cable end passes through the steel tube on the engine clamp, leaving the stainless telescoping bit with the eye in the end poking out. what connects the engine to the end of the cable?
I worked out there is a drag link, and assumed there must be a ball joint at at least one end(engine end). A chandler i rang said the drag lings are £30 and there is no ball or rose joint, just a bolt running through. Is this so? Ifit is i aint paying £30 for one i have access to the stainless stock and could bend one up in 10 minutes. it sounds from the description its just a 10mm bar with a 90 degree bend at one end threaded, and an eye at the other. Using a bolt as a pivit sounds like bad enginering to me andi would use a rose joint.

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Old 31 October 2007, 10:14   #2
Country: UK - England
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Had the same problem last year - yes it is just a bolt - but it should come with a few accessories.
One accessory should be a sleeve for the bolt that look somewhat like a ball bearing with a hole through it. This allows the drag link to rotate.
I'll also be likely to have a spring and a couple of washers (maybe one will be rubber) to give some tension.
Really is that simple.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former --- Albert Einstein
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Old 31 October 2007, 10:50   #3
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For what it's worth, I had no "rotating" bits on my Suz drag link - the entire rod on the steering cable rotated in the clamp tube.
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