01 March 2012, 09:55
Country: UK - England
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Storage and security
Would appreciate people's opinions on some boat storage options I have.
I currently keep my boat in a safe outdoors caravan storage compound - had it there about 7 months and no security problems. In a quiet country road, but well fenced and two gates to access (plus cctv, etc.), plus other properties on at least two sides and a couple of businesses on site. Costs me £45 a month, but is about 20 minutes drive from home, in the opposite direction to the sea, so at least 45 minutes to pick up and get to a slip.
Now have the option of storage at a facility related to my work. Only 5 minutes from home, used for other water activities, other boats stored there and has a slip free to use (ok for HW +- about 4 hours). Boat would be stored on an open grassed area and only cost £10 a month. Sounds great, except they've had some problems with thefts - although it's got a locked gate, it's next to a railway line and people in the past have come across and pinched fuel (in containers) from the office and loose items from the stored boats. They've not had a boat or engine nicked yet. They have cctv which is monitored centrally, but the boat storage bit is in the background and isn't lit at night.
I had intended to keep the boat at home, but this requires knocking down a large gate post, putting quite a few paving slabs/concrete below some deep gravel areas, etc., and even then it's pretty awkward to get in/out requiring moving it round 90 deg and pulling into place (no room to pull with a vehicle). Basically, it makes using the boat a major hassle.
I'm really tempted by the convenience of the new storage option, but concerned about security. I'd probably fit a cheap GPS tracker and improve security as much as possible.
Question is - what would you do?
01 March 2012, 10:14
Country: UK - England
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I'm not sure going backwards in terms of security is the way forward just for convenience...saving 30 mins in launch time only to find the boat's gone/the engine's gone/the fuel's gone sounds like a big pill to swallow.
Trackers are useful, and I have one on my boat. But, they're an after the event device.
I'd stick with what you have.
01 March 2012, 10:23
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Originally Posted by Gerry
...Basically, it makes using the boat a major hassle....
I think that's the most important line you wrote - as we all know the more hassle the less you use the boat and all things considered convenience is king.
01 March 2012, 10:48
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Originally Posted by Leapy
I'm not sure going backwards in terms of security is the way forward just for convenience...saving 30 mins in launch time only to find the boat's gone/the engine's gone/the fuel's gone sounds like a big pill to swallow.
But number of hours on the water (and "return on investment") is higher for a facility that is used / convenient.
Are the other boats in the compound as appealing / nickable as yours? e.g. if they are tatty 4m seariders with "RESCUE" painted down the side and an old pull start 40HP on the back your Osprey with 150HP might be somewhat more appealing. If there are better boats than yours in there then it might be worth the risk.
Make sure you tell your insurance about the move and meet all their requirements. Remove "portable" stuff (like fuel cans). And probably fit a good cover as that will deter people from going rummaging. If after all that it still seems like maximum convenience at an affordable price I would consider it. Your current facility is not 100% guaranteed either - it has just been fine so far.
01 March 2012, 12:06
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Good luck with the search for storage Gerry - but remember, you generally get what you pay for!!!
If you're interested in a "self launch / storage" option next to a slipway in Portsmouth, PM me.
01 March 2012, 13:43
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I'd take it home. It may be hassle getting it in and out but the time you spend driving to get it now is no different. If its hard for you to get it out it will be hard for a thief also
01 March 2012, 13:54
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What BIff said....Workout a better sytem at home . You only need to knock the posts/wall down once and then its easier to keep up to together , but do take security seriously even though its on the drive.
People will see it and know it is there so can work out how to nick it if its not properly and obviously secure.
01 March 2012, 15:10
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Gerry, I have a similar problem to you, it is difficult to get my boat into its storage position at home. Basically I have to reverse it through an 'S' bend and then, like you, man handle it on a slight slope, into its final position. I guess there is not a lot of weight difference in our two boats 
I put up with this because it makes the boat more secure when stored, and although not undercover (but it is under a boat cover  ), it is there if I want to work on it.
For me, the effort is worth it
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01 March 2012, 15:25
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If it is that cheap to store next to a slip then how about seeing if you can for the same price keep a old container & keep your rib inside the container?
That way it is safe & dry & out of the elements!
Member of the Ribeye supporters club!!!
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01 March 2012, 15:42
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 92
Thanks for all the input.
I'd really like the new storage possibility to work, especially with the onsite slip, but I'm doubtful about it due to security. I've been thinking about a used shipping container, but they're not wide enough. Standard size is 8ft/2.44m wide, with a slightly smaller door opening. Since the Vipermax is 2.55m beam, it's a bit tight, even with deflated tubes (also would be quite a challenge to get round/over the boat to the back).
The plan was always to modify the entrance at home to make it easier. It's a rather substantial brick column that needs to be removed, but I'll have a go. I also bought one of those 12V caravan movers on eBay a while back. It's actually surprisingly good where it can get decent grip. It has to go through several patches of deeper gravel and just doesn't cope, so I need to firm up the ground in those areas. Also considered a manual or electric winch with key winch points in the garden! Just need to think about the ways to make it as easy as possible so it doesn't put me off using the boat.
My previous boat (Ribcraft 4.8) fitted in easily and didn't cost anything, so my wife is very aware of the £45 a month and can consider many alternative ways to spend this... so she's keen on the £10 option (and OK with the home storage except it takes up space at the front of the house). Also, as noted, much much easier to do jobs on the boat at home.
01 March 2012, 15:45
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I think I know where we are talking about as I was going to my boat there. I didn't for the security reason. Most times I popped down there there had just been a theft. Some one I know lost their fuel tanks etc.
Shame as its a fantastic location.
01 March 2012, 15:58
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Are the other boats in the compound as appealing / nickable as yours? e.g. if they are tatty 4m seariders with "RESCUE" painted down the side and an old pull start 40HP on the back your Osprey with 150HP might be somewhat more appealing.
01 March 2012, 18:10
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I keep my boat at a similar sounding site to the one yours is at currently.
may even be the same one if it's more Portsmouth way.
Think about how secure would it be at home.
Would it be behind the locked gates, with CCTV coverage?
Would more passers-by, from all walks of life, see it in your drive than tucked away where it is?
I live in a quiet, private, Cul-de-sac, yet my insurance company give me a 15% discount because the boat is at the caravan storage park rather than at home.
01 March 2012, 18:32
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Why don't you and the other owners offer the site owner an extra £5 a month if they increase the security?
01 March 2012, 19:17
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 92
Originally Posted by Jizm
I think I know where we are talking about as I was going to my boat there. I didn't for the security reason. Most times I popped down there there had just been a theft. Some one I know lost their fuel tanks etc.
Shame as its a fantastic location.
Thanks - that's interesting to know.
Originally Posted by AMac
Why don't you and the other owners offer the site owner an extra £5 a month if they increase the security?
I don't know why they don't invest in a decent metal fence with gate around the storage area. I suspect they're not particularly interested in making money out of it. Also surprising because the organisation that runs it seems to have plenty of money to spend on buildings elsewhere..!
Most of the boats in the storage area are small sailing dinghies or pretty tatty motor boats or RIBs (one RIB with completely flat tubes...) They have some decent RIBs for running training courses but they're on hardstanding nearer the cctv cameras.
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