15 December 2009, 12:26
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Stuffing Vid's
Can anyone post a link to some stuff videos, have done a search but am not interested in people killing monkeys. Was amazed at how wet i got and how much water came onboard, but my eyes were shut at the time, would be interested to see just how it happened.
15 December 2009, 12:43
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Stuff or Snuff  for a few of us snuff is probably more appropriate - my experience on my RIB so far can be safely classed as a near death experience and Gibbos  - am yet to experience the "Stuff"
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15 December 2009, 13:36
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Originally Posted by mark_j
Can anyone post a link to some stuff videos, have done a search but am not interested in people killing monkeys. Was amazed at how wet i got and how much water came onboard, but my eyes were shut at the time, would be interested to see just how it happened.
Ask Downhilldi, he's got a great one
15 December 2009, 13:51
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I’m sorry I can’t help with any footage, but can testify to the amount of water that can come up over the bow.
I had a very Public stuffing once, and I’m not talking about any dodgy goings on in a car park whilst I should have been exercising my canine friend. (it gets worse, I'll Stop)
Getting ready to leave Yarmouth in October last year on one of the cruises, whilst everyone else was donning big jackets and drysuits etc, I’d said “I’ll be alright in my shorts and jacket” a summer Musto that’s more of a wind proof layer than anything.
Anyway, on the way back we hit that spot just on the western edge of Cowes entrance where it can pick up a bit, and in front of Andy Hightower, Pete 7, Avocet etc I went straight through a wave and took a wall of water up over the bow which was dumped directly on top of me. I was very wet, and soon got very cold.
The best stuff I ever witnessed was again on a Yarmouth cruise, but the year before when the weather was famously bad.
A few of us had made it round to Yarmouth from Pompey, but Nos had made it across from Lymington in his SR4 with his mate on board. Whilst mucking about outside the harbour entrance he performed what was a stuff, but could more accurately be described as a ‘submarine’ where I’m sure the whole boat was briefly submerged.
One funny memory was me and Pete following on behind picking his buoyant belongings out of the sea after they flowed over the transom with the water as he tried to empty the hull by giving it loads of welly. Lunchbox, flask, tacklebox, it was all left in a nice neat trail behind him.
A recording of that one would be great viewing.
15 December 2009, 14:11
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Search youtube for seadoo submarine - looks impressive but cant be great for the boat !
15 December 2009, 16:44
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Originally Posted by bedajim
Ask Downhilldi, he's got a great one 
Oh yes.  It must be about time that one got an airing again.
15 December 2009, 17:25
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Oh yes.  It must be about time that one got an airing again. 
If your lucky you'll just here the purr of an Opti too
15 December 2009, 17:51
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
Search youtube for seadoo submarine - looks impressive but cant be great for the boat !
Very impressive - not sure I'd like all that salt water everywhere either
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15 December 2009, 18:04
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Originally Posted by Nasher
A recording of that one would be great viewing.
I wish it was on video-I'd love to have been watching too.
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15 December 2009, 21:13
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Don't have a video but very clear memory of it. River Humber November 2007 wet cold and sea/river trial of 7.3 metre rib. Never having been in a boat on the Humber ie the water looks like the banks BROWN! Looking like I knew what I was doing checking everything out (my wife and a friend of the person who owned the rib at the time up front) looking and listening to the engine I looked round to see this BROWN mountain in front of me, just as we landed in a 24 ft hole the same size as the boat  The wall of water that followed was the same length as the boat  The look on the face of my wife who decided not to put on here dry suit  I thought that was the end of boat ownership for me!!!!!! I have never seen water pour over the side of the tube never mind the transom! Monumental cock up on my part boat survived so I bought it (figured I couldn't cock it up any worse). But give me the open sea any day over a muddy river.
15 December 2009, 21:38
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I've found the infamous DHD dunking.  Unfortunately it was on Roycruse's Riblog site which is no longer up. I'll ask him to stick it on You Tube.
15 December 2009, 21:49
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Not as wet as these guys i'd expect.! This isnt really a typical slow speed, large following sea stuff that we'd be more likely to encounter on our ribs ... but it gives the idea.
These guys  .....but impressive to watch!
15 December 2009, 23:09
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Originally Posted by Mollers
I've found the infamous DHD dunking.  Unfortunately it was on Roycruse's Riblog site which is no longer up. I'll ask him to stick it on You Tube. 
Yes, I found the thread on here too, with a dead link.
I think I recall Roy also put it on Google vids?
15 December 2009, 23:17
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15 December 2009, 23:37
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I enjoyed watching that Vid. Nice little Stuff too 
Looks Slow but is Fast
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16 December 2009, 07:06
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Originally Posted by ALANT
Monumental cock up on my part boat survived so I bought it (figured I couldn't cock it up any worse).
Alant - what part of it was the cock up - what should you have done differently - so are all stuffs driver error - or more to the point what needs to occur in order to make them happen
Apologies for all the questions
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16 December 2009, 07:19
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Originally Posted by Robbie Diesel
Not as wet as these guys i'd expect.! This isnt really a typical slow speed, large following sea stuff that we'd be more likely to encounter on our ribs ... but it gives the idea.
These guys  .....but impressive to watch!
I was in that race in a similar boat in Cowes, there is a good one coming into Gibraltar with another similar boat, they are both Phantoms by the way, parents of one or two Rib hulls!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
16 December 2009, 08:39
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Hi Knot Yet,
My stuff was driver error I was looking the wrong way  and landed in a standing wave. Can't comment on anyone else experience, but running with a big sea you have to be very careful, short large waves are the worst.
16 December 2009, 09:47
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Originally Posted by ALANT
Hi Knot Yet,
My stuff was driver error I was looking the wrong way  and landed in a standing wave. Can't comment on anyone else experience, but running with a big sea you have to be very careful, short large waves are the worst.
Yep, did a similar thing and ripped the tubes all the way back to behind the consol. That was an expensive day out!
16 December 2009, 10:13
Country: UK - England
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Flippin heck - so not only is it very wet but you can potentially bugger your RIB at the same time
Alant - if you'd seen the standing wave (didn't know they did that) what should you have done?
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
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