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Old 11 September 2015, 21:00   #41
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I've been on a FunYak 3.9m with the bench seat and console rather than jockey. Been on one a couple of times but only in relatively benign conditions.

I've been on a SR 4 a lot more recently than Poly, in benign conditons and some fairly rough stuff (F6-gusting 7, inland water).

Been on bigger RIBs, but there is a step change from 4m to 4.8m-ish size in my experience. So not fair to compare.

I think it is fair to make parallels between a SR4 and a YunYak390. My gut feeling is you need less power on the FY than the SR to get shifting but that the SR4 may go faster. The beauty of the SR4 to me is the flooding hull. If you are fishing, or coaching sailors etc thats a major selling point. If you are planning on coming ashore on rough surfaces, against rough jetties etc the Poly boat wins out.

I'd certainly think a twin jockey FY would make for a better ride than the bench seat does and may well compete with the SR4. In a serious swell the SR4 wasn't too gentle in my opinion. Sh17 loads of fun but not gentle...

Your specific uses will matter lots.

£2k buys you a new bare FY according to Poly. £2k would get you a decent SR4, or a rough one with an old cruddy engine. But if you need to re-tube it you'll shell out £2k for that alone. But you'll find re-selling a SR4 far easier!
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Old 12 September 2015, 07:13   #42
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See the Ribcraft 4.8m has been mentioned a couple of times. In Ribnet tradition I'll obviously recommend it, but there are few things that are omitted from the usual reviews

1/ On a trailer, she'll take up 18' of your drive
2/ Needs minimum of 60hp in terms of horses, and it's no lightweight
3/ Relatively scarce on second-hand market, and £6k will get something a lot older
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 12 September 2015, 07:37   #43
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I have a Humber 4.5 (it's for sale).

I think I'd prefer a SR4 if I were in the 4-4.5m range.

A 4.8 is that bit bigger. I'm no expert at this size but have used a tornado 4.8 and it's capable. In some ways better than a SR4 (more space).
Ribcraft a good reputation, their 4.8 mentioned by many.
There is a SR 4.7 too.
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Old 12 September 2015, 07:45   #44
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If we're thinking something slightly larger than the original 4m lets not forget the Zodiac 4.7 (pro 9man).

I use one with the double Outback console. Well balanced with two on board, front locker for storage and with a 50hp on the back economical to run and simple to single hand launch and recover using an Astra / Insignia.

There was originally a back seat on board too but with anyone sat on it there was just too much rear weight - daft on a small boat .

There are a few of these about and for 5k you get a very good one.
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Old 12 September 2015, 09:15   #45
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
One of the cans of Guinness in that barrel blew up and left me with a VERY fragrant sleeping bag. Admittedly, I packed in a hurry and you WERE belting through a 2 meter slop....

I'd be happy to answer ANY questions about your boat in public!
For my view point which was not too far behind the poly boat.. I will say that slippery SIB of Poly’s easily slid into the lead.. in both smooth and chop .. despite a smaller engine than mine. However .. no tins of Guinness burst in my boat .. (that was probably because I had emptied my stash on Belnahua .. sitting around the campfire.)

Which Brand of boat is the best between mine and Poly’s ? Poly’s of course..I would have one tomorrow if I needed to change my own. But that is only my opinion.

Re the green stuff sticking to these boats.. I assume the large black buoys that support the ropes in mussel farms are made of the same stuff ? The ropes certainly foul up.. but even the white crap from sea fowl .. washes off in the rain.. I have never noticed growth on their undersides either.

I will however play devil’s advocate ..and say ..Guinness is THE best brand of frothy drink in a can a choppy mood or a smooth one.
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Old 12 September 2015, 10:58   #46
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
One of the cans of Guinness in that barrel blew up and left me with a VERY fragrant sleeping bag. Admittedly, I packed in a hurry and you WERE belting through a 2 meter slop....
That can was booby trapped as you had smuggled the real stuff out of Ireland and it was programmed to stop and British drinkers enjoying it.
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Old 12 September 2015, 11:35   #47
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
That can was booby trapped as you had smuggled the real stuff out of Ireland and it was programmed to stop and British drinkers enjoying it.
They DO say Guinness doesn't travel well
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Old 12 September 2015, 12:32   #48
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I hope that is not why the real stuff from the south tastes better ?

They filter it through soggy slept in sleeping bags
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Old 04 November 2015, 20:55   #49
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Originally Posted by blootac View Post
Cheers Poly, It's given me something else to contemplate.
The fun-yaks don't seem to go big enough for what I want, I'd like around 4m, they seem to stop at around 3.7
The Whaley 435 and 435_R look interesting.

I'd have to see them actually in action through chop and see how they handle but on paper they look pretty good, and fairly light for their size (the 435_R is 196KG).
I love my whaly, it handles the chop well, can be a wet ride with speed but good value for money.
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Old 05 November 2015, 07:24   #50
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Cheers papajoe, I'll have a look at them too
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