I’m guessing they are the Ullman Biscayas that were recently advertised. Ullman offer 3 seat heights, the majority are fitted on the middle one which iirc is 750mm This is from deck to bum. To achieve this, the base is 350mm from deck to seat fixing face. I’m 6’ & the missus is 5’6” & this height suits us both. The foot rests make a big difference too, if you haven’t already got them, I’d get some. These allow you to change your knee angle & are handy to stand on to get a better view over the windscreen. Distance from the helm is a tricky one. In theory, your back should be straight (ish) when you are comfortably sat at the helm with your hands on the wheel. To achieve this with a normal console, you have to place the seat close to the console, this can make it a squeeze getting your legs between the seat & console face. Ullman recommend an undercut console to alleviate this issue, see photo. I can sit with my back against the backrest & my elbows slightly bent, think of a car driving position. Another thing that Ullman recommend is that the throttle & steering wheel are more or less on the same centre line & that the seat is offset between the 2. I.e the seat shouldn’t be on the same centre line as the wheel, this would mean that you have to stretch to reach the throttle. The seat centre line should be slightly offset of the wheel centre line to bring the throttle closer to hand. In practical terms within the confines of a RIB, this means offsetting the wheel & throttle rather than the seat. I only managed to get a small offset due to the size of the console & the windscreen rail, but it does make a difference to driving comfort.
There are some drawings on Ullman's website, These explain it better than I can.