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Old 02 August 2024, 19:17   #1
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T30 ae sail?

Hi has anyone thought of or tried a mast and sail on a sib, honwave t30 ae, so ali floor. Also the seat fell to bits so replaced it with a piece of wood. Thinking unstayed mast (pole of some sort) and lug sale ?? There was /is such a thing as a tinker tramp ….
Regards Terry
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Old 02 August 2024, 19:29   #2
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On a SIB, will some form of keel not be essential to allow you a degree of control over where you go?
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Old 02 August 2024, 19:41   #3
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Or a DinghyGo from Nestaway
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Old 02 August 2024, 19:50   #4
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Yup Elcaro doesn't matter what idea we come up with.. someone will have done it already

Ok not a T30 but I made my 2.75 Frib into a little motor sailor

Why wouldn't you want stays ?

The mast will take a fair bit of pressure even in a breeze never mind a blow. I use three stays ..same as many a dingy. Its thin dynema rope stays .. as its very no chance of my mast blowing down.

I bought a sail for a Laser dingy and cut the top off to make the main and jib. Reason being I didn't want it to capsize in strong winds and it would be murder righting a SIB if it capsizes. I have been in force 4 winds in this setup and it was not healing over far due to the short height of sail

You need a rudder of some sort I use an oar fixed to the transom to steer and it works ok.

If you only want to sail downwind you don't need a keel..centreboard or if using a SIB..a leaboard ..but if you want to sail into or across the wind you will need a leaboard of sorts for a SIB. You can see mine in the side on obviously has to rise and lower to come ashore etc. I can head 45% into wind on mine which is ok for a SIB /Frib.

If heading direct into wind..I wrap the sail up and use the wee outboard..just like real motor sailers do.

So yup..its all been done before..and its good fun both designing the boat so it works and then using it :-D

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Old 02 August 2024, 20:00   #5
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T30 ae sail

Will, chip, gurnard, thank you for your replies.
Yes i’m thinking of only downwind or a very broad reach, where in a dinghy you’d have the centreboard up anyway. Rudder - yes thinking of a rowlock on the transom and use an oar. The sib has an inflatable keel which gives it a sort of “boat” shape in the hull.
Gurnard, i shall read and digest, get back to you re your post. ( Jules Verne, early science-fiction writer, said “what one man can imagine another man can do.” ) Looks like you’ve done this and more!
Regards from Terry
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Old 02 August 2024, 20:31   #6
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Yup that is what I did oar in a rowlock on the transom . Its hard work though especially when the wind blows.. keeping the oar deep enough. Since then I made a wooden "rudder" that clips around the wee outboard and it works a lot better.

You have to play about getting the best position for the mast ..and I would recommend a leeboard as it makes it more versatile. Initially I just used an oar held in position over the side as my leeboard. Its position is quite important too as too far forward and the boat will want to turn into wind so you counteract by using rudder and that slows everything once the mast and leeboard are in good positions ..the rudder is straight and the boat goes straight. That's all in the fun of designing the boat and I thoroughly enjoyed that aspect.

I didn't want to spend money on a sail until I was happy it would sewed up some old material I had ..think it was a cover for a car before I butchered it ..and made my trial sail.

It all works surprisingly well and there is nothing quite as relaxing as sailing down wind trawling fishing lures..getting some fish and listening to the silent sound of sail power :-D

aww naw ..not trout fur tea again ..Im sick of fish..I want sassages ..

Good luck with your project
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Old 05 August 2024, 17:02   #7
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T30 ae sail

Ages ago we got a garden shelter sort of tent thing. Looks like the connectors got lost in a house move but still got the poles (no use without connectors) and - ta-da! - the fabric. Intention was to use fabric, a nice of green, for the sail.
- Terry
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