21 July 2004, 15:38
Country: UK - England
Make: extreme 24
Length: 7m +
Engine: merc 6.2 320hp
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 711
kathleen,i have only been here one day and im having to bite my lip already,can you believe it,some peeps can be soooooooooooooooooo jealous
21 July 2004, 15:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
Length: 3m +
Engine: 44lbs of thrust....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2,127
Boatmad sticker on a RIB!!!! The FGT will be on the warpath!
I'm not sure wether (can't remember correct speeling here... Phil, feel free to step in...) to be jealous of your adventure, or bloody glad I wasn't there....
21 July 2004, 15:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Cheers Carly.  It was a brill boat, brill engine that covered @ 700 miles comfortably ... and completed the job. It was an amazing experience...
So glad it was Fiona I was asked to work with 
Jono JF sent me the stickers so I'm sure he doesn't mind  It's a powerboat after all ! Although we were calling it a ship by the end of the trip. A ship I really love.
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
21 July 2004, 15:52
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
I don't know whether it was a missled venture or not as Mr Kipper says But IMHO for two women to go in such seas on their own means that they have a lot of courage and should be praised whatever the outcome (in this case was successfull)
Missus I like the CD player by the way 
Fi does this means then that you are not going to visit us in Santorini this year??
21 July 2004, 16:29
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth
Boat name: Not sure
Make: ABC/Priddy
Length: 10m +
Engine: 2 x 500 FPT
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 928
Dear Kipper or should you be called Fishy? Because someting is!
Your knowledge of where your so called brother lives is none existent seeing as you cannot even spell where he lives! It is to be expected that some people live only to knock people and it is clear to see that you have been living in the shadows of far greater people than yourself. I would also suspect that you where always the one that had to go to the school prom alone because you could not get a girl to go with you. Stop being a jealous wimp and post something in your real name so at least we will know to avoid you when ever your are seen.
This event was well planed and executed with the best skills and determination needed to survive a circumnaviagtion of Ireland.
What have you ever done in your life time?
If you do not have anything good to say about these two gutsy girls, sod off and amuse yourself else where! Alan P
21 July 2004, 16:42
Country: UK - England
Town: Newport IoW
Boat name: Amean/Pronto/Rumbo
Make: Solent Rib Princess
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200hp Etec 260x 2
MMSI: lots of them
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,861
Originally Posted by kipper
as having a brother in mallon he said that their preperation and knowlage of boating was very poor and felt it was a missled venture
sorry alan but not your usal standard
one word for people like you mate and that is PRAT  it was an amazing achievment everyone on ribnet is very proud of them both, and jealous but dont diss the ladies you should admire them as the rest of us do
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
21 July 2004, 16:42
Country: UK - England
Make: extreme 24
Length: 7m +
Engine: merc 6.2 320hp
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 711
thats what i was meaning to say aswell.
21 July 2004, 16:54
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Cheers guys!!!!
High praise indeed from someone with multinational experience.... an experienced and fearless adventurer, a tip-top powerboat instructor and a champion powerboat racer.
Much appreciated.
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
21 July 2004, 16:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Leatherhead
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 907
but without the ears it was missing a certain something
PS - SC lost one of his w/e before last which, as they are guaranteed to stay on up to 175mph, means we must have been travelling some
Peter (nick, nick) T
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
21 July 2004, 17:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Originally Posted by Ribald
but without the ears it was missing a certain something
I was afraid I'd lose the ears in the wind Pete
It's really hard to take photos of waves but here are a couple...
Oh and another of Fiona by special request
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
21 July 2004, 17:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Leatherhead
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 907
Them thar waves look far more fun than the Solent Chop.
Why no piccies of you then K? (treat this as a special request  )
Peter (nick, nick) T
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
21 July 2004, 17:27
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
Well done ladies, having had the pleasure of meeting Fiona, last year on the Ribraid, and once since, this girl knows her stuff, she has undertaken a restoration of a 1930s boat on her own, and under took numerous passages, including trips around the Scottish Isles with her uncle, and sailing passages last year in a Norwegian boat, this girl knows her stuff, and I have to admire her spirit of adventure.Having not had the pleasure of meeting MRS Jackeen I equally am impressed by her courage and spirit of adventure, and a big thankyou to Alan for providing the boat , what a trip, its hostile out of the western coast of Ireland, lest not forget many circumnavigations have failed before, A lot of respect for these two girls, and a heartfelt congratulations, I also have been on the recieving end of a lobster pot, as has Tim,easy to do,very easy
21 July 2004, 17:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
What a fab message...thanks Gavin. Hope to meet you at Ribraid. Fiona is unique and I was amazed by her courage and resilience...must chase a few more photos.
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
21 July 2004, 17:43
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
More pics please.....
21 July 2004, 17:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
Length: 3m +
Engine: 44lbs of thrust....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2,127
Originally Posted by The Jackeens
Cheers guys!!!!
High praise indeed from someone with multinational experience.... an experienced and fearless adventurer, a tip-top powerboat instructor and a champion powerboat racer.
Much appreciated.
Oi! It's all very well, saying how nice it is to receive the adorations of "superstars" but us little people count too  ....so let me, as representative of "experienced", "fearless", "Tip-top" and "champion" Nobbas everywere, offer our generous praise too....
21 July 2004, 17:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
You know I look up to you Jono
Missus x
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
21 July 2004, 17:49
Country: Other
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 344
Hi all,
I for one am immensely proud of Kathleen and Fiona for what they have achieved in completing this challenge for charity. I have listened and will continue for many years to come to what they went through whilst at sea for many continuous hours day and night.
I am also extremly grateful to Alan for organising this challenge and for the many months of preparation that went into it and to the Jolly Sailor for returning my beloved Kathleen to me  .
BIG respect to all involved.
PS Pic for you Pete
21 July 2004, 18:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
Length: 3m +
Engine: 44lbs of thrust....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2,127
Originally Posted by The Jackeens
You know I look up to you Jono
Missus x
21 July 2004, 18:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
Fiona sorts the fuel out...
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
21 July 2004, 19:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,451
1) Hours and hours of water 
2) A happy speed for JS 
3) Liam E. O' Lone the leprechaun (& our mascot) in his lifejacket
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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