04 May 2015, 15:36
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Tenders Who has the best one for a 7m Rib
Hi, looking for some good ideas from everyone,
I have a 7m Rib, looking to head up to the Western Isles this summer, camping on beaches and mooring the rib in sheltered bays. I plan to drop crew and kit ashore from the rib then anchor up and how do I get back shore?
I already have a 2.6m WavEco cheap inflatable, its quite heavy, big and bulky to inflate and tricky to drag up the beach
I have also used a Mambo 2.8m sit on Kayak, it is good but too big and bulky to store on the rib.
Have also used a doughnut, which is small but no good to paddle against the wind.
I need a compact lightweight solution, only needs to take 1 person and a little bit of kit
Let me know your ideas. Thanks
04 May 2015, 15:40
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+1 would love a solution to this! i have exactly the same dilemma right now!
did a doughnut not work? that was my only idea!
04 May 2015, 15:54
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Some people use fins and a dry suit to swim ashore.
My preference would be a running mooring if staying in the same place each day. It's a bit of a faff, if you are touring though. you could potentially use a thin line ashore and back to boat to guide or pull a Ringo with though. Which would possibly be easier to set up than a full running mooring?
04 May 2015, 15:56
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All you need is this and something like a Bravo a pump on the RIB.
04 May 2015, 15:56
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Have a look at these: Bic Sportyak 213
ETA although I think you may be better off with something inflatable as we're back to the 'where do I put it on the rib' problem.
Would one of the more robust 'toy boat' inflatables with a long length of thin rope on a roll so one end could be left at the beach/landing site to pull yourself in be a solution?
Something like this?: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Intex-Explor.../dp/B005DUW6PE
04 May 2015, 16:12
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Tenders Who has the best one for a 7m Rib
We use this, and it even fits in the back of the Navara, usually would have a seagull 2hp outboard on but it's just as quick to row if you don't fancy the engine.
04 May 2015, 17:17
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2 young lads at our sailing club were using a inflatable sit on kayak this weekend, could be just what you need, light, packs up small .........
04 May 2015, 20:56
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Originally Posted by Poly
My preference would be a running mooring if staying in the same place each day. It's a bit of a faff, if you are touring though.
Not really .. I have done both .. the mooring idea is only complicated by the rake of the beach, so you dont know what length of rope you'll need, (and as its a fixed loop you either have way too much or not enough) plus if the mooring is twitchy with wind, your ropes can twist at the anchor pulley as the boat switches over time, making recovery more awkward sometimes
If your know your spots, its perfect though  Tenders are ok but you end up not deflating them sometimes  doesent do much for for fuel consumption tied to the A frame
04 May 2015, 21:04
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I would say either an inflatable kayak or and inflatable SUP
04 May 2015, 21:06
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05 May 2015, 04:43
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Our setup
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05 May 2015, 12:50
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I have one of these. Also has an outboard bracket (extra) and a 2HP outboard I can lift one handed. The tubes are in a fabric cover and it has a strong plastic base. Packs up very small in a supplied bag and quick to inflate. Rows ok, but obviously not as well a a keeled inflatable. I can stand up in it hanging onto the side of the rib - making boarding easier, which I imagine is a bit of fun from a kayak...
Sevylor Inflatable Tender Dinghy TR240 2.34m | eBay
Although I just checked and I paid £150.61 inc delivery in 2011.
05 May 2015, 19:29
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05 May 2015, 19:34
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I didn't have much luck with the tender on that trip though, if you look carefully you can just about make it out in this photo
05 May 2015, 19:38
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+1 for inflatable kayak or SUP. friends have both, not for boating, but they work well, surprisingly.
06 May 2015, 00:08
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A used, but well-cared for Avon Redcrest would be perfect. No bulky transom, just oars to store. Zodiac Cadet if cheap would be good too.
Is that with or without VAT?
06 May 2015, 08:43
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I hadn't seen those before, but they definitely look like an interesting idea.
06 May 2015, 09:26
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06 May 2015, 11:31
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i have used this for many years
cheap and it works for me
never miss an opportunity
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