Got a new toy, (5.5 humber Destroyer)but weather against me last weekend. Played on the side of caution and will try out when i can.
Everybody say it looks good, and I have been a trial run in it with x owner H Andy.
Sorry to see 4metre Narwhal go, myself and girlfriend Lynne did a lot of trips around North Wales including all the way around Anglesey in 5 hours mixed conditions 85 miles, this year.
I know it looks a lot more impressive faster smoother, but I do ask myself will I miss my little Rufty tufty Narwhal.
Has anybody else had similar doubts?.
I did have a lot of help and guidance in my up grade (some of it use full lol ) Steve Topbannana and his side kick Tony Wave runner are great for wind ups and a laugh did throw in some technical knowledge as well thanks
Jono Garton of
www.professional-powerboat-training.co.uk was a great help and lastly H Andy Hughes Marine engineer who was willing and helpful on every part of the sale
Thanks Stuart Law