Kitten we have no disagreement. But you may consider that one person needs to know how to do it and then he can supervise all others doing it.
When I am talking about 'all others doing it' I mean the unskilled labour.
Any way I agree that if you pay nuts you get monkeys and in this life nothing comes free.
In SAfrica (where is now getting a bit expensive) it was the low exchange rate (Zar 16=GBP 1 wheras now is Zar 12.6 = GBP 1) and low labour costs (about Zar 1000-1500/month for unskilled) that made things cheaper compared to Europe and the US. Also I cannot see why outboards were cheaper in SAfrica than in Europe??
In all, a boat package (I mean any boat RIB, Cruiser, Sail etc) from SAfrica is still cheaper than if it was bought it in Europe even when you pay tax and vat.
Any way RIB price
Is ridiculous to pay 100K+ (as much as a house and more) for some plastic tubes and fibre glass whatever work and skill is involved in bulding it!!

I know of a certain builder who makesd
NET about 50-60K on each 10 mtr RIB he sells. Is that fair???