07 March 2003, 14:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Edenbridge
Boat name: Scorpion
Make: Scorpion 8.5mtr
Length: 8m +
Engine: 315hp Yanmar Diesel
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 696
Hi Manos
They are some very cheap prices there, A trailer over here for a 10mtr boat would be 5k on its own, And consoles are at least £400, Seats minimum £400 each etc sounds like we need to go shopping in greece
Have a good weekend
Julian Lyas
07 March 2003, 14:39
Country: UK - England
Town: Whitstable
Boat name: Tango
Make: Avon and Narwhal2.4m
Length: 4m +
Engine: 60HP Yamaha
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 966
Have to agree with Alan and Matiboy as its all about supply and demand, if you have the skills, moulds and materials to hand you could probably build a rib at cost and have it tubed by a proffesional company, have Manos import a outboard from SA and you get yourself a boat at cost, but what do we really term as cost. Manos has carefully added together the total material costs for building a boat which may be accurate or not but he hasn't added in the labour costs (yes remember those untold hours up to your arm pits in gel coat and resin).
Now not currently owning a boat of my own (soon to be rectified i hope) and having looked and watched the conversations on this site for some time learning what and what not to buy or do and now having tried out lots of boats and speaking to various manufacturers i feel ready to buy my own boat,but the thought of spending so much on an engine does horrify me, could we not set up our own import business (with Manos's help) and import cheaper engines exactly the same as you can buy here into the UK and sell them cheaper, which i might add is exactly what internet car sales companys have done and thus force the big boys to drop there prices, just think for a second, if i can sell you a Honda 90 4 stroke for 3 or 4k instead of 7 or 8k and its exactly the same as you'd buy here where would you be going to buy it, i know what i'd do, then suddenly the price of your new boat has dropped down 3k.
Some time ago i asked Manos to price me up a 5.5 metre boat with nav light, A frame, two man centre consul and 90hp engine, trailer and i think he also threw in a cover to into the deal, he came back with a price new 7.5k for a Falcon 5.5m with Yam 90 4 stroke +import tax of course, so for around 10k you get a new spot on boat, now log onto the ribcraft page and have a look at there price list for packages, well it scared me anyway, if it matters to anyone i actually really like Ribcraft boats having driven and played with a few of them and would really love to own my own one but the prices scare me.
Ok sorry guys thought it was time to say my piece.
07 March 2003, 15:11
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
For your infor the trailer material pricing is about £7-8/mtr.
In the trailer I quoted is 4-wheels but it does not include brakes where you have to add another £ 150-200 for SS disks with carbon fibre brakes.
If you EVER spent 5K for a trailer you have my sincerely condolences!!
You were DONE!!!
07 March 2003, 15:13
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Bilge Rat
The questions here is
1. how much is labour cost??
2. how many man hours you need to fully finish a 10 mtr RIB?
I have asked around and from what I hear it shouldn't add that much on the total price may be 20-25% more or so.
But then again I may have been missinformed
07 March 2003, 15:18
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Originally posted by crazyhorse
So producing charts at supposed costs is a waste of time as nobodys is going to give you one at that price becouse thay dont like you enough.Its buisness.
I am affraid my dear friend I will prove you wrong here as I got an ACTUAL quote (rather than a hypothetical) for a 9.50mtrs (with SS galvanised Trailer at £950- may I add) cabin RIB for similar prices as those that I have posted.
When I finish the deal I will let everyone know from where and how much.
But I aint paying 150K for it. That's for sure
07 March 2003, 15:29
Country: UK - England
Town: Edenbridge
Boat name: Scorpion
Make: Scorpion 8.5mtr
Length: 8m +
Engine: 315hp Yanmar Diesel
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 696
I'm affraid we have paid thousands in the past for trailers, not any more though as the boat is dry berthed in Lymington. Chris strickland paid 6k for one with air brakes a few years back. All trailers over here are around that sort of money. Thats life though. I believe most boat builders charge about £30 pounds and hour when they are building the boat and there are a hell of a lot of hours of work put into it.
Julian Lyas
07 March 2003, 15:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Im looking forward to seeing your 9.5 mtr cabin rib for 18k without engines and inc trailer and cover, Manos it will be a Hoot.
07 March 2003, 15:43
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Originally posted by Julian
Chris strickland paid 6k for one with air brakes a few years back. ...........I believe most boat builders charge about £30 pounds and hour.......
Fisrt things first
1. Trailer with airbrakes may be you are right I cannot comment. I only use SS disks with pads. Airbrakes toooooo expenssive. But if you ever need a trailer again will let you know where you get them cheap. Shall I start importing trailers in the UK?? That's a thought!!  LOLOL
2. £30.00/hr is a hell of a lot of money  i.e. Euro 48.00 or USD 47.00 that is A HELL OF A LOT !!!
I do not suppose that these gentlemen pay semi-skilled labour (you do not need to have MScs and Phds to glue a boat) £ 20.00 or even £15.00/hr??
In conclusion this is where all the profit is made on the per hour charge by the builders.
I think we came to the bottom of it ...........or not??
07 March 2003, 15:47
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Originally posted by crazyhorse
Manos it will be a Hoot.
Just you wait.
You know what is going on any way so I think in a years time or so it will get here (eventually) LOLOL  for about including 2x200 VMax HPDIs, transportation and VAT £ 35,000.00 ...... on a trailer and with a hood I may add to that.
Not bad Eh??
07 March 2003, 15:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Hay Manos mi old matee,I see that old europe, rip off problem has come back again.?
07 March 2003, 16:14
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Is a constant problem CH.
...and by the way the new Cabin Developed RIB is CE marked and it will get specs and testing for Cat B. In case it cannot pass due to free board limitations etc it will go for Cat C.
A little bird told me that someone from the South of the globe will call you very soon for some advise!!
07 March 2003, 16:42
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
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Posts: 1,437
Manos, another thing, or things that must not be forgotten, is the very high cost of commercial premises/insurance/rates.
A pal of mine builds a range of performance ribs, nice workshops, but at a price, IRO 5k/month, all up!!!! very nasty, you add the wages, say 2k per staff member X 4 = 13k!!!WOW you don't need many quiet months before it turns to s**t.
07 March 2003, 16:56
Country: Belgium
Length: 5m +
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 459
Just to compare, how much could you get a new 90 HP honda 4 stroke for in either SA or Greece ?
I believe they are GBP 6800 in UK which I presume includes controls and standard instruments.
Assuming someone had access to a mould, what do you reckon the material costs are for glass / resin / gel / wood to construct a smaller hull such as mine at 5 metres ?
A chap I used to know used to mould canoes and he actually made a hull mould from a friends yaght & then made a similar hull for himself which he then fitted out over many years in his garden
No thoughts of doing this myself, just interested in what proportion of a hull cost is actually in materials
Oh & my son would still love a cheapo SA drysuit if you are able to find contact details !! LOL
Tried to PM / email you but not pos, your incognito ?
07 March 2003, 17:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
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In Portsmouth its £30 for 5l of resin and 5m of CSM (buying in small quantities). The best ratio I can achieve is 1:1 but I think a professional builder can get 1:3 (ie 3 x the CSM). Multiply this up by the hull weight you are after. Add in the wastage 10% ? should give you an idea. But the hours of work to mould a hull, covered in resin and breathing the fumes, yuk no thanks. Changing my rib console is taking every weekend up at the moment.
PS I have now got resin in me hair, the bath, on the key board, the mouse and........
07 March 2003, 17:45
Country: UK - England
Town: Hamble
Length: 9m +
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 2,317
Having read your posts regarding material costs for building 10 metre rib and trailer, I have come to the following conclusions;
You are either incredibly naive, or barking mad, or both!  IMHO
07 March 2003, 17:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Eh Manos you could call it the Big Beak Eh
07 March 2003, 18:42
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Re: Manos
Originally posted by Dirk Diggler
...........or barking mad, or both! IMHO
I agree and concure Sir
07 March 2003, 18:43
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
If the rules dectate it
why not CH the BIG BEAK it is LOLOL 
07 March 2003, 18:47
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
lastly are you all going to have a go at me??
I said if you have any other ideas or prices please put them on the table.
Is OK to say is too cheap or you are mad or whatever but what do you know (genuinly know!!) what actual costs are??
JF agree with salaries and rents in this country and competition it must be a hell of a nightmare for some!!
DD seriously I think that you will find that these are the costs as I have the invoices!!!
As a matter of interest to you all my RIB (7mtr Falcon) Hull cost with tubes (PVC) GBP 2,186.87 at GBP 1.00=zar 15 with invoices paid!! If tube material Neoprane increase by 40%.
I am neither naive nor mad I am just very carefull when I spend my hard earned money  and this is the reason I NVER owned a European made RIB!!
07 March 2003, 18:57
Country: UK - England
Town: Whitstable
Boat name: Tango
Make: Avon and Narwhal2.4m
Length: 4m +
Engine: 60HP Yamaha
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 966
Manos may be right or wrong in his estimations of the true cost of building a 10 metre rib but thats kind of getting away from the true point of this thread, we all know we pay far to much for everything in this country, thats a fact and we just have to live with it, but the thousand and one question is how can we reduce the costs down, now we have two avenues open, go abroad for your goods or self build. I strongly suspect that a self build is out of the question for most of us so going abroad for buying seems the next best option, but do we actually know what we are buying and will the build quality stand up to the British coast beating the crap out of it, so most of us tend to stick with what we know best and choose UK builders because we know they build boats for the conditions here.
But when it comes to engines its a different matter, does a 90hp Honda 4 stroke work any different in SA or Greece than it does here, is the fuel different from the stuff that we use here, so why are we paying almost double for new engines.
Then we come to the second hand market, if the price of new engines is so high it keeps the price of second hand engines up, so in reality and from my perspective and i think this will apply to a lot of readers here that dont own and use 10 metre cabine ribs to go around the world in and tend to stick to the 5-8 metre ranges its not really the cost of the boat or the tubes, its the cost of the engines you choose to attach at the back.
So Manos start importing those engines and i'll open an outlet and sell them for you, maybe over the internet though i suspect DHL will have a fit.
No offence meant to round the world crazy people and there 10 metre cabin ribs
The Rat
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