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Old 07 March 2003, 19:53   #41
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: To Exi
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This is going nowhere as the miniute anybody finds a realy cheap source of engines or boats and gear.

They will say Hay, Mutley lets make some proffit out of this?Just like you have demonstrated already Bilge Rat.

And your back to where we all started from.

The only real angle I can think of is in supplying engines and bits through a trade cooperative type thingy? What I am suggesting that we pool our resources and consider through JK a membership of a rib net trade club,where we can buy at trade with maybe an overider for the ball ache of admin.I get trade and have an account but dont use it for buisness, so anybody who wants to use it can do,providing they pay there bills.
I personaly feel there is some milleage in JK opperating one for rib net users and we would pay an agreed membership to JK for the privalige of trade discounts on gear and a one off payment for the setting up and administration of it all.

So JK what do you think?

And Manos you can supply the engines at trade if you want too,as long as your prices are on the bone .
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Old 07 March 2003, 20:02   #42
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Originally posted by Bilge Rat
...........avenues open, go abroad for your goods ...... .......... but do we actually know what we are buying and will the build quality stand up to the British coast beating the crap out of it, so most of us tend to stick with what we know best and choose UK builders because we know they build boats for the conditions here.

But when it comes to engines its a different matter.......... why are we paying almost double for new engines.

.............. its not really the cost of the boat or the tubes, its the cost of the engines you choose to attach at the back.

So Manos start importing those engines and i'll open an outlet and sell them for you
1. Going abroad: You make a fair point. I would think though that RIBs build in SAfrica where the sea conditions are much worst than what we know in the UK RIBs would be very built must stronger than in Europe and would be more durable (and may be better than those built in the UK. See GEMINI, RIBEYE, FALCON, HYSUCAT, etc, etc Now I will have every body else who has UK built RIBs attacking me. That means MOST of the Forum members LOLOL )

2. Engine Costs: In Europe more or less the price of the engines are similar give or take £200-300. In SAfrica (for a reason unknown to me yet) engines are deffinately cheaper ranging from £ 5,000 for the larger ones to £2000 for the smaller sizes. The only problem is whether the franchises in Europe will support the guarantee. I know that although they SHOULD the gready b***s refuse to even look at the engine if is under guarantee. But have to give credit to Yamaha in Greece that they serviced my engine for the 1st service free of charge as per guarantee!!! and it was bought in SAfrica

3. I think that if I started to sell RIBs and engines as a business it will take the fun out of it. Right now is fun, meeting new friends, talking about the boats, get the RIB shorted, go for a ride, have a few beers and make no money. If it goes the other way it will be dull.
But thanks for the thought and the offer will take you up sometime.
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Old 07 March 2003, 20:18   #43
Country: UK - England
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Bilge Rat this thread is about The cost of building ribs not just purchasing outboard engines as this is only one aspect ,that can be dealt with quite easily in comparison to the other.There are also a lot more options than the two you have suggested

It is a presumption of yours to think that people on rib net think that other countries cant produce boats that will withstand U.K conditions as well as Uk boats.

There are indeed great british boats, but also as with all things there are some bad ones too, its a big world out there.

I feel the same as you Manos that it is fun and friendship that are the most important things.If there is no real take up on the offer of sorting a trade club out then it proves my feelings that there is enough interest to moan, but not enough action when it comes down to doing something about it.

Hence we pay the price.

Enjoy it for what it is.

A great Hobby

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Old 07 March 2003, 20:27   #44
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Originally posted by crazyhorse
A great Hobby
That is EXACTLY what it is!!

The best hobby ever!!
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Old 07 March 2003, 20:38   #45
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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Re: Manos

Originally posted by matiboy
Just to compare, how much could you get a new 90 HP honda 4 stroke for in either SA or Greece ?
I believe they are GBP 6800 in UK which I presume includes controls and standard instruments.
In SAfrica a Yamaha 100BETOL with full controls etc is less than £ 4,000.00.
Re Dry suit never got your email. My email box was full while I was out of the country and poss your email it was bounced.
I'll get you the details.
I am sincerely Sorry that I forgot.
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Old 07 March 2003, 21:15   #46
Country: Belgium
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do you know of any SA outboard dealers with website presence which we could play around looking at prices in local Rand ?

It is staggering if they are that much cheaper, could be a good option for future especially if I sell my rib, may even look at getting some prices on Falcon range !

Details of drysuit would be very much appreciated

have a look at prices on this US site:


ps what is a 100 betol ? looked at the yam website , can only see 90 & 115 options, is it a 4 stroke ?
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Old 07 March 2003, 22:21   #47
Country: UK - England
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Good luck matiboy see

Get some refrences first,before parting with any dosh,Maybe speake too yam/honda sa for a recomendation on dealer.
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Old 07 March 2003, 22:36   #48
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DIY ing

Manos, you are way off with your comments. I'm just finishing my build of a trailer for my 8.5mtr. So far it's cost me about £1400 and none of the materials have come from boating sources. The steel has been bought at normal trade prices from metal stockholders. The trailer fittings are sourced also at trade prices. The galvanising is yet to be done and it will be several hundred pounds.
I note you have a stainless steel galvanised trailer. That's clever, stainless doesn't galvanise.
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Old 08 March 2003, 07:25   #49
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Re: DIY ing

Originally posted by jwalker
you have a stainless steel galvanised trailer. That's clever, stainless doesn't galvanise.
Is exactly how I got it from the suppliers. If is not steinless steal it should be steal then.
What's the problem??
£1,500 for a trailer is a lot of money. Mine cost just less than £600 (or near abouts) delivered.
I have the invoices and DOT road worthiness aproval documet if you want to have a look!
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Old 08 March 2003, 07:30   #50
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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Re: Manos

Originally posted by matiboy
ps what is a 100 betol ? looked at the yam website , can only see 90 & 115 options, is it a 4 stroke ?
I made a spelling mistake the engine type is F100BETL
Is a Yamaha 4-stroke 100 bhp.

and you are very wellcome to contact FALCON if you like. They are all nice guys and will give you any help you want!!

In general however when you do any business with SAfrican companies you should double check them about thir reliability and credit worthiness so you don't lose your money.

Reputable compnaies like HYSUCAT, MACO, GEMINI, FALCON you can deal with without any problem what so ever. However, for any one else you don't know you better be very carefull.
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Old 08 March 2003, 09:42   #51
Country: Belgium
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interesting re Yamaha 100, actual model is F100A

in UK list price is 7K gbp but probably get it cheaper than list no doubt somewhere, a 3k saving in SA if your figures are correct ?
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Old 08 March 2003, 12:21   #52
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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the figures are correct. The price is the retail price without discount. On this you will get some short of discount too I recon.
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Old 08 March 2003, 12:31   #53
Country: Belgium
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just as an example of ribs being cheaper from SA & given you have a connection with Falcon

could you give an idea of cost of Falcon 5.75 with a decent sized four stroke (90 -130) & trailer package in GBP including shipping / duties etc to Southampton

At the end of the day this is a typical family size rib that many would be interested in as a first time purchase

Just a rough idea for the forum dont spend any time on it !


Sorry if you have covered this in previous posts
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Old 08 March 2003, 12:39   #54
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Is there any Vat and import duties to add to the price? for goods Imported from SA
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Old 08 March 2003, 13:50   #55
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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This is a very recent quote I had received from FALACON for the 5.10 and the 6.40.


Boat Package
Falcon 510SR RIB with integral nose seat / hatch 23955
Falcon 550 console with front seat 2343
Grabrail for console (316 stainless steel) 722
Perspex screen for console 530
Helmseat with reversible backrest (316 stainless steel), 2734
Ski-bar (316 stainless steel) 1815
Bowrail (316 stainless steel) 1882
Steering system complete 1850
Control cables 750
Deep cycle battery, box & marine terminals 550
Built-in 70-litre fuel tank (plastic) with gauge & sender 2500
Auxilliary motor mounting bracket 550
Galvanized Trailer with docking boards, built-in lights, jockey, winch 8340
Boat Total R 47,971

Single motor options
Yamaha 60FETOL (Two-stroke, autolube, power trim) 51995
Yamaha 70BETOL (Two-stroke, autolube, power trim) 54950
Yamaha 85AETL (Two-stroke, pre-mix, power trim) 53995
Yamaha 90AETOL (Two-stroke, autolube, power trim) 59800
Yamaha F100BETL (Four-stroke, power trim) 83100
Yamaha 115CETOL (Two-stroke, power trim) 72700

Installation hardware, labour, sundries & consumables 1450

Additional or special equipment
Many other optional items are also available, please feel free to enquire.

Please Note
Prices quoted in South African Rands Currency.

Prices are excluding VAT, packing, cartage and shipping.

Prices quoted are ex works, Swellendam, South Africa.

Specifications & pricing subject to change without prior notice.

E & OE.



Boat Package
Falcon 640SR RIB with integral nose seat / hatch 32250
Falcon 750 console with front seat 2876
Grabrail for console (316 stainless steel) 722
Perspex screen for console 597
GRP box seat with reversible backrest, upholstered 2320
Ski-bar (316 stainless steel) 2140
Bowrail (316 stainless steel) 1882
12-Bottle removable dive rack, stainless steel, with basemats 3500
Steering system complete (heavy duty cable) 1850
Control cables 750
Deep cycle battery, box & marine terminals 550
Auxilliary motor mounting bracket 550
Galvanized Trailer with docking boards, built-in lights, jockey, winch 11235
Boat Total, inclusive of VAT R 61,222
Boat Total exclussive VAT R 50,202.04

Single motor options
Yamaha 115CETOL (Two-stroke, power trim) 72700
Yamaha F100BETL (Four-stroke, power trim) 83100
Yamaha 130BETOL (Two-stroke, autolube, power trim) 77300
Yamaha 150FETOL (Two-stroke, autolube, power trim) 99995
Yamaha 200GETOL V-Max (Two-stroke, autolube, power trim) 106990
* Prices quoted excludes VAT.

Installation hardware, labour, sundries & consumables 2000

Additional or special equipment
Many other optional items are also available, please feel free to enquire.

Please Note
Prices quoted in South African Rands Currency.

Prices are excluding VAT, packing, cartage and shipping.

Prices quoted are ex works, Swellendam, South Africa.

Specifications & pricing subject to change without prior notice.

E & OE.

Packing & Transport Swellendam/Cape Town about zar 1500

Exchange Rate £ 1.00 = zar 15.00

Shipping costs on CIF basis for a 40ft container delivery Felixtow £1,950 and for a 20ft container at Felixtow £ 1,400.00 approx
Custom clerance expenses in the about UK £150.00
VAT 17.5% on the total invoice value
South Africa is excepmpt tax from UK import tax and supplier/shipper should fill GSP Form A.

Hope this is OK
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Old 08 March 2003, 14:54   #56
Country: Belgium
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a comprehensive responce ! Hope it was cut & pasted not typed !

Just one thing ! The price of the Yamaha 100 HP 4 stroke mentioned in above posts has now shot up , your now quoting it as 83100 Rand which when converted equates to 6500 GBP ( according to internet converters at bank middle rate) not 4000 GBP as in your earlier post ?

I guess sterling has weakened somewhat or you were quoting the engine from a cheaper different source

Good to see the prices of various bits broken down to compare with UK

many thanks
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Old 08 March 2003, 16:08   #57
Country: UK - England
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Sorry to be a little slow on this one but are engines cheaper in SA after import tax vat etc and all the bits and bobs and if so bye how much % Like for Like?
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Old 08 March 2003, 16:52   #58
Country: Belgium
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on this single example of Yam 100 , same price over there, shipping etc would make more expensive
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Old 08 March 2003, 17:19   #59
Country: UK - England
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So Its Reep Off In SA then ?

Wheres Manos
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Old 08 March 2003, 23:59   #60
Country: Canada
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I can tell you that an aluminum boat shop here in canada charges out on average 70 dollars per hour. labour alone to build and fully rig a 27' hull is around 700 hundred hours. the aluminum alone is worth $12000. by the time you add it all up I feel you are not paying alot. remember you get what you pay for. total price for a 27-28 foot hull like the one i posted goes for 80 to 90k with out power. Is that to much? Is this comparable to the UK or SA?
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