15 April 2003, 09:46
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
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Pete 7
If you want to see a 1000 pooond (please pronounce in the style of frazer from Dad's army) then look no further than the Avon website. The RRP for an Aframe for my searider (great boat by the way) is just over a grand.
That's why I found a tame welder. oops sorry fabricator. He's just starting up his own firm and is charging me 250 which I think is on the upper limits of a fair price.
The point is that what you pay is what you pay and the only person that can control that is us. We have to ensure the prices are kept down by more tenacious buying. Make no mistake the Chandlers have a healthy mark up which can be reduced.
The cost of new boats is steep and some brands are particularly expensive. But I'd happily pay a premium to buy a Scorpion, Avon, Halmatic, Ribcraft, Ocean, Cougar etc than an inferior quality import or domestic product. (wasn't that tactful ) the question is how much of a premium.
I guess it's the same as the price difference between a Black and Decker and a Dewalt drill. They are made by the same company, they use the same case mouldings and one is double the price of the other. Is the dewalt really better or is it just selling cos they are more desirable.
Rolls Royce didn't make their reputation by providing high quality products at reasonable prices. They did it by providing excellent and desirable products at high prices. They also didn't do deals which meant that the cars became Status symbols which could only be afforded by the discerning wealthy person. Some of the the RIB brands are beginning to achieve that status.
JF said "It's all about trends and fashion (victims) and how much people WILL pay " and he is right so be more careful with your money and get better deals but leave enough room for the guys to make a margin.
Anybody wantbto buy a soldering Iron
15 April 2003, 10:50
Country: UK - England
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JF, yes I know, I thought you would like that.
Stuart "inferior product" which overseas manufacturer could you possibly be talking about ?
15 April 2003, 11:37
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
The two that spring to are mind Ribeye and Falcon but I ain't going t' rubbish the Falcon as I might end up buying one
15 April 2003, 16:33
Country: UK - England
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There is nothing better than seeing fellow countrymen stranding proud about buying British!!!!!!
15 April 2003, 18:27
Country: Greece
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Originally posted by Pepper
- Ok Manos, I've been watching this space for a few days, what's going on?
Pepper I'm on hols mate. Just hang on 4 a little while
15 April 2003, 19:30
Country: UK - England
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Fiona, he isn't English, he is Welsh, but guess you wouldn't have known that.
15 April 2003, 19:52
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Originally posted by THEWAVEHUMPER
The two that spring to are mind Ribeye and Falcon but I ain't going t' rubbish the Falcon as I might end up buying one
I can't see why Falcon and RIBEYE are rubish or considered to be rubish  any evidence to substantiate that (I mean ACTUAL!! evidence not imaginative ones)??
Just cause I am curioous nothing else as is a free country and any one is entitled to his/her opinion.
15 April 2003, 21:22
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
Manos mate read my comments. I said inferior products i did not say rubbish prioducts. I genuinely do believe the build quality of an Avon, Delta or Halmatic is several orders of magnitude above that of a Ribeye or a Falcon.
I doubt that any Marine architect or surveyor would disagree with me
I also said that I wasn't going to rubbish Falcons as I might wind up buying one. I haven't actually seen a Falcon in the flesh and until I do I reserve judgement.
Moving on to Evidence
The photo of the Falcon boat under construction did indicate a lack of quality control at the strengthening stage. One would have to wonder if there were any other issues with the layup
with the Ribeye range I have seen about 20 of their boats as they come into the country and the three things that concern me are;
1 The rail which the seats are bolted into does not seem to me to have a big enough flange under the GRP and I don't think it would stand the test of time
2 The freeboard is too much on some of the boats I have seen and that makes em wobbly
3 The quality of the lamination is poor and the Tube material looks cheep
You pays your money and you takes your choice and none of my money is going to Ribeye. I'll let you know about the Falcon after you try to frighten me in the beak.
15 April 2003, 21:37
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 54
uummm! very interesting comments Wavehumper! will take note!
15 April 2003, 21:39
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
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Posts: 3,339
Hi Wavehumper
inferior (or rubbish) same thing more or less. Any way, I don't know and may be you are correct. I have never been on a RIBEYE (although I have seen plenty) and don't know about their quality aspect.
I always had South African built RIBs (I think that they are better built than the European RIBs i.e. Spanish, British, French, Italian, Greek etc) and although I have looked at the Humbers, Cobras, Scorpions and the likes I always thought that the SAfrican RIBs were good quality and good vallue for money.
So far the Falcon has been proven a good boat (had it since last year). The photos of the hull insides looked OK to me but then again I am not an expert on these constructions matters. It looks solid any way. Doesn't it?? Mine hasn't broken so far and been out in force 7/8.
HOWEVER, there is an offshore race in Greece at the end of May 2003 and I will take part in the leisure up 200 BHP category. The race is about 90/100 miles in the Aegean. I will know then if the boat is up to any good or not. Weather in the Aegean mainly windy force 5/6, wave height about 1.5-2 mtrs.
PS You are invited on THE BEAK any time!!
15 April 2003, 21:41
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 54
Ya mustn't pick on me mate Manos, he cant help it if he likes Falcons!! he he!! ya know I only jest M!! it's all those Olives ya eat and drink to much ouzo! come off the drink and well get ya out in a real performance Rib! he he!!
15 April 2003, 22:21
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Its only our own personal take on the subject not fact
Manos nobody has all the answeres,So dont you believe everything you see on this thread,as I dont know of any Naval Architects on here,if so I do appologise
15 April 2003, 22:28
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Posts: 3,339
is not a prob CH
15 April 2003, 22:34
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
FI I am not having a pop at Manos I like the guy! It's just that I think the value for money offered by some of the SA manufacturers is achieved by lower quality. but I am only speaking as Joe Punter I am just a guy that buys Ribs occasionaly and have a few ideas on what I am looking for.
FI you ever are taking your fast rib out and need some ballast give me a shout. Same goes for you big boys out there with your power boats. I don't frighten easily but you can try if you want
Manos I must take issue with you on your comments about inferior and rubbish. let me give you an example that proves the important difference between the words
I am by no means RUBBISH at drinking and telling Jokes! But having spent a Saturday afternoon in the pub with Whiteshoes I realised I was INFERIOR at both those essential boat skills to him. It's no problem I'll keep practicing till I get it right.
15 April 2003, 23:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
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Posts: 54
Stuart I actually agree with you and know people who had imported Ribs into the country and have now stopped but if ya only got a small budget its better than nothing! The problem comes when you see some boats from s...... at the same price or more than UK boats! Luckily we all have a brain and an option to choose what we like! it's a free country thank god!!! nite!
16 April 2003, 14:04
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Hi Stuart
Point taken. I hope then that I am not inferior to those 'essential boating skills' LOLOL
16 April 2003, 15:35
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
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Posts: 888
Manos I hope we can find that out soon
16 April 2003, 19:26
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
YEP Sturat!! looking forward to it. One little thing though I am into coctails, red wine and brandy. Nothing else!!
16 April 2003, 22:28
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sturat!!!!! that's not very nice Manos! how well do you know him?
20 April 2003, 00:53
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Originally posted by Manos
Well if you look around you can see that to employ semiskilled and unskilled labour you don't need that much. And no one can convince me that you need people with PhDs to glue or make the fibre glass of a boat.
Having just seen the photos in the gallery i can see why you would think that. there is an old saying PAY PEANUTS, GET MONKEYS. No political pun intended.
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