06 March 2003, 12:10
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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The Costs of Building RIBs
We know that RIBs are expensive.
So why?
An engine for a hardboat is the same engine as for a rib. So if ribsters are paying dearly for their rib engines then so are hardboaters.
The same must apply for electronics, fixtures and fittings, inside upholstery, chandlery etc.
So why such a big diference in price between a rib and an “equivalent” hardboat?
The tubes? At most these won’t add more than £9-10k to the price of a 10m boat.
It must be the volume of glassfibre hulls and consoles etc.in production at any one time and the “industrial” techniques used to build hardboats?
Or, is it that a rib has bigger and better cleats and fairleads than a hardboat and by the time you add it all up it makes a big diference?
Whilst musing on this subject, I cannot believe Manos’s estimate of the parts cost of a large rib.
Surely they are much higher?
Is it worth doing a simple Bill of Materials listing with prices and see what it comes to?
Manos, CH, DD and others-do you want to give us a starter for 10 for a bonus of 15?
06 March 2003, 16:54
Country: UK - England
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Re: The Costs of Building RIBs
Originally posted by Brian
It must be the volume of glassfibre hulls and consoles etc.in production at any one time and the “industrial” techniques used to build hardboats?
Or, is it that a rib has bigger and better cleats and fairleads than a hardboat and by the time you add it all up it makes a big diference?
What exactly are the "industrial" techniques, and why would a rib need better cleats and fairleads?
06 March 2003, 17:24
Country: Belgium
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Posts: 459
Dont forget to add in
the realities
most UK rib companies it would be fair to say are fairly small, ie not corporates, some almost cottage industries ? Building ribs as straight forward as the hulls would appear to be is labour intensive because of the tube process ?
The prices simply need to reflect cost of overheads and labour / production costs which will not be efficient in a small firm
Probably explains why the larger / more efficient production from firms such as Valiant can afford to either produce a cheaper priced product or retain a larger profit margin.
Where I do get a bee in my bonnet is why for example a Honda 90 HP 4 stroke costs about 7K, why ? It can be mass produced and you could buy a new small car for this price with far more components and equal technology.
Why does a 150 HP cost so much more, when essentially it is the same as a smaller model with larger cylinders ?
Cant see any reason given the quantities of outboards produced why they cant be cheaper , other than the market seems to accept paying these prices ?
06 March 2003, 20:38
Country: UK - Scotland
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Easy, they're greedy.
06 March 2003, 22:05
Country: UK - England
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The price tag of ANYTHING, not just rib's, or hardboats, is set purely by how much people will pay! brians estimate of the cost of a tube is way out, 8-10 metre rib = tube cost trade, approx 4-5k
Far less glass fibre than equivalent hardboat, usually no cabin!!!.
example 1: revenger 29, single yanmar 300 B1 = 60k ish ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
example 2: Extreme 26 (similar hull length+tube) yanmar 300 B1, complete with internal cabin, stacks of upholstery, stereo etc, = 40k ish!
like the revenger example, the extreme is a very well made, race proven construction, so it is a good comparison
It's all about trends and fashion (victims) and how much people WILL pay
06 March 2003, 22:58
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Dont duck Jon
Cos you are right!
RIB manufacturers - the succesful ones at least charge what the market will bear. So if Revenger can find sufficient people willing to fork out £60k for a 29ft RIB then thats what they'll charge. The seem to be surviving so one assumes they are finding enough people to do so!
Similarly Scorpion - £150k+ for a 10m Cabin RIB? Well theyve sold at least 4 and appear to have orders for more so there are clearly folks out there with the means to pay for what is an undoubtedly good RIB, but probably a mediocre cabin cruiser. (in terms of accomodation and comfort) If I wanted to cruise in comfort and I had £150k I'd probably sacrifice a degree of seakeeping ability and buy a fairline/sunseeker/sealine etc instead!
Matiboy is also absolutely right. Most RIB manufacture in UK is very definately of the cottage industry type. Sadly the bespoke handbuilt nature of the product does not mean bespoke handbuilt levels of quality but thats another story. So comparing the price of a 20ft RIB and a 20ft mass produced Glastron, Fletcher etc etc just doesnt work. If you are building 5000 a year (Glastron say) vs 50-100 for a RIB then economies of scale have got to work in your favour havent they!
I agree with the prices of engines though. A New Yam 200 HPDI lists at £11k plus. You can buy a very good car for the same money! Big part of a price of a RIB isn't it?!
My pet hate is looking at a price list from a RIB supplier and their attempts to charge you £1500 for an A frame, £50 for bloody toestraps, £200 for nav lights etc etc. These so called extras which should be part of the package are a bloody rip off!
06 March 2003, 23:09
Country: UK - England
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Big Buck's!
I apreciate the difference between a uk rib and a glastron (my brother bought a new 229 glastron a couple of years ago, built like an eggbox!) this is why I used the comparison of the low volume, british built and successfully raced Extreme sportsboat, they only build a half dozen or so each year and are very much "hand made" as are your average larger rib, over here anyway.
07 March 2003, 07:27
Country: UK - England
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Re: Dont duck Jon
Originally posted by Alan
...a bloody rip off!
Damn right, Alan. How about this for screwing your customers.
I ordered an on-board spares kit from the suppliers of my new Yanmar diesel, Cellar Marine, the acredited Barrus dealer round these parts.
It consisted of an oil filter, a fuel filter, an impeller, o-ring, and 3 belts. Total cost £238.83
The power steering belt alone cost a ridiculous £58.42  
Mike G
07 March 2003, 07:59
Country: UK - Scotland
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Never mind Mike, your trip to the mystical Orkney Islands in August will leave you in a state of calm and tranquility.
Keith (oops I mentioned it again) Hart
The Great Orkney SIB Expedition 2003
07 March 2003, 08:08
Country: Belgium
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Posts: 459
Another example
consoles / seating arrangements
why does a jockey seat comprising of a bit of fibreglass and some upholstery cost 400 / 500 / 600 +
attached pic costs 900 quid !
For that price I would at least want some fancy suspension device with it
07 March 2003, 11:27
Country: UK - England
Town: winchester
Boat name: Pilchard
Make: Ribcraft
Engine: Merc 90 4s
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 62
Is that your Arimar I see for sale in 'Boats and Outboards'? - Are you going to buy another?
07 March 2003, 11:51
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
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Re: Dont forget to add in
Originally posted by matiboy
most UK rib companies it would be fair to say are fairly small, ie not corporates, some almost cottage industries ? Building ribs as straight forward as the hulls would appear to be is labour intensive because of the tube process ?
This statement applies to MOST OF THE OTHER RIB BUILDING companies ex Zodiac/Bombard etc. Most of the RIBs come out from a shed of what is called the 'business'.
I cannot believe that labour costs in the UK are that much higher than other European countries or that for RIBs built in the UK more glass fibre and gell coat is used or they are better than the best.
The truth of the matter is that for say a 10 mtr RIB that costs to buy in the UK over 100K the builder makes between 70-80K easy. So the builder needs to sell one boat per year to make a VERY GOOD leaving. (This is a VERY GOOD business!!!)
For a 10 mtr hypalon (ORCA) tubes are about 5K (and if they are made by PVC is 40% less) and @ £2.00 for the glass fibre/kg (say 2,000 kgs??) another 4K (say 5K with gell coat??) how much the rest costs??
07 March 2003, 11:57
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Re: The Costs of Building RIBs
Originally posted by Brian
Is it worth doing a simple Bill of Materials listing with prices and see what it comes to?
Manos, CH, DD and others-do you want to give us a starter for 10 for a bonus of 15?
I will put it together this weekend and I can tell you without getting trade prices with discounts, etc but just normal prices for an individual the trouth is that you will be PLEASANTLY SURPRISED!!
07 March 2003, 12:07
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Agree 100 million% with you. Prices of boats (particularly in the UK where you do not have the climate neither the beaches nor the proximity to islands etc) are REDICULUSLY expenssive!!
Is exactly what you all say 'bulders charge what the market will bare' and looking at the increasing number of boats in the UK, the market (unfortunately) does not complain and bares!!
07 March 2003, 13:43
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
As promissed the approximate costs for building a 10 mtr cabin RIB. These costs include labour. If any one has doubts they can produce their own for comparison.
Afterall I may be wrong!!
1...........Hull..................4,950.00.....4,9 50.00
1...........Tubes...............5,250.00....5,250. 00
1...........Console............182.73.........182. 73
1...........Perspex screen....33.33..........33.33
1...........Grabrail.................47.67........ ..47.67
1...........GRP box with upholstered twin bucket seat ..143.60.... 143.60
1.........Set Bow seats......136.73........136.73
1.........Full width splashwell seat, upholstered.........88.87....88.87
1.........A-Frame roll/ski-bar......138.67.....138.67
1.........Hydraulic steering system complete Le Combe & Schmidt.......480.....480.00
1...........Set control cables heavy duty.....80.00.....80.00
2...........Deep cycle batteries, boxes & terminals......36.00....72.00
1...........Galvanized Trailer with lights, docking boards, winch, jockey...........695.67...........695.67
1..........Installation labour, materials & sundries.........133.33......133.33
2........Waterproof 12V sockets (stainless steel)........11.33.....22.67
1........Set Navigation lights, port, starboard & stern.......33.33......33.33
1........6-Way waterproof switchpanel with LED indicators......31.67.....31.67
2........Marine spotlights (fixed) mounted on A-Frame........20.00........40.00
1...........Water-seperating drainable fuel filter & cartridge.........56.67........56.67
2........70-litre plastic Fuel cells, including guages & installation.......166.67........333.33
1.......Battery selector switch........10.00.........10.00
1.......Auxilliary motor mounting bracket.......36.67....36.67
2...........Danforth anchors, 15m chain each, 50m rope 12mm each...........65.00.........130.00
1...........Additional battery cable from stern to console.........40.00.........40.00
1...........Labour surcharge for additional equipment......50.00........50.00
Sub-Total 13,246.93
Add 10% 2,649.39
Total 15,896.32
VAT @ 17.5 2,781.86
07 March 2003, 13:51
Country: UK - England
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Where have you got these prices from?
A console, supplied and fitted for £180?
Upholstered twin bucket seat, on custom GRP box, supplied and fitted for under £150?
A trailer for a 10 metre boat for under £700?
Get real!
07 March 2003, 14:22
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
Hay Manos Are you answering your own posts?
When you say you agree 100 million % with you! are you talking about your own posts here, as you seem to be agreeing immedialtly after your own posts have been posted and appeared?
Its a bit confusing?  But good fun
07 March 2003, 14:29
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Originally posted by John Kennett
Get real!
JK I'm affraid I am VERY REAL!!!!
The trailer just costs £700. That is the actual cost not including profit margins. And the seats are also as cheap as that!!!
May be I forgot to mention that all costs quoted are ACTUAL COSTS without including profit margins which you should have to add on.
And the prices have been from VERY RELIABLE friends who work in various outlets.
I repeat again they advised me the ACTUAL COSTS to the factory not the selling price by the boat builders which includes profit margins.
07 March 2003, 14:30
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
I was replying to JF not to my own post.
Did you see the heading of my post??
Poss not
07 March 2003, 14:36
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
The bottom line is here is that in the main Boat Builders dont like us enough to give us a boat for nothing, In fact they dislike customers that much that some of them charge very high prices becouse thats the price that they put on haveing to deal with us boat users.
They build boats for proffit ,or otherways you dont get one.Thats the way it is,So producing charts at supposed costs is a waste of time as nobodys is going to give you one at that price becouse thay dont like you enough.Its buisness.
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