27 June 2009, 19:29
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardfern
Boat name: Moon Raker
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Honda BF 90 D
MMSI: 235035994
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 694
The Day the Engine stopped
This story may be of interest to those who haven't been following my engine problem thread. It follows on from the thread 'Help' Engine stopped with a funny smell' in 'Engines and props'.
As some of you might know, I potter about the waters of Nether Lorne, hiding away in nooks and crannies and spending nights at anchor with rib tent deployed. Last Monday was the start of a planned weeks cruise and I hoped to explore the west side of Jura. Sunday's weather had been awful and Monday's was not much better, but with a promised improvement in the afternoon and overnight it was time to go. I needed to get through Corryvreckan at slack water (just a few minutes at springs), so set off at 1600 Monday afternoon in light drizzle and viz of a mile or so and improving. By 1620 I was half way through the Gulf, visibility down to one cable with a steep building swell and westerly wind. If my timing was slightly wrong there may have been breakers ahead that I couldn't see. Enough, I turned and made for an anchorage on the east side of the island of Lunga.
Tuesday. Spent the day on Lunga, then through the Corry in the evening to explore a small bay called Uamh nan Gall, thinking I'd anchor for the night. Never having been there I sat ,just drifting for 15 mins or so, soaking up the atmosphere thinking of the forecast, the tidal gate of Corryvreckan and it didn't feel right this time - though I'm sure it would another day. So that's how I came to be crossing the Sound of Jura on a diagonal course towards the islands and bay south of Carsaig. The tide runs strongly here, 1.8 knots in the middle of the sound, but much faster close to the coast. The tidal stream seems to zig zag across the Sound and bounce off the shore just by Carsaig creating a strong flow and turmoil on the surface.
At 1840, half a mile west of Eilean Dubh, in the middle of the tidal whorls, the engine stopped.
After realising I wasn't going to get it going any time soon, I took stock. Calm sea, no danger from that. Home ten or more miles to the north. Tide setting south at quite a lick. I'm already south of the hamlet of Carsaig where there's a road if I need one, and drifting further into isolation. So, head towards Carsaig if I can. Get out of the tide, if I can and anchor for the night. If I can't beat the tide, the next bay south will be ok but more isolated. If the auxiliary won't start I can launch the dinghy and tow the rib (rowing) across tide and into that bay - or at least I can try. If that fails, well things would get more serious and I'd have to think again.
My BRP Evinrude 3.5hp aux is fitted on the transom. Getting to it isn't easy when the boat's in cruising mode. To be self sufficient for five days on a boat in this part of the world, you need a lot of kit and Moon Raker is not a large RIB. There's hardly a space on deck. The dinghy, in calm weather stowed athwartships and upside down, takes up all of the space between console and engine. (You'll get the idea from the picture). The trick is to slither over the bottom of the dinghy, hang on to the A frame and kneel on the tube right by the transom.
I usually take a very jaundiced view of that engine. Its shaft is too short, I'm not convinced of the strength of its mountings, and it's earsplittingly noisy, but it was new and a gift so there it is. In that swirling tide my gaze was rosy and warm as I lowered it into position, gave it a good shake to stir up the fuel (When did I fill it? How much is in the tank, I know it's not full? Where's my spare can? How much is in that? Did I put oil in it? How old is it?) turned on the tap and started to pull the string. Six pulls and at 1845 we were off in a short lived cloud of blue smoke. Before I engaged gear we were doing 2 knots away from the anchorage. Gradually speed decreased to zero then, nailbitingly slowly increased again, this time in the right direction. Half a knot, one knot, even one and a half at times in a favourable eddy, we crept northwards. I felt there'd be less tidal flow really close to the shore of Eilean Dubh, so slowly eased nearer, working the eddies where I could. We began to make headway.
Twenty minutes later we were just clear of the islet north of E. Dubh and heading north of E. Traighe and the tidal flow was easing and speed was 2.5 knots in the right direction. Only half a mile to go to the anchorage. What about fuel? Will it hold out? If we stop now we'll be back out in the Sound before I can refuel. Concentrate on getting there. Will the engine to keep going. These thoughts ran circles in my mind as we inched closer to the goal. And then we were east of Carsaig Island and I could move from my cramped position, and in 6 metres depth at 1925, let go the anchor onto firm sand. Phew! 1.2 miles over the ground in 40 minutes. Safe for the night, but not home. There was much to think about and things to do before then. The passage home would need some planning.
I checked the fuel left in the aux. just after we anchored. I couldn't see any! We had only just got there. The spare container was half full.
The morning forecast was E-SE 3 to 4 occ 5. Offshore, so there'd be little sea apart from that created by the big spring tide at the northern end of the Sound of Jura. Our goal was my mooring in Loch Craignish, a tad north of the yacht moorings. It's about 10.5 miles and our course would be parallel to the coast for most of the way. Though probably quite gusty, especially across the mouth of Loch Crinan, the wind wasn't likely to be a problem if I kept close inshore. The tide would be running north from midday onwards. Provided the little engine kept going there would be no hazards on the way. If it gave up the ghost (had I not praised it just the day before?), then the worst case would be to be blown out into the main tidal stream which, around a mile offshore, splits and sets more NW'ly towards the west side of the Sound - and on to the Gulf of Corryvreckan. If too far to the west when off Loch Crinan, then a trip through the Dorus Mhor would be likely. Refuelling, a necessity, would have to be quick and efficient.
My spare fuel for the aux. has always been carried in one of those green 5 litre containers. Don't know about you, but I find the spouts a sod to fit and they leak badly. Trying to fill a small outboard in an awkward position over the transom with one of those in any sort of sea is just too hard, even with a funnel. I wasn't sure that 5 litres, plus the 1.5l in the engine tank would be enough to get me home anyway. I needed more containers. Luckily, they were aboard. I carry my fresh water in used 1.5 litre fizzy water bottles, stowed in those plastic bottle holders the Co-op supply. How to get fuel into them from the main engine tank was a problem. At first I opened the drain of the water separator, but the flow was just too slow. Lacking any sort of syphon pump or pipe to get it from the filler, I had to pull the main fuel pipe off the separator. Gravity soon filled the bottles. I always have a bottle of two stroke oil with me for just such emergencies. Good job I had. Finally had 8 litres, two bottles and the can and 1.5 litres in the engine. Reckoned that may be enough.
I wasn't about to spend hours kneeling on the tubes holding the vibrating aux., but it needed some weight aft to keep its propellor deep enough. I moved everything I could as far aft as possible. I could then lock the aux steering and sit at the console to steer with the main engine.
At 1145 we set off northwards, making 3.3 knots at first with the tide. 1245 had to refuel. A doddle from the bottle using the funnel. No spillage, 2.9 miles. Under way again in two minutes. Exactly an hour later, off the southern tip of Island Macaskin, another 1.5 litres went in. 3.1 miles that time. After a stop at Gabhar Island for lunch and decant from can to bottle, just one more refill got us home. 5 hours including the stop. No events.
Things to remember.
If there's even a hint if a whiff of something unusual coming from the engine, find out what's wrong before charging off to one of the most isolated areas in the uk.
Around here it takes an hour for any help to arrive, so be prepared to help yourself.
Take an auxiliary engine. Even a small one can help get you out of trouble. Make sure it's full of fuel. Make sure your spare can is full. Make sure you can fill the outboard with it. Take some two stroke oil. Have a way of getting fuel from your main tank.
My 3.5 hp engine gave me 2.8 knots at threequarters throttle, with much ventilation of the propellor because it's not deep enough. It did 2 miles per litre. In rough water it's likely it won't be very effective, but it might be. I turned into the wind blowing out of Loch Crinan, a good F4, maybe more. The boat slowed down only a little, the propellor stopped ventilating and became more efficient and we kept going.
Don't panic. Think. Work it out. Don't give up.
Get as much information about the waters you are in as you possibly can, and carry most of it.
Have fun.
Cheers Tony
27 June 2009, 21:08
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 14,935
Nicely handled - cool head and a steady hand!
Two thoughts:
1. A jiggle siphon tube is a handy wee bit of kit on a rib and could double as fuel line or whatever in an emergency?
2. Can you "milk" fuel from the engine side of a priming bulb? I've certainly received a face full of fuel from one in a "moment of crisis" 
__________________________________________________ ____
Did you find the cave at Uamh nan Gall?
27 June 2009, 21:54
Country: UK - England
Town: Southport
Boat name: Qudos
Make: 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
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MMSI: 235068784
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Posts: 3,930
That was a great read and well handled. Hope you get that new part sorted very soon
27 June 2009, 22:06
Country: UK - Wales
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It's such a refreshing change to read of something like this - most people these days seem to think the RNLI are like the AA!!!
I would have done the same - agree with the jiggle syphon but of course they wouldn't get fuel out of an under deck tank.
27 June 2009, 22:17
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
Nicely handled - cool head and a steady hand!
2. Can you "milk" fuel from the engine side of a priming bulb? I've certainly received a face full of fuel from one in a "moment of crisis" 
__________________________________________________ ____
Did you find the cave at Uamh nan Gall?
it is possible but the non return valve needs to be depressed on the end connecter,i once needed to prime the cylinders with some fuel and had to push a split pin in the end first ,but fuel can squirt in all directions so watch your eyes and naked flames . suppose you could buy another engine side connecter and put a short pipe on it for emergencys. with the non return jamed open though if the pipe is lower than the tank it will syphon out,and you will get fuel running out so dont leave it unattended,it can also happen if the air screw is shut on the tank and its a warm day and pressure builds up in the tank , so beware if jamming the end connecter open .
28 June 2009, 05:00
Country: UK - England
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I would have died.
Great read, it made my pulse go a bit faster too!
28 June 2009, 06:21
Country: UK - England
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Nice work fella.
28 June 2009, 07:05
RIBnet admin team
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Wow-hell of a story and definitely adds credence to carrying an auxliliary!
Originally Posted by m chappelow
suppose you could buy another engine side connecter and put a short pipe on it for emergencys.
I have one of these made up and stashed in my console for just that reason. It does take a while to pump an aux tankful through, but much less messy.
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28 June 2009, 10:09
Country: Ireland
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Thats one heck of a story. Had me on the edge of my seat!
How do you get the aux on the transom of the destroyer. Its an odd shape of a thing and I looked at mine and have wondered just how to get an aux on to it.
Also love your rib tent. Where did you get it? Cost?
28 June 2009, 10:26
Country: UK - Scotland
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Great story,
Things I've learned, aux = smart move, irrespective of the likes of sea start.
I've intended for years to t-piece the main fuel line to the engine at the engine/transom end to allow me to connect a line to the aux (which can be fed this way. now I'll do it.
The last time I was up there, there was always a niggle about what would happen if an engine issue occurs.
Again,great read.
29 June 2009, 02:11
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Interesting - I've often wondered how far the internal tank on my aux would get me, if its only 3 miles then I must do something with the spare fuel hose I got ... I've been meaning to order a portable tank to use with it but reading the above I think I will make up something so that in emergency I can pull the fuel hose off the water separator on the transom and plug it into the aux external tank input.
I get about 4 knots on my 6hp at a bit over half throttle, more throttle than that generates a hell of a lot more noise and vibration and probably fuel consumption, and gets about another half a knot, so when I have used it I have tended to leave it on just over half and steer using the main engine as a rudder - its a bit of an unresponsive pig but more comfortable sitting up front
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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29 June 2009, 10:30
Country: Other
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Great read,
A couple of weeks ago we had the main engine fail just off the Flannan Isles, 20 odd miles from the Isle of Lewis, we switched to our 8HP Aux which moved our 5.4M Searider at about 5 kts. Unfortunately the gearbox died after about 40 mins and the VHF started to look like the only option. After a bit of soul searching, praying and swearing we managed to get the main restarted and make it back home, I think the remoteness is the worrying part, even with the binoculars there were no other boats or ships visible.
29 June 2009, 11:41
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardfern
Boat name: Moon Raker
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Honda BF 90 D
MMSI: 235035994
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 694
Originally Posted by jimn
Great read,
A couple of weeks ago we had the main engine fail just off the Flannan Isles, 20 odd miles from the Isle of Lewis, we switched to our 8HP Aux which moved our 5.4M Searider at about 5 kts. Unfortunately the gearbox died after about 40 mins and the VHF started to look like the only option. After a bit of soul searching, praying and swearing we managed to get the main restarted and make it back home, I think the remoteness is the worrying part, even with the binoculars there were no other boats or ships visible.
Thank you. Now yours was a real adventure, pushes mine into the shade. Yes, it is the remoteness. Best to sit down straight away before the crew see the knees buckle.  In my defence, I was asked to give my tale a bit of drama. It is all true.
Though worrying, the remoteness does make one dig deep and awaken inbuilt survival instincts. You know you're on your own so you just get on with it. Real seamanship is as much about an attitude of mind as it is about boat handling and navigation. I am ever grateful for the things I learned - on my first ship, straight out of college - from Jim, an AB on his last voyage, who spent twenty five years sailing square riggers round the Horn. Not a lot phases you after listening to, and being taught by, a man like that.
29 June 2009, 14:11
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardfern
Boat name: Moon Raker
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Honda BF 90 D
MMSI: 235035994
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 694
Many thanks for all the comments and feedback on my adventure. It was worrying at the time, but in the the great scheme of things a bit of a minor incident. I'm pleased though that it's stimulated thought and a good discussion. I know I'll be working out a way of getting fuel out of the main tank more easily.
willk : I've got some of the older 'squeezy bulb' type syphon pumps. They don't like petrol, but would be ok in an emergency. Didn't have one aboard then. I pulled the priming bulb side of the pipe off the water separator. Didn't think of getting the pipe off after the bulb. I think that would be best in case there's not much fuel left in the main tank. No, I didn't go ashore at Uamh nan Gall so didn't see the cave. Will try next time.
Thanks JSP.
Praise indeed Codprawn, thanks. Agree, jiggle syphon no good, but a priming bulb and some lengths of pipe might be a good idea?
neilda, chewy, Nos4r2, IBWET : Thanks.
29 June 2009, 14:49
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardfern
Boat name: Moon Raker
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Honda BF 90 D
MMSI: 235035994
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 694
Originally Posted by tonymac
Thats one heck of a story. Had me on the edge of my seat!
How do you get the aux on the transom of the destroyer. Its an odd shape of a thing and I looked at mine and have wondered just how to get an aux on to it.
Also love your rib tent. Where did you get it? Cost?
I fastened a piece of wood to the transom, as thick as the 'lip' along the top edge. Unfortunately, the wood plus transom was too thick for the aux. clamp bracket. So had to fit another piece of wood to the first bit and higher, so the motor could clamp to that. It works, but that's the reason the motor's too high when running. I've just looked and haven't got a picture showing the thing so hope you can imagine. Incidentally, it's the old style horizontal transom, not the groovy curvy one.
The tent? I made it.
Plastic overflow pipe £16.00
Heavy duty Tarpaulin from tarpaflex £25.00
Polymarine round cleats, £30.00
About £60.00 's worth of various special sticky tapes, eyelets, stretchy ball fasteners, etc, all from the tarp websites. The windows came later. I bought the material from a tent material supplier, can't remember who. About £20 for a large amount. Biggest expense, apart from my labour  was about £150's worth of stainless tubing for the supports and some welding of brackets etc.
29 June 2009, 15:32
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Posts: 14,935
Well. I'm a keen camper and ribber, but hadn't thought about combining the two, still trying to work out where you lie down??  Nice bit of tentgeneering though
I should have explained myself better in my previous post. Obviously the jiggle syphon won't lift fuel from a main tank - but will do a tidy and safe job of filling an outboard "internal" tank when in situ on a transom. Good for lots of other things too
Taking the fuel line off the engine side of the bulb was what I had in mind for "milking" fuel... I think it shoud work, slowly, as Nos said.
Once again - nicely handled on the water!
29 June 2009, 16:09
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardfern
Boat name: Moon Raker
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 5m +
Engine: Honda BF 90 D
MMSI: 235035994
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 694
Originally Posted by willk
Well. I'm a keen camper and ribber, but hadn't thought about combining the two, still trying to work out where you lie down??  Nice bit of tentgeneering though
I should have explained myself better in my previous post. Obviously the jiggle syphon won't lift fuel from a main tank - but will do a tidy and safe job of filling an outboard "internal" tank when in situ on a transom. Good for lots of other things too
Taking the fuel line off the engine side of the bulb was what I had in mind for "milking" fuel... I think it shoud work, slowly, as Nos said.
Once again - nicely handled on the water!
Cheers.  I put a 'hammock' from tube to tube across the bench seat. Use dry bags full of kit to fill up the gaps and as a pillow. Gets quite comfortable after a while, but it might not be if you're nearer 6ft. than I am. If there's more than a ripple on the water though, it gets very noisy if your head's on the tubes.
Advantages - Comfortable, spacious, full headroom. no - or few- midges. No cows, deer, sheep, gamekeepers or people in peaked caps. The boat's insured while at anchor.
Disadvantages - Haven't worked out how I could fit in a girlfriend. Most ladies find the Sunseeker in the corner more enticing.  It being so large, the tent's a bit dodgy in force 6 or more.
29 June 2009, 18:03
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 14,935
Alystra - it's really quite intriguing, dare I inquire about your cooking arrangements, which I suspect you have sorted?
I'd not bother with the girlfriend/rib-camping thing (although I'll admit I was wrong about the rib/camping combination itself). I think it's fraught with risk. If she likes it, you'd have to marry her  .
29 June 2009, 18:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Southport
Boat name: Qudos
Make: 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 115 V4
MMSI: 235068784
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Originally Posted by willk
If she likes it, you'd have to marry her  .
29 June 2009, 22:19
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by alystra
The tent? I made it.
Dare I ask how long to put it up?
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