08 September 2006, 21:55
Country: UK - Wales
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mirror of engines - what the hell does that mean?
I said that Greek RIB was awesome and was full of praise for it. Sorry I did now - don't think the Greeks would be very happy if we made fun of all their boats!!!
09 September 2006, 06:06
Country: Belgium
Length: 9m +
Engine: Ob 2*250/2t yams hpd
MMSI: 235030702
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Posts: 885
Originally Posted by signum
At least my friend EUPA they won a tough race in Egypt with very little budget against myth ribs.....
i would suggest next time not to hide behind yr anonymity to call someone a clawn....first look your face in the mirror!!
Myth ribs - do you mean 'non existant' -Manos was the sole entrant. Soit he came in last and first
Hiding behind anonymity. Doubt it very much. If you want my contact here you go:"Europe Press Services ltd. :europepress@gmail.com .You can call me by my first name. "Sir" is not necessary.
Look at myself every day---- sometimes impressed, sometimes deceived by the image
I will tell you what all this is about : You prasied Paul Lenner as seemingly being akin to a greek God. Some time ago , my company was seriousely thinking of taking Lenner to court.
09 September 2006, 07:01
Country: Greece
Make: X-TRIM
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Posts: 56
Jonathan, since now you are writing with better attitude i will reply.
Here in Greece the Brit ribs like scorpion,cobra,sportribs etc over the years gained (for our seas) a very good name.
They run fast,turn like train etc....and they are manufactured in the best shipyards with controlled temp for the polyesters etc etc....and from the other hand the Greek ribs are made in warehouses,they are "bad",they have bad quality,they use pakistans or indians to built the hull,with low standards etc etc.....
this here is our reality..(not true but this is what is said for most companies)
If you read the first pages here you will see that manos gave nothing to the Greek participant because of theese reasons.
so, wouldn't you be proud if after all theese, a Greek takes the 1st place and prize as a bad outsider??
Manos was not a participant at all....he went to Egypt because he knew the driver and went just for the show......if you read in beggining he actually wrote that we have no chance......and now he turned 180 degrees!!!!!
Speaking of Lemmer.....i don't know him...just that he is a champion of last year?so, for me that means that he knows to race a rib in all kinds of sea...our driver has a restaurant,he owns a rib for the pleasure nothing to do with races.......and he managed to run and win!!! isn;t this something to be proud of???
And Jonathan remember.....it's not nice to use words like hairy clowns for someone you don't know.....you should be more carefull next time...Greeks did nothing to you!
09 September 2006, 08:06
Country: Belgium
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Engine: Ob 2*250/2t yams hpd
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Posts: 885
And Jonathan remember.....it's not nice to use words like hairy clowns for someone you don't know.....you should be more carefull next time...Greeks did nothing to you!
Signum, don't get me wrong- there is nothing so ugly as to see a man with hairy armpits. I know its natural but not exactly photogenic.Coul'nt we have had a well endowed blond holding the cup? (pun intended) .(Richard B -plesae supply)
I am still trying to interpret the other parts of your message.... perhaps you would be good enough to paraphrase it for me??
I have no ax to grind against any race, creed, or colour.A man should be judged by his actions.I even like Jono !!!!If you are talking about people living in the welsh mountains.... that is a different story........
09 September 2006, 10:38
Country: Belgium
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Engine: Ob 2*250/2t yams hpd
MMSI: 235030702
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 885
I said that Greek RIB was awesome and was full of praise for it.
No Codders, your rib is better. The Greek one looks nice but that's it. How much was that one compared to yours???? Its the same old story ......you can pay the earth for a rib but it depends on what you want out of it
You will also be happy to hear that I have now added a BMW 520D estate to my fleet--- and frankly -- as regards engineering - its in a class of it's own.
09 September 2006, 11:14
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Originally Posted by codprawn
mirror of engines - what the hell does that mean?
I would imagine he means a broken steering 'tie-bar'. (track-rod to you)
09 September 2006, 12:18
Country: Belgium
Town: Brussels
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by codprawn
mirror of engines - what the hell does that mean?
I said that Greek RIB was awesome and was full of praise for it. Sorry I did now - don't think the Greeks would be very happy if we made fun of all their boats!!!
When we say Mirror in Greek we mean what you call in English transom.
As far as making fun of one another I only notice the typical ironic comments of the brits. I guess when you can't achieve results you're only left with irony.
Basicaly the british boats were reported to have had structural brakes in transom, hull, detached tubes, broken consoles etc. and also problems with the electronics.
Some of the best British boats participated such as the bladerunner of the photo below and also bananashark and the SR9 by Pascoe, Scorpion (HOT LEMON)

Besides the poor reliablity, the british boats proved to be no match in terms of performance to the Greek RIB. The Greek TOPLINE RIB won easily all 4 legs of the rally.
Also below a link to the feedback from a Belgian participation that sadly had to stop as early as the 1st day (due to breaks that you can see on their british boat). At least they had the guts to publish their experience on the internet
09 September 2006, 16:41
Country: Belgium
Length: 9m +
Engine: Ob 2*250/2t yams hpd
MMSI: 235030702
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 885
Also below a link to the feedback from a Belgian participation that sadly had to stop as early as the 1st day (due to breaks that you can see on their british boat). At least they had the guts to publish their experience on the internet
Come off it!! there is one photo showing a small crack about 20 cms long. Any sailor worth his salt could have fixed that in 5 minutes....( supose it was the transom- in which case -what was the maximum power that boat was bulit for??. What are you?? members from the local WI???
09 September 2006, 16:44
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by eupa
I have no ax to grind against any race, creed, or colour.A man should be judged by his actions.I even like Jono !!!!If you are talking about people living in the welsh mountains.... that is a different story........
Don't you mean axE with an E??? Or have you forgotten to talk proper like what i can???
09 September 2006, 18:14
Country: Other
Town: Oakley
Boat name: Zerstörer
Make: Ribcraft
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Originally Posted by eupa
Also below a link to the feedback from a Belgian participation that sadly had to stop as early as the 1st day (due to breaks that you can see on their british boat). At least they had the guts to publish their experience on the internet
Come off it!! there is one photo showing a small crack about 20 cms long. Any sailor worth his salt could have fixed that in 5 minutes....( supose it was the transom- in which case -what was the maximum power that boat was bulit for??. What are you?? members from the local WI???
I didn't think they were British Boats ! Its a Ribeye isn't it ?
09 September 2006, 18:16
Country: Belgium
Length: 9m +
Engine: Ob 2*250/2t yams hpd
MMSI: 235030702
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 885
Originally Posted by codprawn
Don't you mean axE with an E??? Or have you forgotten to talk proper like what i can???
Hi codders. Do you think the Greeks will spot the difference?? Forgot the "e"
They are a pretty insulting lot.... Their english is appalling.......
09 September 2006, 18:51
Country: Greece
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Posts: 639
Originally Posted by eupa
Signum, don't get me wrong- there is nothing so ugly as to see a man with hairy armpits. I know its natural but not exactly photogenic.Coul'nt we have had a well endowed blond holding the cup? (pun intended) ....
Evidently you prefer men without hairy armpits while these two, the hairy clowns, prefer women without hairy armpits.
Michael a.k.a "Bat Falcon"
10 September 2006, 08:07
Country: Belgium
Town: Brussels
Length: no boat
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by eupa
Come off it!! there is one photo showing a small crack about 20 cms long. Any sailor worth his salt could have fixed that in 5 minutes....( supose it was the transom- in which case -what was the maximum power that boat was bulit for??. What are you?? members from the local WI???
Hi Jonathan - According to what they pusblished on their site this Belgian participation had to quit the race during the 1st leg after they passed waypoint3 and while they were leading the F3 Class. Their rib was broken in 3 different places and the tubes got detatched from the hull. They were devasted that they had to quit. They could not repair it locally. That is what they mention in their web page in Flemish (which I speak since I live in Belgium with my Flemish wife). I don't know these people and simply quote what they made available for everybody to read on their site. I do appreciate their honesty though.
Frankly I don't understand your tone and your comments about members of the local WI.
Best Regards
10 September 2006, 13:16
Country: Belgium
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Engine: Ob 2*250/2t yams hpd
MMSI: 235030702
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 885
Evidently you prefer men without hairy armpits while these two, the hairy clowns, prefer women without hairy armpits.
I dont prefer men ( - I thought that was a greek speciality?) - quote me correctly if you wasnt to quote... I said the photo was not excactly 'photogenic"
1. unattractive
2. ugly
3 disgusting
4.ect ect..
10 September 2006, 13:25
Country: Belgium
Length: 9m +
Engine: Ob 2*250/2t yams hpd
MMSI: 235030702
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 885
Their rib was broken in 3 differe
only one was shown on the website. What was the make of the Rib?- apparantly it was not made in the UK?
I also live in Belgium... Waterloo to be precise and my daughter is a university language lecturer at Louvain le Neuf...... Its not a qestion of speaking Flemish- more to the facts as presented...
When you look at the posts presented - it seems that your failure was due to the bad quality of your boat build. I find it repugnant to blaim the boat for your apparent poor sea-manship.We have a saying " a bad workman grumbles at his tools"- perhaps this is more true than ever??
10 September 2006, 16:37
Country: Belgium
Town: Brussels
Length: no boat
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 6
Jonathan, many congratulations for your daughter but I fail to see how her job is relevant to anything that has to do with the red sea rib rally. Also Waterloo in Belgium is on the French speaking part of Belgium.
The Belgian participation is not my boat and I don't know any more about what happened to it other than what is posted on their website for everybody to see. The web site is in Flemish(Dutch) and thus I can understand it. I wouldn't be able to understand e.g. a Swedish web page and for me being able to read something versus being unable to read it does make a difference.
I find it somehow difficult to accept that you know better what happened to that boat being in Waterloo, Belgium whilst the authors of the web page were actualy inside the RIB. Anyway you're entitled to have an opinion and it is respected from my side.
I don't have any particular interest in that boat/crew - it is sad for them that they had to quit so soon in the race but things like that happen. Better luck next time.
More to the point we have yet to get any news/explanations from the high profile British participations about their performance. I think all Greek RIBsters are glad about the result but still very mystified. The fact that a Greek boat won the rally doesn't mean that all Greek boats are better than all British boats. This would be like suggesting that because Renault won the F1 championship that all the French cars are better than all the rest.
I think it is fair to say that this win demonstrates that the Greeks can produce RIBs of very high quality and performance. And that the Greek crew did an excellent job during that rally.
But that aside there are some other equally important points which do raise more than a few eyebrows:
This is the very 1st time that this Greek RIB and crew competed in an international event of such high caliber. On the other hand some of the other participants from britain were known high-perfomance RIBs with experienced crew. Very often in this forum (and even in this very thread) people have expressed the opinion that these british crafts are very fast and can handle really bad weather - some members have gone as far to suggest that the waves in the Greek seas are never quite as nasty as those in the ocean where the british RIBs perform so well. All of this is fine and respected.
But if any of it is true, how is it possible that the Greek boat won all 4 legs of the Red sea Rib Rally so easy?
So far the only thing that came as a reply is that we Greeks are ugly, disgusting, unattractive, hairy clowns, our english is apalling and we are an insulting lot. That may well be, but none of it explains what happened in Egypt during the Red Sea Rib Rally.
10 September 2006, 17:10
Country: Greece
Make: X-TRIM
Length: 10m +
Engine: 2X225 4STR JOHNSON
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 56
protaris....let him be....(eupa)
At the end Greeks are ugly,discussting etc etc for a belgian....OK sir, then don;t ever come to Greece to meet us!
Because if you do i'm sure your attitude will change! our reputation exceeds our country years and years now for our hospitality!
and even if we don't speak the English language well.....so what?
At least we have a native language which is GREEK adn from which all other languages have taken elements.....your language mr eupa is native or stolen from French,British and other before them that occupied you over the ages????
10 September 2006, 20:35
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by signum
Because if you do i'm sure your attitude will change! our reputation exceeds our country years and years now for our hospitality!
Unless you are a British plane spotter!!!
10 September 2006, 21:07
Country: Greece
Make: X-TRIM
Length: 10m +
Engine: 2X225 4STR JOHNSON
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 56
cod..:Unless you are a British plane spotter!!!:....i didn't catch that! please explain.
10 September 2006, 21:14
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by signum
cod..:Unless you are a British plane spotter!!!:....i didn't catch that! please explain.
Basically 12 people were arreseted in Greece for spying - they were treated very badly and yet they were totally innocent. There really was a hell of a fuss about it at the time - must have lost Greece a fortune in tourism - you really only expect to be treated like that in places like the old USSR!!!
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