Originally Posted by John Kennett
How is the Bananashark getting on?
Didn't do well unfortunately. May be next year.
The RALLY (is not a race) was an experience for me. I was lucky enough to be invited by Grigoris as the moral support for the team and I was also lucky to be able to particiapate as a rescue crew driver on RESCUE 3 and also navigator on the same boat in one of the legs of the rally. Unfortunately doctor ordered and I had to stop due a serious hematoma which developed on an old injury on my left leg.
I met with some wonderful sincere people, had great laughs and made some VERY GOOD friends.
Congratulations to all the participants and and in particular Sir Charles Bloice and Paul Lemmer who were racing on Sir Charles' aluminium RIB

and Josh (I think) on the Phantom Evolution. Great boat
The Greek boat IMHO
it was by far the best boat for this race and prevailing weather and sea conditions and I believe that it wan fairly.
So GONGRATS to the Greek builder TOP LINE and crew Grigoris (the pilot) and Adonis (the co-pilot).
Also a BIG thank you to V for the VERY fast and at times VERTICAL experience on the SR9 and hopefuly will see him in Portugal in a couple weeks time.
All in all the race was a success and hopefully it will be a bigger success next year.
I just hope that more people come.
Will post some photos and videos later on since I'm on my way to the hospital for a small operation on my foot.