Originally Posted by blueboy758
I'm thinking about moving the bottle rack so it's sideways just behind the console.
My first boat had it like that and when I specced a new Humber last year It was side ways to.
Only problem is that it was done properly.
What is the glue they use to help bond it ? Any advice ?
The bottle rack will either be:-
Bolted to a deck matrix, best method imho.
Be screwed & glassed in, good.
Screwed to the deck & Sika'd (Sika 291 is the usual stuff, sticks like do-dah to a blanket) this would be my least preferred method.
If you turn your bottle rack sideways you will increase the forces on the rack mountings, due to the feet being further away from the centre line & increasing the moment. Stick some heavy diving gear in a rack & start throwing it around in a lumpy sea.........

Also if you mount the rack sideways, loading of the diving gear will be critical to maintain the balance of the boat.
It also makes it a pain to get around.
All IMHO of course.