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Old 26 June 2014, 18:51   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
The Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat: De La Warr Bexhill

Stroke of luck for us locals, just seen this flagged up in the local What's On guide:

A 10 day voyage from Wales to Bexhill then on display in the rooftop foyer of the De La Warr Pavilion

Voyage: 25 June – 5 July. Arrives on Bexhill beach on 5 July beach at 12 noon
Exhibition: A History of the Rigid Inflatable Boat: 5 July – 7 September

In 1962, the visionary educator Kurt Hahn opened the United World College of The Atlantic in South Wales. It brought together young people from all over the globe in the belief that boundaries are broken when people are put in situations of adversity and rescue. With this in mind, and due to the College’s seafront location, the students were asked to become engaged in a service which protects and saves lives. After two years of experimentation and testing, the Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RIB) was launched and became the most successful rescue boat in sea-faring history. The patent was sold to the RNLI for £1 and it has now become the service’s most active Lifeboat and is named after the place of its birth: The Atlantic Class Lifeboat......

Rooftop Foyer - The Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RIB)
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