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Old 02 April 2010, 12:10   #1
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Thinking of Zapcat - info required?

Afternoon all,

I stumbled across this forum after searching the net for a dedicated Zapcat forum.

I am seriously considering buying into this crazy sport after watching a whole host of You Tube clips and chatting with a guy who owned one down my local slip. Over the years I have owned a plethora of jetskis but this time I fancied a bit of a change but still wanted to be out on the water as much as poss.

Wondered if you guys could give me some pointers and answer a few questions, I am trying to do things the right way having bought a Virgin Zapcat experience day do I could actually get out on the water and experienceit first hand. Then my plan is to purchase a ready to roll setup, secondhand though as budget won't stretch to a new setup.

Them I guess it's just about getting out on the water as much as possible!!!

I wonder if someone could tell me if a Zapcat on a trailer will fit in a bog standard single garage??

Reading some other posts the advice seems to be to buy a secondhand hull but where possible buy a new engine - can anyone point me in the direction of where you tend to buy the Tohatsu outboards and what sort of money I can expect to pay for a new one??

Then I suppose I best find myself a co pilot and go have some fun.

Look forward to hearing from other members with info.


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Old 02 April 2010, 15:21   #2
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Originally Posted by Sit View Post
I wonder if someone could tell me if a Zapcat on a trailer will fit in a bog standard single garage??
I don't have one, but based on what I just found courtesty of google they appear to be 4.1m long & 2.1m wide. My rib is 5.3 long / 2.1 wide and fits a "standard" garage, only thing is you'll need to be careful getting it through the door - there's not going to be a huge amount of clearance, but should fit.

Originally Posted by Sit View Post
Reading some other posts the advice seems to be to buy a secondhand hull but where possible buy a new engine - can anyone point me in the direction of where you tend to buy the Tohatsu outboards and what sort of money I can expect to pay for a new one??
I think you'll be hard pushed to find a new 2- stroke these days thanks to the emissions rules. Having said that, there's a few (!) zapcatters on here will probably be more helpful than I just was!

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Old 02 April 2010, 16:17   #3
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Originally Posted by 9D280 View Post

I think you'll be hard pushed to find a new 2- stroke these days thanks to the emissions rules. Having said that, there's a few (!) zapcatters on here will probably be more helpful than I just was!
The Tohatsu's are apparently still available if you're racing. I bet the Zapcat boys will be able to get hold of them.
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Old 02 April 2010, 19:43   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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If it comes with the standard Zapcat Trailer then this wont fit in a standard garage as it is wider than the boat. Needs a garage door width of at least 8ft to fit. Although saying that there are different trailers and ones that raise the boat so the wheels are underneath the high jackers so it will fit in a standard garage.

As for the engine the best place to contact would be www.zapcat-racing.com they sell the complete package also 2nd hand boats.
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