01 August 2008, 06:51
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Thanks Colin 
I have the size 5 cover on a 6.5meter however the discovery console is lower than yours and your rib is the same beam as mine.
I would be tempted to take some measurements from under the strake over the top of your console screen to under the other strake then phone the ebay guy and he will tell you which cover you need.
I have also had to cut mine at the back to fit around the aframe which was a bit of an arse however I think he will do that for you if you give him some dimmensions.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
01 August 2008, 11:40
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Thanks Chris,
I actually bought a 17'-19' grey cover off ebay a week or so back and it fits ok on the beam, but will need a bit of 'cut & shut' detailing to get around the A-frame. Its not wide enough to go over the A-frame, but should be ok to go over the motor, once I get my bowie knife into action. 
How did you finish off the bits you chopped through for the A-frame on yours? Got any pics?
02 August 2008, 07:04
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Thanks Chris,
I actually bought a 17'-19' grey cover off ebay a week or so back and it fits ok on the beam, but will need a bit of 'cut & shut' detailing to get around the A-frame. Its not wide enough to go over the A-frame, but should be ok to go over the motor, once I get my bowie knife into action. 
How did you finish off the bits you chopped through for the A-frame on yours? Got any pics?
I ended up cutting out a rectangular panel the width of the aframe. Then the two side pieces extend over the rear parts of the tubes and I made a couple of straps that wrap them around the tubes. I got a local seamstress to hemm all areas that I cut and reinforce the corners of the rectangular cut out where they are pulled up agains the aframe.
THis does mean that very rear of the deck between the aframe is uncovered but that is not a bother, its mainly the tubes, upholstery and the console that I wanted to protect.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
02 August 2008, 22:06
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03 August 2008, 20:59
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Originally Posted by Chris
I ended up cutting out a rectangular panel the width of the aframe. Then the two side pieces extend over the rear parts of the tubes and I made a couple of straps that wrap them around the tubes. I got a local seamstress to hemm all areas that I cut and reinforce the corners of the rectangular cut out where they are pulled up agains the aframe.
THis does mean that very rear of the deck between the aframe is uncovered but that is not a bother, its mainly the tubes, upholstery and the console that I wanted to protect.
what did ya do with the shock cord! seems its all one bit and will kinda go boing if cut!
03 August 2008, 21:23
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Originally Posted by gtflash
what did ya do with the shock cord! seems its all one bit and will kinda go boing if cut!
There's a join in there somewhere - undo it with the cover off the boat!
I'm planning to cut the shockcord and use some plastic bungee hooks to re-join the pieces when the cover is fitted onto the boat.
04 August 2008, 06:51
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by gtflash
what did ya do with the shock cord! seems its all one bit and will kinda go boing if cut!
I just cut through mine then got the seamstress to pull it back through and sew it into the ends where I cut out the panel.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
04 August 2008, 09:32
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Tried mine out on Saturday ( the biggest given I want tbe sure of covering all the tubes & have a high ish cabin to cover) - looks ace - I didnt get to fit it properly as the boat is on a mooring, but there shoud be plenty of material to be sure its fits around the aframe. I just need to buy a sewing machine & get Mrs to learn how to use it - this will be the hardest & most challenging part of anything to do with boats I have ever done ! Thanks to all who posted on the thread as it was everyones good comments that made me order. I'd suggest given the numbers that seem to have been purchased some kind of ribnet discount is in order , but they seem to be such good value anyway I'd feel too guilty !
04 August 2008, 12:55
Country: UK - England
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Here are some pics of how I have done mine.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
12 August 2008, 21:22
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Chris
Ive done a few hundred miles with no problems
Scratch that, I have had one problem, when one of the straps loosened it has worn a slight dip 2 inches wide on my nice new rubbing strake
I have now added anothe webbing strap up front to avoid this again but will be keeping a close eye on it
I think I might go for a console cover as its going to be a lot less hassle and wont risk further damage to the tubes.
Anyone had one made for the Osprey Discovery console?
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
19 August 2008, 22:41
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I have, or rather my mam has  now cut the cover and fitted 4 zips into it to allow it to fit around the A-frame. Just needs an extra length of shock cord to go in the rear piece between the toob ends and it will all be finished.
Worked out ok in the end
19 August 2008, 22:44
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
I have, or rather my mam has  now cut the cover and fitted 4 zips into it to allow it to fit around the A-frame. Just needs an extra length of shock cord to go in the rear piece between the toob ends and it will all be finished.
Worked out ok in the end 
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05 September 2008, 20:05
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05 September 2008, 22:51
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Yes, but I don't know the std code from Mars
Try 0870 043 4942
Your caps lock is on again
06 September 2008, 07:06
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Thanks for that Number Downhilldai. std code for mars 01983
06 September 2008, 10:23
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So, who does a 7m cover in black,grey or silver?
06 September 2008, 10:45
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Originally Posted by Mollers
So, who does a 7m cover in black,grey or silver? 
Oh be careful!
Pop over to Port Isaac and see Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, he'll tell you which colours will 'work' for you!
06 September 2008, 12:00
RIBnet admin team
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It's a shame dayglo fades so fast or I'd have a dayglo cover so the morons in cars would actually see the boat
It'd be handy as a deterrent against theft too. No-one wants to nick something that bloody obvious and removing a cover takes time...
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06 September 2008, 12:27
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Originally Posted by Kernow
Oh be careful!
Pop over to Port Isaac and see Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, he'll tell you which colours will 'work' for you! 
You may scoff, to get it wrong would make my Missus very poorly.
06 September 2008, 14:48
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Originally Posted by Mollers
So, who does a 7m cover in black,grey or silver? 
speedwellstar on Ebay.
I got one last year, and it seems quite good, nice heavy duty material, but a bit short. Bought another this year though to lengthen the first one, and not as good - they were sent a shipment of the wrong grade covers, so had thinner material.
Give them a call and ask when they are getting the heavier duty ones in again, I sent mine back and am waiting for those...
Just don't be misled by the pic that says 24'6" - it's not!
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