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Old 19 July 2021, 06:08   #1
Country: Canada
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 2
Thoughts on a 2004 AB 14 VST

Hey all,

I found what seems to be a decent RIB for a decent price. I was hoping to get others input though as I have limited knowledge of RIB’s. This is a 2004 AB 14 VST with a 2004 Yamaha 90hp 2T. It come with a trailer and from the photos it looks like it has been well cared for. The asking price is $12500 (Canadian) $9900 (USD) $7200 (GBP) the owner and I had a chat about the boat and he informs me that it runs well and can handle some decent water, that said he is the seller. I am having a tough time finding much information on this boat, but I must say it does sound like a good boat for my protected water and big-ish lake boating that I tend to do.

So, any opinions would be welcome, thank you.

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